
How are clubs doing in your area in general?

Avatar for blahblahblah23
blahblahblah23>:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣

I feel like a lot of clubs seem to boom when they just reopen regardless of stupid new limitations, but is biz still good outside of initial reopening in your areas? Is it slower than normal, average, better than normal?

Thanks in advance


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Avatar for winex

No lap dances or VIP in Arizona. Just stage dances. And apparently you can pay dancers to sit next to you in the club.

How busy is it?

Probably not very busy. But I don’t know from first hand experiences. It seems like their are quicker ways to throw away money than going to a club.

Avatar for Icey


There are a few illegally opened as restaurants in LA but its tons of girls and not many customers

Avatar for Icey

Vegas is closed. There are underground parties but they're just hype pretty much

Avatar for blahblahblah23

So I feel like with everything I've been hearing that the bigger cities are way more affected by recent events and seem like they are sorta fucked up to make money in right now w/ too many girls hardly any customers. But I also know from firsthand experience that hicky small towns can be hard to make money in from clubs just not being set up for bigger money spending and due to the type of clientele/their mindset.

Avatar for winex

I did neglect to mention one thing - alcohol free nude clubs are still open with business as usual. I haven’t been to any so I don’t know how business is. But there is a little activity in Arizona.

Avatar for winex

In Arizona, the pandemic is the issue. Riots are a non-event. There were a few in the first days after George Floyd died, but the governor set a state wide curfew for a week and things have been peaceful since.

Avatar for shadowcat

I haven't been to a club since March 12. Si all I know about Atlanta clubs is what I read her and that ain't good. Follies has not reopened and it looks doubtful that it will. It's replacement seems to be Club Platinum a tiny former black club. Some of Follies staff and dancers have moved there and initially it looked like a replacement for Follies on a much small scale but latest reports indicate that things have since gone down hill. The other clubs appear to be stumbling with getting enough dancers to come in because of fear of the virus. Clubs seem to me following CDC guide lines. Generally customers are not happy with the choices available right now. That includes me.

Avatar for Muddy

Closed in NYC. Jersey is getting mixed reviews. Long Island, I haven't really hit hard during Covid to know. Some good reviews coming out of their though.

Avatar for doctorevil

In the clubs I have been to in Atlanta, JAX, Tampa area, it’s almost been business as usual. Temp check at the door and sometimes a mask requirement to get in, and allegedly capacity controls, but once inside no masks or loosely enforced, crowded, and extras freely available in those clubs where they were available before.

Avatar for docsavage

All the clubs in Indianapolis were open a couple of weeks and then closed again when there was a spike in cases. While they were open, with the exception of reopening weekend, there were fewer customers and fewer dancers.

Avatar for PredragDr

Northern California is closed indefinitely. I could see many if not most of them never re-opening. Many believed it was imminent even before covid due to the independent contractor ban in California.

Avatar for skibum609

A few clubs are open without dances so I don't go and have no idea. One club is open as usual with less tables and no stage. Dancers at least some seem to be doing well with private dances. I have been going thirty years and I find it great now.

Avatar for Electronman

A few Michigan clubs are open as bikini clubs, if they can claim that they serve enough food to qualify as a restaurant. Private dances are still high mileage in the Detroit suburbs but pretty limited elsewhere.

Avatar for Tetradon

New England is still pretty shut down, but slowly opening up. Place I went yesterday is using the "restaurant" loophole. Others only open in partial capacity.

Avatar for RTP

In North Carolina, the only clubs that are open are the clubs with kitchens. The one club I visited has raised the price of drinks, eliminated general floor dances which were $10 and raised the VIP dance price from $30 to $35. I talked to a few dancers who said that they are making almost the same money. Not from me. I have stopped by 3 times, but am irritated by the cost increase and concerned about Covid.

Avatar for rickdugan

The Jacksonville clubs that are open seem to be doing fine. It's a bit slow on the early weekday evenings, but packed Thursday - Saturday.

With that said, some of the clubs that do not have restaurant licenses may be closed for good. FL finally allowed bars that do not serve food to re-open this week, but two J'ville clubs owned by the same guy have remained closed. I guess that's what happens when you starve a business of income for 6 whole months.

One note re: Atlanta - I was there about a month ago and my experiences were a little different than shadow described. Granted I was clubbing on Th and Fr nights, but the two clubs I visited were hitting capacity, including one with a line to get in. I also skipped one club because the parking lot was packed. Maybe Atlanta is like J'ville right now, with slower day and early week evening shifts but hopping prime time shifts, idk.

Avatar for Maz

Lexington KY clubs are still operating much as before. Masks on dancers at a couple places. Just fewer girls to go around. One afternoon Diva's had 9 girls, but 4 customers which surprises me since much fun can be had. Exactly one week later only 3 girls were working.

Avatar for wallanon

Indy is closed again already?

Avatar for wallanon

In South and Central Texas the two main club towns are Austin and San Antonio. Corpus Christi has strip clubs but is still down. Austin has been back up for a while now, at least a month after the second shutdown. The BYOB clubs stayed open, and most strip clubs are open again in ATX. I've seen Divas, XTC, Landing Strip, and P10 North. Will probably get around to some others, but those four kept me busy.

Masks are required for entry, plus a temp check at some but not others, and it gets a little touch and go after that. The policy is generally mask on unless you're eating or drinking at a table (or the bar if there is service at the bar). Clubs I've seen are a little less busy, but still active. Have been there on Friday and Saturday plus slower days, and as expected nights are busier and Fri/Sat nights are packed with dancers and customers. Mileage is about the same as pre-COVID from what I can tell. Drink prices are about the same. No liquor charge at BYOB places.

San Antonio is a little different. Mask and temp check requirements are the same as Austin. The BYOB clubs did stay open, but two of them (Diamonds and Monte Carlo) closed suddenly and haven't reopened. Rumor is Diamonds (which was packed nightly) got hit with an ICE raid, haven't heard about Monte Carlo. XTC Cabaret is a chain, and the one in San Antonio operates as an after hours BYOB spot without a dayshift. It's 18 and up and filled with hotheads, plus had a shooting recently that involved an AK-47. The club isn't in a bad spot, it just attracts bad clientele along with the usual mix. Last time I was there after the shooting the crowd hadn't gotten back to normal, but it was still busy. Playboy Club is also open but not busy and isn't a great option with talent.

Non BYOB strip clubs are basically two choices right now, Sugar's and Perfect 10. Perfect 10 opened first, and to me is actually better than it was pre-COVID. Their first reopen wasn't great, but the second reopen they've worked out their pandemic protocols and it appears to be running more smoothly. Same for Sugar's. Prices are up across the board at Sugar's (door charge, VIP rates, etc) which is different from the reopen. Both P10 and Sugar's appear to be doing good business, but Sugar's has been less crowded and it might have something to do with their jacking up their prices.

Door charge for both clubs is $15 now up from $5 during the day. Night cover is still $20. Drink prices are about the same. VIP access charge at Sugar's is now $32.50 for 30 minutes, which isn't as bad as some places (LS in ATX is $50 a trip and we won't talk about P10 ATX) but more than what used to be a charge for all day. Sugar's is also the only club that is enforcing food purchases. There must be food on the table to order alcohol. It was a little more complicated just after the second reopen, but maybe they figured out counting drinks worked well for no one.

P10 VIP is $40 to $100 (yeah it's a range) but the enforcement is a little iffy. If you don't mind taking chances have at it. And if you're in a strip club right now you clearly don't mind taking chances. Like Austin, mileage is about the same as before (good to very very very good). Rumor has it at least one of the other major clubs in San Antonio is reopening this week (Rick's is advertising tomorrow Sep 17th). If that happens the others probably aren't too far behind. I almost forgot Capisce is open as a strip club again. That club tries hard but their business has been slow. So that's the rundown.

Avatar for nicespice

Thanks for the update, Wall. And LOL at Capisce. Perrin-Beitel I think is just a terrible street for a strip club. They should at least move somewhere closer to 410. That old Chachos building may not be too bad. But somehow like a phoenix when a club shuts down in that building, it always manages to revive so what do I know...

Avatar for wallanon

Somehow like a phoenix? A hoodrat on fire, maybe...

Avatar for Icey

I didn't think about it before but now I'm starting to think about how many clubs will actually stay open once they reopen because of the economy.

A lot of dancers are waiting on clubs to open but are wary about going back right away plus many are settled into their new lives basically.

I'm also curious as to what the impact of onlyfans will be once clubs reopen and a lot of hoes are used to not having the club as a middle man now.

So I think when tnings reopen there will be a lot of new dynamics at play.

Avatar for PredragDr

Interesting range of comments. It sounds like the best strip club areas in the US currently are Texas and Florida (less South Florida). The entire Pacific time zone is now a wasteland even including Arizona.

Avatar for wallanon

Let's not forget about Detroit metro. It's probably still the pound for pound champ in the US, even with a couple of big losses. But if things keep going as they are maybe its claim is up for debate?

Avatar for Icey

I don't know if clubs will survive in the south when its so economically depressed low wages have to mean men aren't spending much

Avatar for Techman

I just left Concepts in Lawrenceburg Ind, seven dancers (7's to 9's) no extras but good grind with some stick shifting for $15 a dance.

Avatar for twboyhouston

Things in Texas are bad but probably better than elsewhere. Initially, in March, clubs were closed for about 3 months. Then they were open for about a month until COVID cases in Texas sky-rocketed. Much of the blame was placed on opening of bars and clubs. Then were closed again at the end of June except for nude clubs. Indeed, several of the topless clubs had closed a few days earlier because of the shutdown because COVID cases were so frequent in the club. After a month, the clubs with restaurants re-opened claiming they were restaurants and not bars. In that case, Texas allows them to be at 50% capacity. Businesses that claim they are bars are still closed. Since the re-opening most clubs have had very slow business in Houston. Additionally, they have been taking mask wearing and social distancing a lot more seriously. After the first shut-down basically no-one was wearing masks. After the second shut-down, you cannot get in the club without a mask. Also, all employees, including managers, waitresses, bartenders, and dancers wear masks at all times. Most dancers will remove their masks when giving a dance, if the dance is given in a semi-private area. Customers are expected to wear masks at all times except when drinking of eating. That means usually you can remove your mask when you sitting at a table. Why are they suddenly taking this mask thing so seriously? One, a large percentage of the employees got sick the first time, including most of the managers, and a lot of time did not return. So they know it's a serious business with serious down-time if they get sick. Two, health inspections have gotten a lot more frequent. There are surprise spot inspections every day, and the club can get fined or even closed down for violations. I have been at clubs several times when managers started running around telling everyone to put their masks on. That is why customers and dancers must always have their masks ready, usually pulled down but still hooked around the ears. The number of dancers at any time is way down, about 25% of the number before COVID. The percentage reduction in customers is even more. There are many dancers free every night. The reduction in customers is due to 3 things (1) Most of the Houston customers were convention goers. Since COVID, all conventions have been cancelled.(2) Houston has been economically hard hit because COVID has been particularly harsh on the oil industry, which is Houston's main source of wealth. (3) A lot of customers are too scared to come out since going to a strip club is probably one of the riskiest activities in the time of COVID. Still, if you are looking for a strip club experience, where the lap dances are as good as before COVID, things are good. There won't be nearly as many girls to choose from, and the atmosphere will be a lot quieter, and there is a kind of overhanging dread among everybody there. But you can choose to partake. I am still going, but more cautious than before. I always wear my mask, and I stay away from crowds. I limit my physical contact with dancers (i.e. no more kissing of lips or any body part). I use hand sanitizer after dances. I had myself tested multiple times and am negative.

Avatar for nicespice

I feel like my club is mostly business as usual. Last night, the DJ made some type of announcement about auditioning girls, which hasn’t been a thing in a while on Wednesday’s. They may be bringing back the amateur contest. 😁

There’s weird ebb and flows. But I feel like money is still there. Had a crappy few shifts and then made $1700 one Tuesday couple weeks ago. (Admittedly over the course of a really exhausting and mentally draining 13 hours at the club)

It’s inconsistent but there are bright spots.

I was hesitant to post anything cause it’s just one club, and idk about the whole metro area. I think the girls from Diamond on one Facebook group were complaining about it because of overly restrictive rules? But that was like a week ago and who knows maybe it improved again.

Avatar for NAAAASTY

This week came to see a fave and left early. Club was already popping.


Avatar for blahblahblah23


I didn't see that post till now. Congrats on having an awesome shift! 😁 interesting that places weren't hiring in Denver for a while, but makes sense given the events.

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