
I really want to vote against the Dems, but I absolutely hate Trump and Trumpism

I disdain just everybody everything coming from the left these days. Yet I know Trump and Trumpism is giving liberals extra political tolerance and is shielding them from a larger political backlash. Up until a couple of days ago my plan for November was to vote for Biden, but straight line vote GOP in every other race.

But I'm changing my tactic and voting straight-line Democratic. I've thought it over and come to the conclusion that Trump and his mentality is simply the (far) worst of two evils. We're here now dealing with shit like BLM and Coronavirus hysteria, only because our only alternative is someone like Trump. In other words, the GOP is not dealing from a position of strength. They have a very weak hand right now.


  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Cool, if you & everyone who thought the orange one was the lessor of 2 evils last time, applies the same logic this time, it'll be a landslide.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    In the last week, there has been a historic agreement between Israel and UAE that could signal real peace in the Middle East. New treatments and vaccines for Covid are getting very close. We are close to a trade deal with India and its 1.3 Billion consumers. Meanwhile, the only thing the media wants to talk about is the USPS.

    The first debate is Sept 23. Maybe wait till then to make a choice.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    The Dems are responsible for BLM and all the rioting - they haven't spoken out against it and many liberal mayors have given their cities over to radicals and criminals; that can't and shouldn't be put on Trump, it's on the Dems.

    I get not liking Trump's "style" and personality - but I'm hard pressed to find one reason any American's life is worse off b/c of Trump being in office - AFAIK Trump has not removed a single right from any American, and the economy had done better than any time in history - AFAIK America and it's citizens have never been richer nor freer than w/ Trump - I doubt the same can be said about the Dems and their thirst for power and to run the country and individual American's rights - the Republicans are about small-government and letting people live their lives, the Dems are all about social-engineering and controlling people via governmental overreach and economic overreach.

    The Trump hysteria is mostly just a personality issue, not that he's done anything bad for the country - yet many are risking having extremists like Sanders, Warren, AOC, the Squad, take over the running of this country just b/c they don't like Trump's attitude which would turn American into a (bad) shadow of its former self.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    The left and right have never been this far apart during our lifetimes. How anyone can be on the fence is beyond me. You either support law and order, border enforcement, strong trade policies and economic prosperity, or you support the radical liberal agenda that is the opposite of those things. If you're flip-flopping and undecided at this stage of the game, there's really something wrong with you.
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    I might vote for trump purely just to spite the democrats.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    What Papi_Chulo said. Trump is an abrasive, narcissistic asshole, but the Democrats are set on intruding into every aspect of our lives.

    Democrats are the party of no growth, urban blight, anarchy, top down control, and rolled back rights.

    I'll take the asshole.
  • TheAdvisor
    4 years ago
    You disdain everything from the left and your answer is to vote for them striaght line? YOu need your head examined.

    We're in more trouble than I thought with logic like that.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    Trump may be an asshole. But to vote for the Dems at this point is basically a vote against capitalism.
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    Weak dude. Not even a good attempt. America First is far stronger than mainline Republicanism. Your party is dead without what you call "Trumpism" (America First, populist nationalism). If you think you can go back to the old Bush or even Reagan Republicanism, which is what led to where we are now by not dealing with immigration, free trade, etc, when they had power you are sadly mistaken.

    79% of the public supports President Trump's immigration moratorium. What mainline GOP issues even have majority support? The public dislikes mainline Republicanism a lot more than any claim you have they oppose populism and America First. You're done and good riddance.

    Long live America First. It was around before Trump adopted it and will be around long after 2024.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    How about Jo Jorgensen? 🥳
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @NiceSpice - Fake Republicans have no idea that a real Republican could be philosophically happy with a lot of what the Libertarian party supports.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    winex, I kinda agree with you. We do need to move a little more toward the Libertarian fiscal plan.
    nicespice supports the Libertarians for one reason. She wants the Loser Leaf legalized. But the Libertarians are not pro-loser leaf. They just don't think we should spend any money to enforce laws against the loser leaf.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    LOL - I have a good friend who says that Libertarians are just Republicans who like to smoke pot.

    It’s a bit more complex than that, but it sums it up well.

    After the first President Bush gave in to the Democrats and increased taxes to gain support for the war with Iraq, I started voting for every Libertarian I could.

    What brought me back to the Republican part was September 11th. Or more particularly, the Libertarian response to September 11th. Though there were mistakes that President Bush made, by and large, he did the right thing.

    After September 11th, the only Libertarians I voted for were those running against John McCain.
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    We're here now dealing with shit like BLM

    Newsflash, doesn’t matter who you vote for, that shit is going to go on every 4 years from now on.

    Ask yourself if Trump (or hell any other Caucasian president in his shoes right now) would be dealing with the response to rioting the way he is if it wasn’t an election year. Hell no, he’d bring out the infantry and lay the smack down on these non working looting fucks that are costing taxpayers millions of dollars.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    A vote for Biden is a vote to make Black Lives Matter part of the Federal budget.
  • Richard_Head
    4 years ago
    A vote for Trump is a vote to end social security.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @Richard_Head - I wish that were true. The program is unsustainable. But it will end by the time the last of the Baby Boomers retire regardless of who is elected.
  • Richard_Head
    4 years ago
    ^^^ Easily fixable if we had a government that wasn't intent upon destroying it.

  • winex
    4 years ago
    Here is a link you should read if you really want to understand Social Security. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponzi_sche…
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Hail to the Democrat Party

    This is the future of this wonderful party - this guy is running for the Minnesota State House:

  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    A vote for the Dems is a vote for the overthrow of America
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    From the point of view that pot is the end-all-be-all of platforms, supporting the left wing is good enough. And it’s the most efficient because they already have enough power, and have done the most to get it pushed through as much as it has been already. It’s already legal in many left wing-controlled areas, including mine.

  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    That's weird, because in my (rather extensive) experience smoking weed has always resulted in people coming together regardless of racial or cultural differences. That doesn't seem to be happening in left-wing controlled cities these days.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Let's see if this goes anywhere:

    "Virginia Democrat Charged With Multiple Felonies For Her Alleged Role In Destroying Statue"

    "... State Sen. Louise Lucas (D-Portsmouth) is facing two felony charges for her alleged role in the toppling of a Confederate statue in Portsmouth at the start of summer ... “Portsmouth Police Chief Angela Greene said the charges are the result of a weeks-long investigation into the June 10 incident, which left a local man critically injured after the statue fell on him during a protest,” the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported. “Lucas and six others, including NAACP leaders and a local school board member, were charged with conspiring to commit a felony, and felony injury to a public monument in excess of $1,000, Greene said Monday.”

    "... Demonstrators beheaded the four Confederate statues before pulling one down using a tow rope Wednesday night at the Portsmouth Confederate monument as police watched,” the Daily Press reported. “A protester was injured as the statue fell, hitting him on the head. Louie Gibbs, vice president of the Portsmouth NAACP, said the man, who was in his 30s, lost consciousness. The man’s head was cut open, and he was transported to the hospital ..."

    "... WAVY TV 10 reported the following list of individuals who are facing “charges of conspiracy to commit a felony and injury to a monument in excess of $1,000” ..."

    State Sen. L Louise Lucas
    James Boyd, Portsmouth NAACP representative
    Louie Gibbs, Portsmouth NAACP representative
    LaKesha Hicks, Portsmouth NAACP representative
    LaKeesha S. “Klu” Atkinson, Portsmouth School Board member
    Brenda Spry, public defender
    Alexandra Stephens, public defender
    Meredith Cramer, public defender

  • nicespice
    4 years ago

    Well if we want to get to my persona views of pot (tho Warrior is also welcome to chime in—because he’s apparently quite the expert of everything about me), I think like with many other substances it can have its good and also its negatives. The good is the empathy many can feel just like you described. The negatives can be anxiety and paranoia, which can lead one to a dark train of thoughts that may justify violence.

    Or at least that’s just my guess.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    I disagree. Yes, I've had some paranoid thoughts when really stoned, but it was only shit like "the cops are coming for us." It never made me feel animosity toward anyone for any reason. In fact, it always seemed to make everyone get along very nicely.
  • casino
    4 years ago
    No ones life has been made worse by trump in office. Hahahahah, can you be more retarded. We’ll be open by Easter. The virus will just go away. Hate crimes at their highest level in decades. Public health officials being followed home by armed gangs. But, but, blm is the cause of gangs of violence? How about two cold blooded murderers on their way to there crimes being swept under a rug is what caused people to say enough.
  • bang69
    4 years ago
    Vote libertarian
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    if the OP really feels that way, then he is as useless and full of shit as Romney or Kasich.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    If you hate Trump but hate liberals vote Biden and straight Republican down ticket
  • nickifree
    4 years ago
    That was my original plan, there's a chance I might still go through with it. But I know Trump and his scorched earth political ideology must be destroyed first before taking on the looney left.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    You tell them brother. Let's vote for a guy who wants to implement a number of bad policies that will cost us in too many ways to count just so that we can get rid of the blowhard who supports policies that we actually like.

    That's brilliant stuff nicki. I'd call you a hyper-emotional pussy, but that would be just stating the obvious. 😉
  • ime
    4 years ago
    Vh man you are already crying and whining and it's only August you won't even make it to November. Your worthless dems out forth possibly the worst ticket of all time with Pedo Joe and Heals Up Harris. You better open your faggot ass up wide for November like you do at the bath house, because you're fucked and no way a fragile pussy like you will survive Trump years 6 to 8. Haha you spamming fag, just slink away now before you get kicked out again.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    Yes believe the polls like you did for Hillary. You are done and you know it faggot.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    I get it you will die of AIDS by November so this is your last gasp trolling. Haha fucking fag.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    If your goal in life is to live in the South Bronx, Baltimore, Detroit or New Orleans, vote Democrat. If your goal in life is to live in Weston, Cohasset, Greenwich, vote Republican. Democrat Lives Don't Matter.
  • nickifree
    4 years ago
    @skibum609 Weston, Cohasset, Greenwich... I bet those places are very liberal. Why didn't you say Alabama, West Virginia or Mississippi? All Trump brings is the latitude for liberals to run on the most socialist, stupidest platforms they can come up with. If you in you want to have Trump, then you have to accept radical liberalism too.
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