And these are the same morons that will then try to lecture society w.r.t. all sorts of social-justice BS - Cardi B is a ghetto scumbag yet Biden/Dems give her a platform - fucking Dems going down to the lowest common-denominator and siding with rioters, anarchists, LGBTQ militants, and ghetto scumbags
They're trying to learn to dance to be part of a dance group. Its nothing related to stripping. And if you view little girls dancing as something sexual then youre the pedo
last commentJust think whats next.
Fucking disgusting.
Lmao at the Epstein Island comment.
This ain't it.
This is the same culture that has given rise to the rebirth of communism, BLM, Antifa, BDS, and SJWs. Good job, liberals!
I wish I could unsee that.
I’m a filthy creep - and even I feel awful after watching that!
If I wasn’t saving bleach to drink - in case I catch Covid - I would wash my eyes in it!
And these are the same morons that will then try to lecture society w.r.t. all sorts of social-justice BS - Cardi B is a ghetto scumbag yet Biden/Dems give her a platform - fucking Dems going down to the lowest common-denominator and siding with rioters, anarchists, LGBTQ militants, and ghetto scumbags
The turning out of young girls. Vile.
lol is that for real? That's gotta be dark humor.
There was a post on Instagram, "why do female rap artist need to be role models for little girls?" Well we found out what it looks like when they are.
the evolution of the modern american teen girl: from tot to thot.
This is pretty awful
I don't see anything wrong with the trailer for Cuties. I'm not sure where the feigned outrage is coming from.
And there's nothing sexual or disgusting there
Of course the gangsta wannabe wouldn't see a problem with 11 year olds acting like "stripper hoes."
Gonna call him gangsta pedey
They're trying to learn to dance to be part of a dance group. Its nothing related to stripping. And if you view little girls dancing as something sexual then youre the pedo