"There’s no way to socially distance in a strip club”

avatar for jackslash
Dancers are not enjoying their jobs during the pandemic.



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avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Social distancing like masks gives us a false sense of security so were confident enough to keep consumerism going. #profitsbeforepeople
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Do we believe those $2k-3k numbers pre covid?
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Strippers always lie about how much they make. It increasea their perceived value to customers
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
I remember back when I working at a club chain that issues out 1099s. At the end of our shifts, we had to write our name down and also next to it report how much we made. Most of the earnings written down ranged from $60-$90.

It seems Houston is much more lucrative than central Texas. 🤔
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@NiceSpice - from what I have heard, Houston is a lucrative market. Probably more so pre-COVID - not just because of the pandemic, but also the collapse in energy prices.

But were people in your club really only making $60 to $90 a shift? Or is that just what was being reported?
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@JamesSD - a lot depends on the market, but I have dated 3 dancers in the past, and though they would occasionally bring home that much in a shift, it was a rarity. But making around $1,000 was pretty common for the women I knew.
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
Pre-covid, $1000 would be a good shift in Detroit clubs. I would guess dancers are making less now.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
Location matters a lot - I am in Arizona.

In NYC, a good dancer can make a lot more than that.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
You guys are repeating what they want you to think as customers. They earn a lot less on average
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@Icey - Reading is fundamental. I'm not talking about women that I had a customer/dancer relationship with. I am talking about women that I dated.

I met two of them in a club, and one outside of a club environment. And was involved with all of them long enough to know what they were making.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Winex your constant attempts to play with semantics don't make you look smart. They do the opposite.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@Icey - here you go - have someone read this for you https://proliteracy.org/What-W…
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Feigning a lack of comprehension makes you look dumb bitch boy
avatar for winex
5 years ago
Obviously that is self directed...
avatar for DenimChicken
5 years ago
> Do we believe those $2k-3k numbers pre covid?

Stripper math. I once made 2-3k on a Saturday so that's what I expect.

I am supposed to believe that a girl actually makes 5k+ a week and yet she still has a cracked phone, talks about trouble paying rent/bills, a busted car, knows nothing about investing/taxes BUT makes this much....

Yeah. Right.

When you actually know what it's like to make this much money you realize even more so how much bullshit it is when they say this.

(Of course I'm sure there ARE girls making this and more, but in my experiences they are always full of shit when saying these kinds of numbers)
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Yes I was being facetious and I doubt dancers at the clubs I was at was actually making $60-90.

That being said, while the interviewed dancer was probably exaggerating a bit, she probably has hit those numbers often enough. She did after all mention liking to always use baby wipes between customers pre-covid. That and if she can maintain multiple high value regulars, I’m sure she was doing well by following the Houston MO.

The main thing I find eyebrow raising was mentioning her ethnicity and wanting to remain anonymous. I’ve never been to Houston, but my guess is that being Pakistani would make you stand out?
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@NiceSpice - thanks for the clarification.

And yes, I know that it is possible for some girls in some clubs to do very well, it's not an every night thing.

Outside of the women that I have dated in the past, from personal experience, I know that if I find someone I like in a club, it's not uncommon for me to drop $500 or so on her.

Obviously there are house fees and tips to spread around. But there are also other customers that contribute to the dancers income.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
^ A perfectly reasonable statement that I don’t think anyone will argue with (unless it’s IceyDodo)
avatar for winex
5 years ago

I don’t think we have formally met, but I like you NiceSpice.
avatar for rl27
5 years ago
As others said it depends on the location, and also the dancer. Back in the summer of 2010, I visited Club Risque in Philly on a weekday, and the crowd was larger than any club in Columbus Ohio on a Friday or Saturday. There were even more dancers, most of whom were very hot. Ones flowed almost constantly for many of the dancers when they were on stage. The dancer I asked must have made $150 just in tips in one stage, and based on the number of stages she danced on the entire 2 hours i was there, I wouldn't be surprised if she made well over $1000 in tips alone. Lap dances were lame, but that didn't seem to deter the dancers. I got two songs from her for $50 if I recall, which seemed to be the norm. I wouldn't be surprised if many dancers, the hot blonde I chose included, took home well over $2000 a night.

Sundowner in Niagara Falls was even larger and more crowded, with even more stages. Tips didn't flow nearly as much as club risque, but private dances occurred a lot more regularly for a lot more time and with a lot more spent The two different dancers I tried both likely made more than the top dancer in Risque.
avatar for Bavarian
5 years ago
I wouldn’t be surprised if most strippers already caught COVID and didn’t even realize it. This makes the strip club the safest place to party!

I wear my mask at all times even during the lap dances. Most PLs don’t but many dancers do.
avatar for Tiburon
5 years ago
We can ways do like those peep show booths from the 70s and keep every girl behind a pane. We all see titties, 6 foot rule is strictly enforced and strippers aren't endangering themselves
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
As happens frequently, responses have mostly revolved around speculation of dancer earnings. The other main point of the article was how much the club vibe/atmosphere has changed, and what a less fun job is has become.
What with many customers staying away, or being less likely to spend (as much), or not believing in covid, (many) dancers are making less while enduring more risk. And yet, with fewer opportunities to earn $ some other way - well, they're stuck between a hard spot and a $20 uptick in their earnings.
I don't think many strippers will remember 2020 as a good year.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
5 years ago
Dancing is like being a pro athlete, not something you can do till you're 65. It seems like a lot of dancers and ex-dancers over 30 kick themselves to not being serious enough about the $ when they were in their 20s. If I find a dancer attractive, I ask her right away for a lap dance. I'm not one to tip for convo, and I don't want to waste someone's time and reduce their income. As far as what's typical income I think there is a huge range, like the difference between major and minor league. Never trust what anyone says about the size of their income or their dick.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@Ilbbaicnl, if your dancer is bragging about their dick size, it is a sure sign that you are in the wrong club!
avatar for DenimChicken
5 years ago
To gSteph's point about the rest of the article - I don't really think there is anything new in there. This sounds like the feedback from most dancers that are posting about it online.

I'm curious on how the relationships with dancers that turned to OTC with regulars changed when clubs opened again. Mostly interested in girls that didn't do OTC before covid.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Where I club almost nobody is wearing a mask and none of the dancers seem overly afraid. This article struck me as a bunch of melodramatic nonsense coming from one solitary girl.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Around here I know the girls often go home with a few hundred dollars after stage and tipping out. It's still $200-300 for working 4 hours. A great night can yield $1k, but that's unusual
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
I never concern myself with other's people money, so I do not care or try to calculate how much a dancer or BGs earn, all I worry about is how much she wants for the services I want.

When i first started mongering I wanted to find out the general market value of the services I was seeking, it took about a month or two to figure it out and that is all the stripper and BG economics that interested me.
avatar for NAAAASTY
5 years ago
The girls with anxiety, and good number medicate, can't be taking this well. High paying regulars tend to be older or high risk, hypertensive, diabetic spectrum.

I have a clean fave who's a germophobe doing the best she can. She was most concerned about her asthmatic kid and self reported own health risks (the latter which I question and she probably doesn't have a full understanding of) as well as re-shutting down the club, and club mask policy. TBF club just re-opened and mask policy just enacted, so could've been initial caution adding to it.

I guess I'm just a PL, but I've been seeing her more and tipping more, just as I been supporting and frequenting local businesses more.

avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
During the brief period clubs reopened here there were plenty of old dudes there. It really was the groups of blue collar guys who finish work at 2 or 3 who were absent.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
Those who are afraid of a minor illness with a 99.7 percent recovery rate can stay home and hide in their closet as long as they wish. They have no right to tell those of us you don't share their paranoia how to live our lives.

This entire thing has been ridiculous since before the first lockdown. Its completely absurd now. Life has a 100% mortality rate. I choose to live my life to the full every day.
avatar for Tiburon
5 years ago
Soo....does that mean the amount of time they worked, they never finished paying for college?
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
The day before one of my all-time favorite Judges was being forced to retire at 70, it was obvious he was letting attorneys be humorous and not necessarily professional. One lawyer even said, "Judge I would ordinarily say the Plaintiff is stretching the truth, but liar liar pants on fire seems more applicable". That kind of never seen day in court.
I am representing a dancer. Her financial statement, signed under the pains and penalties of perjury and certified by me shows gross income of $750.00 per week. Her soon to be ex husband is whining that he should get alimony and that she makes $2,000.00 a day doing rooms and usually gets a "$500.00 tip for services above and beyond" when she does rooms. His allegation is that she makes $3,000.00 per week i.e. 4x more. Judge looks at me and says counseller? I respond "I never tipped more than $100.00, so in theory, using the Plaintiff's math, she makes $600.00 because her tips are 5x less than he thinks". Dead silence. 60 people in Court and you could hear air currents and then everyone, including the judge, but not the defendant starts laughing. After a few minutes the Judge, not to be outdone, restores order, looks at me and says"the rules require notification before expert testimony" nd off we go.
In today's progressive culture we'd both be suspended.
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
Great line, Skibum.
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