

They never tell you what you need to know.
Bringing it back - COVID edition. Don't get jealous all you other losers, I'll get to most of you eventually.

1. When is the last time you've been to a strip club?

2. What is the furthest distance you've traveled from your house?

3. Have you dined in a restaurant? If so how many times?

4. Strip clubbing aside, how much do you estimate you've saved a month since COVID started?

5. What's the biggest project you've done in/at/on your house since you've been stuck at home?

6. Strip clubbing/dining out/vacation-leisure travel aside, what's one thing you really miss that COVID has messed up?

7. Is there a new hobby or "skill" you've worked on while being locked up?

8. Say you wake up in a week, COVID magically goes away, all travel restrictions are gone and you can do anything you want, what would be the first thing you do?

9. What movie (if any) were you anticipating to get released this year that's gotten pushed back?

10. What's the biggest event that you've missed out on since COVID (example: wedding, vacation, relatives graduation).


  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    I can answer #8 for him. It would be the FKK clubs in Germany.
  • Rod8432
    4 years ago
    I second Meat72 - FKKs would be my top priority, particularly Golden Time... :-)
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    Guess jack slash is too busy doing cooking lessons to strippers over Zoom
  • loper
    4 years ago
    1. Monday
    2. 1 hour
    3. 20?
    4. at least $1000. Of course my income is down more like $10,000
    5. refinish -- restore furniture
    6. live music, sports
    7. cooking / grilling
    8. visit extended family
    9. New Christopher Nolan film
    10. vacation
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    1. Friday
    2. 7 hours to visit family
    3. A dozen or so
    4. $2,000 (though I'm owed like $20,000 from my consulting on the side)
    5. None
    6. Civvie dating. A lot just off the market until COVID done
    7. Writing a book
    8. See #6, with a vengeance. And FKK on my next trip to Germany.
    9. None
    10. A long awaited friend-cation to the DR
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Well I guess we can turn it into an all-skate 10 questions... since they could apply to anyone.
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    Open it up!!!! Everyone reply! Lol
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    I guess I don't need to answer the questions. Everybody on TUSCL knows all about me.

    But I'll give it a shot.

    1. When is the last time you've been to a strip club?
    2-7-20. I was at the Flight Club pre-Covid. Six months is my longest break since I became a strip club regular.

    2. What is the furthest distance you've traveled from your house?
    100 miles. I was still in the State of Michigan.

    3. Have you dined in a restaurant? If so how many times?
    No. I have gotten take out, but no dining in.

    4. Strip clubbing aside, how much do you estimate you've saved a month since COVID started?
    $1000 a month is a good estimate. This is mostly international trips that I was not able to take. Strip clubbing is another $2000-$3000. My savings account keeps growing and growing.

    5. What's the biggest project you've done in/at/on your house since you've been stuck at home?
    In my home my Schwinn recumbent exercise bike broke and I called the company for a replacement part and installed it. Nothing else.
    I did order a new BMW convertible. It should arrive from Germany in mid-September.

    6. Strip clubbing/dining out/vacation-leisure travel aside, what's one thing you really miss that COVID has messed up?
    Seeing friends. I've been hunkered down, going out only to buy food.

    7. Is there a new hobby or "skill" you've worked on while being locked up?
    Nothing new. I am reading a lot and wasting time answering questions on the internet. I bike 15 miles every day, so I get out in nature.

    8. Say you wake up in a week, COVID magically goes away, all travel restrictions are gone and you can do anything you want, what would be the first thing you do?
    Meat72 and Rod know me too well. I would go to Germany for the FKKs. I had planned a 4 day stay in Frankfurt in May to visit Sharks and Oase, but the virus spoiled that.

    9. What movie (if any) were you anticipating to get released this year that's gotten pushed back?
    None. I prefer older movies that I watch on TCM and Netflix.

    10. What's the biggest event that you've missed out on since COVID (example: wedding, vacation, relatives graduation).
    I had scheduled a trip to Egypt in April-May, and on the way back I was going to spend 4 days in Frankfurt. I'm still bitter.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    OK, I'll bite....

    1) Mid-January; combo trip to Detroit / Windsor.
    2) 1.5 hours away to visit a supplier.
    3) No; multiple take out orders tho.
    4) No VIP's; no casinos..... ~ $ 2K.
    5) Completely renovated 2 rooms; bedroom and "mud-room" entry.
    6) Well you did not include bar room drinking but, assuming that is included in "dining out" I would say the annoyance of masking everywhere.
    7) Learned to put down laminate flooring.
    8) Head up to Detroit / Windsor for a long weekend of the three "G's"; Golf, Girls and Gambling.
    9) Wonder Woman 1984.
    10) Multiple graduation parties that did not happen or did not feel comfortable going to.

    What are YOUR answers S?
  • RTP
    4 years ago
    @Jackslash - biking 15 miles per day? Is that road biking? What type of bike?
    I bike about 50 miles per week, combination of Mountain and Road biking. The pandemic has actually given me more time to do this which I have really enjoyed.
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    I have a road bike. It's nothing special. It cost a little over $500. There is a bike path along I-275 which I take to Hines Park. Hines Park has wildlife like ducks, geese, swans, turtles, and so it gives me a relaxing dose of nature.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Yeah JS I get jealous over those FKK trips sounds like a blast
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    1. When is the last time you've been to a strip club?

    - January.

    2. What is the furthest distance you've traveled from your house?

    - 150 miles.

    3. Have you dined in a restaurant? If so how many times?

    - Yes. 20 -25 times.

    4. Strip clubbing aside, how much do you estimate you've saved a month since COVID started?

    - Travel and entertainment (includes strip clubs) is my third largest category of annual expenditures but while that has dropped to zero I have offset that and more by increasing charitable expenditures. The answer to the question is a negative number.

    5. What's the biggest project you've done in/at/on your house since you've been stuck at home?

    - N/A

    6. Strip clubbing/dining out/vacation-leisure travel aside, what's one thing you really miss that COVID has messed up?

    - I don’t understand the question. What else is there?

    7. Is there a new hobby or "skill" you've worked on while being locked up?

    - No.

    8. Say you wake up in a week, COVID magically goes away, all travel restrictions are gone and you can do anything you want, what would be the first thing you do?

    - Get on a plane to fly home and look for a missing GF.

    9. What movie (if any) were you anticipating to get released this year that's gotten pushed back?

    - None.

    10. What's the biggest event that you've missed out on since COVID (example: wedding, vacation, relatives graduation).

    - The birth of a friend’s first child. Fuck the Chinese Flu and the stupid worldwide asinine reaction to it.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    1) Last weekend; 2) 2,100 miles; 3) Yes. Once inside, 20+ times outside (we prefer outside and this summer has been awesome); 4) Nothing - spent it on other things; 5) We emptied the top 4" of soil and mulch; weeded; put in 2" of screened loam; laid weed barrier; put in 2" of screened loam and topped it with 3" of mulch in our gardens - 1,200 square feet - took 20,000 pounds of material and the removal of about 11,000 pounds - all shoveled into and out of a wheelbarrow; 6) Playing live poker in the casino and with my friends. Played live twice since March 17 and normally it would be around 50-60 times; 7) Movies on tv - very new to me to stay home and watch it; 8) Have 17 people over for hold-em; 9) none; 10) 3 vacations; missed graduations from college of 2 nephews and 1 niece, my niece's wedding, seeing my uncle before dementia wiped him out; seeing my brother who has stage 4 cancer plus a lot more.
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    okay here's mine...

    1. When is the last time you've been to a strip club?

    Fall 2019. I've had a side-piece that's kept me busy but I haven't seen her since Feb 2020.

    2. What is the furthest distance you've traveled from your house?

    If I omit traveling 50 miles from my house for work, twice, I haven't driven more than 15 miles from my house since March.

    3. Have you dined in a restaurant? If so how many times?

    Nope, but I have ordered take and ordered pizza.

    4. Strip clubbing aside, how much do you estimate you've saved a month since COVID started?

    Have no idea, I've saved probably $500 a month on dining out alone, and my increased grocery bill is nowhere close to what I'm saving dining in.

    5. What's the biggest project you've done in/at/on your house since you've been stuck at home?

    I get jealous of other people when they tell me what they've done. I've worked 6 days a week since this has all started, no days off, no vacation. I've done a few small projects but nothing worth noting. My biggest goal is to clean out my basement by fall, I'm about 50% there right now.

    6. Strip clubbing/dining out/vacation-leisure travel aside, what's one thing you really miss that COVID has messed up?

    I really miss playing basketball up to 3 times a week and swimming at a rec center. I am able to swim at a lake a few times a week though.

    7. Is there a new hobby or "skill" you've worked on while being locked up?

    Cooking a lot more, I've taken a new fondness to detailing my cars with what little free time I have.

    8. Say you wake up in a week, COVID magically goes away, all travel restrictions are gone and you can do anything you want, what would be the first thing you do?

    Probably go to Vegas.

    9. What movie (if any) were you anticipating to get released this year that's gotten pushed back?

    With no sports until now I was anticipating the new Christopher Nolan film, James Bond and Bill & Ted 3.

    10. What's the biggest event that you've missed out on since COVID (example: wedding, vacation, relatives graduation).

    I was supposed to go to Vegas the week before March Madness, physically go and watch games for March Madness, annual summer vacation to the Caribbean, etc. etc. etc.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    1. Early July
    2. About 400 miles
    3. Ive had lots of takeout but dined in only once. I just don't feel comfortable doing it now
    4. Haven't really saved
    5. Nothing
    6. I miss taking the simplest things like going out without a mask for granted. I miss being able to find fully stocked stores all the time.
    7. No
    8. Take my girl to a nice restaurant
    9. None
    10. EDC
  • PredragDr
    4 years ago

    1. March
    2. ~90 miles
    3. Nope, indoor public dining is prohibited in my region
    4. $2K+
    5. Organized my memorabilia collection
    6. Gyms are all closed here
    7. Road running
    8. Go NORTH
    9. King of Staten Island
    10. Funeral
  • TheElmerFudd
    4 years ago
    1. Late July
    2. >600 miles
    3. Yes, couple dozen times
    4. None, given working from home and OTC/SA
    5. None
    6. Normal social interactions e.g. talking to strangers
    7. A lot of LEGO building with my young boys
    8. Eating at some of my favorite restaurants
    9. None
    10. Births, deaths, weddings, graduations. A few good friends were laid off and moved away. My mom who's high risk.
  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
    1. When is the last time you've been to a strip club? January 2020

    2. What is the furthest distance you've traveled from your house? 1100 miles

    3. Have you dined in a restaurant? If so how many times? Yes. 7 times

    4. Strip clubbing aside, how much do you estimate you've saved a month since COVID started? $1200/month

    5. What's the biggest project you've done in/at/on your house since you've been stuck at home? Gardening

    6. Strip clubbing/dining out/vacation-leisure travel aside, what's one thing you really miss that COVID has messed up? People watching in bars.

    7. Is there a new hobby or "skill" you've worked on while being locked up? Nothing new. Just improving on current.

    8. Say you wake up in a week, COVID magically goes away, all travel restrictions are gone and you can do anything you want, what would be the first thing you do? Go to a strip club and an AMP after going to bar to watch people.

    9. What movie (if any) were you anticipating to get released this year that's gotten pushed back? I haven’t anticipated a movie for over 6 years now. They don’t interest me.

    10. What's the biggest event that you've missed out on since COVID (example: wedding, vacation, relatives graduation). Nothing.
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