randum sht.

avatar for Jascoi
just watched a guy walk down the street with absolutely nobody around (except me which is 100 feet away) and he had his fucking mask on. 6:15 am.


last comment
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
If you really want an example of true stupidity, that would be Hermain Cain sacrificing his life to attend a Trump rally in Tulsa without a mask.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@Jascoi - you don't know the guy in the mask, his personal situation, or anything about him.

What if he was going to rob a liqour store? A mask could have come in handy.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago

Agreed. Personally I think that masks are great. Easy enough to defeat Big Brother’s facial recognition software. Anonymity contributes to freedom.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I doubt there were any open liquor stores at 6:15 AM
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@BabyDoc - I'm not kidding about this. The morning disc jockeys on the radio station I listen to (KSLX for those of you in Phoenix) were talking about people who wear masks when they are the only person in the car.

I emailed them and said that it has nothing to do with COVID-19 - it's all about immunity to photo radar.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
he probably went to the local circle k ( which has booze ). a bit later he came back walking in the opposite direction with his mask still on and a plastic bag. looked like a six pack in there. and still absolutely nobody around.
avatar for 623
5 years ago
Maybe it was a tracking device surgically implanted (By Bill Gates personally) because he kept forgetting it
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
Totally randumb-like!
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Jascoi, its almost like you baited him. Ran-Dum-Member says something stupid on a thread with the title of Randum sht.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
Why would something like this bother anyone? I don’t see the point of the discussion.

You are upset seeing a person walking wearing a mask?

I once saw a guy in NYC squat in front of Radio City Music Hall and take a shit in the gutter. It was much more notable - as he produced a huge turd - and he definitely didn’t have a bashful bladder.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Lol, funny taking criticism from two married guys who tested positive for Covid.

@Warrior: No proof that Cain contracted Covid from the Tulsa rally -- but it sure fits the M.O. He fell ill two weeks after attending a crowded rally without a mask. Wow, what a patriot!
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
I would rather see people choosing to wear a mask in places that it isn't needed than not wearing one where it is needed.

It's kind of like wearing your seat belt in the parking lot of a gated condo complex. It isn't a public road so legally you aren't required to wear one but that doesn't mean it is a bad idea. Would you be equally offended by seeing someone wear their seatbelt when they don't have to?

Who knows, maybe he suspected he has covid and was walking to the nearest testing center and didn't want to endanger anyone along the way?
avatar for rattdog
5 years ago
so a guy wearing a mask 6:15 am somehow unnerved you a little bit.

i wonder how you would react if a bartender decided to lower the volume all the way down to zero and then pressed the mute button?
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
Watch out everyone, or else Randumbmember will endorse Kanye West for President. Sont make him do it!
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
So the Op expects that people should put on the mask only as people get close to them, like dimming high beams? If some is going to wear a mask in public, They are not going to take it on and off 20 times as the pass other people. He was prepared in case he passed someone. Prepared to protect THEM, not himself. OP was out there. I'm sure other people were out somewhere along his journey.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
The masks are the most unbelievable absurdity I have ever seen, much less imagined in my life. I will never forgive humanity for going along with absolute ridiculous idiocy as long as I live.

Hermann Cain was old and had multiple underlying health issues. As in 99 percent of supposed Covid deaths.

I will hate you all for going along with this complete bullshit for the rest of my life. The majority of people have become complete idiots.

The masks are the most completely moronic part of this entire mass lunacy.

I have never really liked people, now I just hate you all for being this much a bunch of morons.

Thats all. I needed to get that off my chest. Thanks.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
You aren't "protecting" anyone by putting a useless diaper on your face walking down the street by yourself, or anywhere else. In fact I would argue the face diaper actually makes people less "safe," if we assume there's actually even anything to be "safe" from.

I saw a child in Walmart last week actually remove the mask before sneezing and then put it back on, which is a normal instinctive reaction. My guess is that this most likely happens more often than not in real world situations.

If we assume that this illness is actually serious statistically, and we assume that seemingly healthy people spread it on a statistically significant basis, and one of the primary ways these seemingly healthy people spread it is by unexpectedly coughing or sneezing in casual social situations where it flies out of their mouth or nose, into another person's mouth or nose, infects them and they then die, then it would make sense to get rid of the virtue signaling false security of masks and encourage people to carry handkerchiefs and put them over their face when then feel an unexpected cough or sneeze coming, which people used to do for centuries in the past.

I would argue the masks actually give people a false sense of security and mistakenly do more harm than good, assuming an illness with a 99.7 percent recovery rate is worth worrying about in the first place. Where are the studies on real world use of the masks and net benefit?
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
Early HIV before retroviral drugs = 99 percent fatality rate. Ebola = 80 to 90 percent fatality rate. Covid 19 = 0.3 to 2 percent fatality rate. Regular flu = 0.2 percent fatality rate.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Bigger question is why ok cares if strangers wear masks. I'm more concerned of those who dont
avatar for TheElmerFudd
5 years ago
I find the transition of "don't tell me to wear a mask" to "I'm telling you to not wear a mask" ironic.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I find it pathetic that those folks that think wearing a mask is a political issue are confused, it's really an IQ issue.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago

DaveAnderson wrote: "Early HIV before retroviral drugs = 99 percent fatality rate. Ebola = 80 to 90 percent fatality rate. Covid 19 = 0.3 to 2 percent fatality rate. Regular flu = 0.2 percent fatality rate."

We've discussed this over and over and over and over.... The case- or infection- fatality rate doesn't tell
you how many people are dying. You have to multiply by the number of people infected and COVID is far more contagious than the flu. I tried to explain this @BabyDoc, too.

Here's Trump in the now famous Jonathan Swan interview making a fool out of himself over the same topic:

avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
"I never really liked people, now I hate you all..... for thinking different than I....

Yeah, kinda sums it up.

Enjoy your life.
avatar for loper
5 years ago
That this bothers you tells me a lot more about you than him.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
@randommember “I tried to explain this @BabyDoc, too.”

Well how about that. That you tried to explain something doesn’t make your gibberish anymore meaningful than a three year old trying to explain the space-time continuum.

You’re still an uneducated paper shuffling office clerk so intent on trying (there’s that word again) to convince a bunch of anonymous people on the internet that “you is smart”.

I’ve posted a number of times about masks in general, my qualified support for their proper use and even made mention that I have carried and used them for travel for years. I know what they can and can’t do outside of the hospital setting.

I also happen to know about infection rates and if you were semi literate you may have read about two weeks ago that the CDC said they believe the current infection rate in the US is probably 10x higher than reported. Holy fuck you say. Ten times higher? Well yes but if you had any kind of worthwhile education it might just dawn upon you that if that is the case (speculative) it also means that the fatality rate is ten times less.

IMHO it’s best for all concerned if you stop opining on stuff you know nothing about and simply practice for your next career move by repeating “Welcome to Walmart” over and over again until you can memorize all three words in their proper order.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
I dug up your post that started it all, @BabyDick:

“This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36% respectively.” New England Journal of Medicine: NEJMe2002387.”

... that preening asshole Fauci (who has been wrong over and over and over again) "

That "preening asshole" is a national hero who graduated first in his class from Cornell Med school. Very much like DaveAnderson's post (above) and Trump's idiotic interview (above) the case-fatality rate doesn't tell you much about the overall number of deaths. But you're too much of pompous dipshit to listen. You keep changing the subject.

...dropping the topic now.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
BTW, Fauci and his daughters are getting death threats for telling the truth.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
^ Wow dipshit, i saw the title and thought this thread was about you.

BTW.. > "You’re still an uneducated paper shuffling office clerk so intent on trying (there’s that word again) to convince a bunch of anonymous people on the internet that “you is smart”. "
Great description of you except convenience store clerk fits you better. Still deserves a prop. Lol
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
i can see wearing a mask around someone else. did need mask in the circle K. that was probably the only person the walker encountered at 6:15 in the morning in rural arizona. i was sitting on my front enjoying a taco when he first walked by across the street.
avatar for 623
5 years ago
People thinking that they need to shame others into thinking like they do is a big part of the problems we face. Someone doing something that doesn't hurt me or anyone else is the absolute LEAST of my worries.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
He could be wearing the mask because he is a nasty looking human being who has finally gotten his break. He can now cover his ugly mug continuously and seemingly fit right in.
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
"He could be wearing the mask because he is a nasty looking human being who has finally gotten his break. He can now cover his ugly mug continuously and seemingly fit right in."

That must be why SJG hasn't been around - he thinks the mask can finally allow him to blend in. Too bad the mask can't hide his personality.
avatar for latinalover69
5 years ago
Hey douchebag RandomMember, Herman Cain had cancer for years. A fucking God Emperor Trump Rally did not not kill him. Nice try tho I am sure you fooled low information readers here but plugged in peeps like me know the truth. Oh and by the way, have fun have fun voting for the Pedo Biden and the Whore Kamala Harris
avatar for Steve75
5 years ago
Masks dont prevent facial recognition unless your entire face is covered. Where I work we are required to stop at a screen that scans our face and gives the results of your temperature reading. It is designed to register who you are with the mask on. I assume it's getting the info from the structure of your eyes, eyebrows, forehead etc. This was taken from the photos on our employee badges There needs to be about 3ft of distance between the employee and the camera. Anyway, good luck escaping tracking in the future..
avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
Imagine getting angry about a mask lol
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