James says blacks terrified

avatar for yahtzee74
James says blacks terrified


Criminals exponentially kill more blacks than cops but they aren't more than terrified to live in their own neighborhoods?

Then he complains why wasn't there any other way to subdue Blake other than shooting him. That comment shows his complete ignorance of the situation because the police had already tazed him and tried to wrestle him down. It's when the police were wrestling with Blake that he may have taken a knife from one of the officers.


last comment
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
The worst part of all of this is left wing fake news like WAPO and NYT lying and saying he was "getting in the car" when it was obvious he was trying to get something out of the car. Another poorly raised criminal who if he had just stopped, would be fine today. Moron.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
That asshole Blake sure didn't look terrified when cops had guns drawn on him. He ignores their directions, walks around the car, opens the door and crouches down to reach for something. It's like he was hoping to get shot.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
My best guess is James doesn’t live in the hood or any poor neighborhood where he fears street crime
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Lebron is a limousine liberal.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
A cornrow brother and a fucking idiot.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
Black men are so terrified of the cops, thats why they fight them. I wonder if James goes anywhere without security
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Can't that guy take a California helicopter ride?

What? Too soon?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Looks like LeBron is angling to go down in history as the next Mohammad Ali SJW
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Good luck getting a conviction:

According to court filings released yesterday, George Floyd had so much Fentanyl in his system, his lungs weighed 2-3 times more than a normal lung.

New exhibits filed in the case against the four former Minneapolis Police Officers accused of murdering George Floyd suggest the Hennepin County Medical Examiner thought George Floyd’s fentanyl levels were at a potentially ‘fatal level’ but his and other medical examiner’s findings showed he died of a combination of factors.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
I'm buying hollow points to protect myself for what might happen if the Minneapolis (or Kenosha) officers don't get convicted.
avatar for ime
5 years ago
Hope you're not looking for 9mm. Shelves are bare.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
I buy the limit on 9mm every time I go out. Slowly but surely.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Last time I bou,ght ammo, I could only find it in pawn shops. 9mm, .45acp, .45LC, .38... blm has been the best thing for ammunition sales since Obama's second term.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
My gun range has all the calibers I have. Other stores, it seems, only have .22LR or rare and exotic stuff.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
I was thinking about buying a Glock 44 at some point just because the ammo, 22LR, is so cheap for target practice.
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
LeBron James is an idiot. The police aren’t hunting black people, they’re hunting bad dudes. Don’t be a bad dude, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Sure there is probably a small percentage of some racist pig cops out there, but most of the time, people just want to do their job without the drama and go home and cops are no different. The lack of respect for them right now is appalling.
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
Would also add that if LeBron James was a true leader, while he might question the cops, he would also use his social media to urge people to listen to the cops.
avatar for NJBalla
5 years ago
The challenge with americans isnt racism, but pure laziness. And im talking about all sides. Both sides are quick to point fingers not towards sensibility but to whatever point helps them sleep well at night. America is fucked up. We rely on news that isn't based in credibility, but whatever gets clicks. And our forums of discussion have devolved into message boards. Now anonymity is great when exchanging reviews on strip clubs, but on race and politics? I pray for the day when noone can beat thier chest behind a username and point fingers without being held accountable. Thats when the interesting debate will behind.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
Ammo. Hell, I’ve had about 4000 rounds of combined caliberS 45 ACP and 9 mm Luger. At least another 5000 rounds 22. 200 rounds 30 carbine. 200 rounds 223. I stocked up on that shit 6 years ago.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
I HAVE .... not had.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
Holy shit, I forgot about my tons of 357 magnum and 38 special rounds.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
South Carolina college student, stepfather fatally shot in head on front lawn over fender bender: reports

avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
Why aren't white people rioting and burning down South Carolina?
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Honestly, shadowcat, the videos from the past week show more white people attacking and distracting cops, while the blacks loot and burn. Shows you what stupid tools these white progressives are.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Cops don't have the right to commit extrajudicial executions. If you believe they do then you believe you should be killed if getting arrested for being a trick
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