I would tell them to not have unrealistic expectations. That if he uses money to get attention that that's all that will be seen. Which can make for a very empty experience. But to have fun and go with the flow.
If I didn't care, I would laugh behind his back and make subtle sarcastic comments.
If I did care, I would explain that there's nothing more shallow and idiotic than attracting attention, with money, in a strip club. Then I'd recommend psychiatric care.
Someone I know, I'd explain the law of diminishing returns as it relates to strip clubs.
Someone I don't know, I don't care and I'll forget him the second he moves on. As a general matter, I don't criticize how another man spends his own money, foolish or not.
If that person has the money to spend, and it won’t jeopardize his marriage/relationship, then I’d tell him to enjoy it.
I’d offer some basic boundaries- just in case he’s not aware of clubs. No use of plastic, use protection, don’t give your real phone number out, don’t drink too much.
last commentIf I didn't care, I would laugh behind his back and make subtle sarcastic comments.
If I did care, I would explain that there's nothing more shallow and idiotic than attracting attention, with money, in a strip club. Then I'd recommend psychiatric care.
Someone I don't know, I don't care and I'll forget him the second he moves on. As a general matter, I don't criticize how another man spends his own money, foolish or not.
I’d offer some basic boundaries- just in case he’s not aware of clubs. No use of plastic, use protection, don’t give your real phone number out, don’t drink too much.
I'm inspired to write some stuff and I want to make sure that I'm not leaving anything out.