
The Ghost of Monger Future

You ever read posts on TUSCL and think "if I don't change my ways this could be me in a few years"?


  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    I'll probably turn into Gawker.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Yes but I've come to accept this inevitability.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    lol jackslash. I wonder if that's what awaits all at the pinnacle of the Monger's Hierarchy of Needs.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    But who exactly will Muddy inevitably become? Should we guess?
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    I think if you travel far enough down this rabbit hole, you end up as Gawker. The hole really doesn't go much further than that though and I think I'm ok with that.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    I'll just turn into a female Papi.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    There are guys who are prone to trying to use strippers to fill some void in their lives and others who are not. Gawker and some others here fall in the former category while some others around here are in the latter.

    Since I cannot imagine a universe in which I try to use strippers to fill some void, I believe that I will fall in the latter. I hope to be able to enjoy young women well into my golden years, but I have neither the patience nor the desire to wallow in their drama beyond what is necessary to achieve desired goals.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    I want to turn into Wallanon . But I might go bankrupt getting there.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Rick Dugan will inevitably be Rick Dugan, and why not?

    "Since I cannot imagine a universe in which I try to use strippers to fill some void"

    I don't want to derail my own thread, but if there wasn't perceived gain in the hobby you wouldn't indulge in it. None of us would. Even if it's just banging perky younger tail instead of whatever's at home, as an example, there's a difference between what one readily has and what one wants.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    lol Warrior. TUSCL is like the monger version of Instagram or Facebook. Mostly what gets posted are the good parts!
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "I don't want to derail my own thread, but if there wasn't perceived gain in the hobby you wouldn't indulge in it. None of us would. "

    Completely agree. But simply banging young tail into my golden years is a good thing, not something that would lead me to say "if I don't change my ways this could be me in a few years." You then went on to follow up jack's comments about turning into gawker with your joke about the Monger's Hierarchy of Needs. Hence my comments.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    —>“but I have neither the patience nor the desire to wallow in their drama beyond what is necessary to achieve desired goals.”

    Good idea. With your masturbatory movements and calling them putas when the OTC isn’t very fun, you’re really avoiding the drama. 😉
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    nicespice, I'm amazed that you never get tired of regurgitating the same troll fluff? 😃

    She got that precisely because she was misbehaving ITC and causing drama. Sometimes bad little girls need to get spanked. 😉
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Many years ago when we my buddies and I first really started SCing (as we transitioned from occasional SCer to PL, I suppose), we had this exchange that we STILL talk about. There were two really old -- I mean, clearly like in their 80s, trouble moving about, etc) -- guys sitting together in the front row, enjoying the show. My buddy looks at me and says, "shit man, do you think that will be us one day?" It was funny, he definitely had a "hope we don't end up like that" tone. And I was like, "fuck man, I hope so!". We both cracked up and ended up agreeing, that's the way to live life! We STILL joke about that exchange, more than two decades later (and two decades closer to the goal).
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    “She got that precisely because she was misbehaving ITC and causing drama. Sometimes bad little girls need to get spanked. 😉”

    The reasoning behind spanking a child is *redirection*. As in, snap them back into reality, in the hopes of influencing their behavior, so that they will alter their behavior and increase the chances of turning into what is considered a successful adult.

    Did your stunt cause her to amend her ways and give you better OTC experiences, however you defined them? How about anything other than temporarily boosting a bruised ego for a moment and nothing more? Of course not. I’m sure you will argue that it helped you with the next dancer you dealt with, but there was a lot of steps I’m sure that could have been skipped on the way to that end result, no drama necessary 😉😉😉

    Just admit it Rickster, you perpetuate the drama for fun. Given my troll activity on this site, I’m not claiming any personal high ground just to be clear. I’m just pointing out facts.
  • latinalover69
    4 years ago
    Man i just saw a 75 yo in my home club Bare Elegance. He does 1/2 hour laps with prolly 10 girls a night. He tells them "I dance with many girls" and they are lined up 5 deep waiting to go back with him. Good for him. If I have the $$ at that age that might be me too.
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    I look at some TUSCL posts nd posters, and think "that *is* me."

    We're *all* filling a void, however shallow it might be. If we didn't feel a void or lack, there'd be no reason to go and do the things we do.

    Now, exactly *what* that void is might very well be different from person to person, and some of those voids might not be precisely healthy to fill, but voids they are.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Haha I joked Gawker could be my future self if I made all those Breaking Bad type terrible decisions. You know what I mean...the spots where they could have had a path out but just kept making the choice to go deeper and deeper in the hole.

    Speaking of which, anybody hear from him?
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    Personally, I can see rick sitting in a rocking chair on a Florida rest home porch, swapping lies and semi-true stories with rickthelion, rickthevulture and rickthrbarnacle.....😉
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Gawker is like a superhero to me. I admire his achievements as a pl.

    I sadly doubt I will reach his level of greatness, but i will be paving my own filthy path to the bottom.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Semi retirement is the goal; then full retirement. Hobbies change for most people as their lives evolve.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    This was my line of thinking the first and only time I was able to visit Pure Platinum, Oakland Park, FL before the city closed it. You can learn about it here: https://tuscl.net/listing.php?id=2451

    My meetings had concluded at the end of business that day, so I arrived about 5 or 5:30 PM. It was a real old timer crowd. I don't think I saw a single customer under 65, nearly two dozen all sitting around the bar. It looked like any other old timer bar, but there was very nearly a hot young thing sitting in each guy's lap. Almoat nothing left over for GammaNu.

    I did luck out that there was hot SE Asian girl available who came to me in pretty short order. She explained that during all of dayshift, and many evenings, each girl had their regular. For some reason I have since forgotten, she did not.

    At the time, I wondered how many TUSCL posters past and present were in there that day. I still haven't decided if being in a bar like that on my 401k at that age should be a life goal or not. These girls were uniformly gorgeous, it was a true 7up club, and very well known for extras. I definitely enjoyed that evening.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "Did your stunt cause her to amend her ways and give you better OTC experiences, however you defined them? How about anything other than temporarily boosting a bruised ego for a moment and nothing more? Of course not."

    Nice, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt in assuming that you don't remember the full story.


    It was 100% behavior modification. I had long since moved past the bad OTC night, but she couldn't let it go and kept coming over to me all night with the "I'm going to destroy you' silliness. Since my efforts to wait her out were clearly not working, I decided instead to give her one final nudge into full meltdown. Other than refusing to be run off by a silly girl having a tantrum there was no ego involved - it was a calculated move. I was not going to be able to enjoy any girl there until she was out of the way.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "Personally, I can see rick sitting in a rocking chair on a Florida rest home porch, swapping lies and semi-true stories with rickthelion, rickthevulture and rickthrbarnacle.....😉"

    Don't forget rickthegator, the newest addition to the Ricks. He recently posted a thread...

  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I used to go to Solid Gold often, I still do since they moved
    But I know for a fact that when they were in Fort Lauderdale on US 1 By Oakland Park Blvd. they never had any dancers in the club at 5:30 in the afternoon the earliest the girls would start trickling in was after 6:45 and it was exceptionally rare to see dancers in the club ready to hostess before 8:15, but you just make up shit as you like Gramm nutty
  • PutaTester
    4 years ago
    I dare to dream of the day I become the hard core PL/monger that I read about on these forums.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    I thought 25iq was going to post something to further the conversation. Instead, he has proved he is a useless, bitter, old asshole. He had also proven that he is quite demented.
    1)I was talking about Pure Platinum, not Solid Gold. I am aware that Pure Platinum has no afternoon shift.

    2)I went to Solid Gold on an earlier visit, arriving around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. I actually tried going to PP first, but they were closed during the day. Hence, I went to my second option, Solid Gold.

    3)When SG was shut by the city, PP became Solid Gold at Pure Platinum, or presented by or some shit. Pure Platinum did have a day shift at that time to capture the carryover from the now-shuttered Solid Gold.

    25iq, don't you ever get tired of being wrong? (and a liar, and an asshole, and on and on)
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    You’re the idiot that’s wrong pure platinum had no day shift it was solid gold that you described I knew them well I live less than 20 minutes and was friendly with Micheal Peters at pure platinum and he’d be the first to tell you that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Btw soligd is open I’m pompano pure was shuttered go ahead look it up and stop trolling me
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Solid gold in pompano lol Siri ya got me again
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    You go ahead and be wrong. Everyone on here knows you're a demwnted old prick.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Lol twat
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    ain’t nothing like beautiful young ladies to enjoy!!!
  • Electronman
    4 years ago
    George Burns said something like this: When I was 20, I thought that 19 year old girls were hot. Now that I'm in my 80's I realize that I had really good taste when I was 20."

    Nothing wrong with growing old in a strip club, just as long as you don't nap out at the tip rail.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "Nothing wrong with growing old in a strip club, just as long as you don't nap out at the tip rail."

    I still think I'm going to find the exit on the hobby before I've got to live it myself, but I'm already older than 20-something me said I'd be when I did my last dance.
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