OT: Agree or not ?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
"Please, Tip 50 Percent"



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avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I usually tip at least fairly, and sometimes above fair (more than 20%) - and as of late I *have* been cognizant to often go a bit past fair - but IDK if 50%+ is called for as the new-normal till things get back on track.
avatar for londonguy
5 years ago
50% seems a bit high to me, I think 30% max is reasonable.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ is tipping common in England?
avatar for rogertex
5 years ago
Setting expectations around tipping is always a double-edged sword.
Unknowingly such Authors end up doing more harm than good for the restaurant/service industry.

The good is - it does make the fortunate become aware of the hardships. So uptick may happen.
The bad is - it also makes a prospective customer skip a restaurant and simply head for the drive-through - as this becomes out of bound (everyone's hurtin). Actually hurts the business.

The ugly is - it pisses off prospective customers - especially ones who have been to Europe and other parts of the world where waiters and waitresses are real professionals, offer impeccable service and love their work. And compared with entitled asses in USA (many. no all). It is a huge contrast that anybody who has eaten at a restaurant abroad has experienced.

I feel fortunate during these times and tip more out of my own desire - for good/reasonable service. Many of us are donating money to charities - why not spend a portion on those who are serving you locally (i.e., restaurant waiters)
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
You anti-50%ers+ are not woke
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Not woke for sure
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
She's gotta flirt a lot and show a lot of cleavage to get a tip that big from me !!!!
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
also not woke. staying asleep.
avatar for londonguy
5 years ago
Papi, no. It is not common.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
Pre Covid disagree, but now I agree. Everything is going to be expensive, gym memberships, dining out, especially strip clubs. A lot of restaurants are going to close and the only way to ensure social distancing in bars, restaurants and SC is by jacking up the price. In bangkok the girls would be in fish bowl and you picked the 1 you liked, price varied by age and beauty. but since prostitution is not legal her i expect the Colombia night club model. in colombia you get access to VIP by paying a premium. ratio probly 10 girls to 1. Model quality girls but you will pay big to party.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
The guys that couldnt wait to blow those 40 dollars in their pockets are not going to make it.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
I like to tell myself that I’m against tipping as a practice but especially the older I get the more I seem to tip. I regularly tip my barber 150% but she does double duty as my psychiatrist so there’s that. lol

To answer the question, I don’t know that 50% should be the new normal. For me it is very much situationally dependent. Of course it doesn’t hurt if she has big tits.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
50%??? Am I getting my dick sucked too???
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
I don't think 50% should be the new normal but I occasionally tip that much. When I got my hair cut last weekend I tipped her about 90% just because she was cute, had a good friendly personality and was fast. But giving her $40 for a $21 haircut isn't as big of a deal as tipping 50% at every restaurant. At most restaurants I am usually around 20% for decent service and go up to about 30% for great service and sometimes higher if the service is fantastic.

What really drives me nuts is when I ordered a pizza Monday night and the restaurant's website tried to get me to add a "40% recommended tip for the driver" when I went to check out. I was already paying an extra $4.95 for the delivery fee on a $20 order and they want me to tip the driver $8 for driving the pizza 6 minutes to my house?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I hope not too many dancers are reading this
avatar for GoVikings
5 years ago
Lolol muddy your post reminded me of this


avatar for joatmon
5 years ago
If the service is good, I usually tip a minimum of 20%. First time I got a haircut after barbershops re-opened here. I tipped over 100% just cause they had had it hard and I like the job they do.

If it is an establishment that you like I think you should tip more than normal right now, but to each his own.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
I have no problem tipping myself 50% for my haircut that I perform on myself and preparing food for myself.
avatar for Member6532
5 years ago
I feel like tipping/fees/donations is getting out of control right now. Every restaurant has a fee for ordering online, plus tip request and uber has been doing a "give money straight to the restaurant" donation option. But more then that liquor stores and breweries are now requesting tips for in store pick up. Multiple businesses are posting on social media gofundme pages they created for themselves asking for money, not selling gift cards, tickets for future shows or events, or anything in return. These are businesses not charities, hell some of the breweries are selling more beer then ever and renaming tip as a pick up fee for 20% and arent even bringing it to your car.
avatar for TheElmerFudd
5 years ago
Disagree. That can’t be a realistic solution. Fix the actual problem.

avatar for mike710
5 years ago
I tipped every girl on stage $10 on the first trip back to my favorite club. I tipped more with girls that I liked. Gave more than 50% to the bartender and handed the one server a $20. Hell, i even gave the bouncer a $20 because he is the roommate of a friend.

I did this because they went through a much tougher time than I did and I hadn't spent any money at all on anything but essentials.

I plan to tip extra for a while but probably not as much eventually. I always tip more than 20% at places I frequent regularly and know the staff a bit more.

I might not be spending much again soon because states I frequent and where I live is starting to shut down for a while again.
avatar for datinman
5 years ago
I tip for service. The waitress that fills my coffee 5 times at a cheap truck stop diner is going to get 50% or better. 20 - 25% is plenty at a restaurant wear cocktails, wine, and entree for two bring the tab into the $300 - $400 range. I refuse to tip for someone just making change at the register like in a liquor store.
avatar for BAngus
5 years ago
St. Tropez? This overpriveleged jackass Chris Crowley thinks that given all the layoffs due to the 'rona panic shutdowns that the average consumer of restaurant delivery even gives that place a second thought? More proof that the average journalist has no idea what life is like in the real world.
avatar for Meursault
5 years ago
Are you sure this article wasn’t on MoneyGrubbingStreet? I always tip 25%, but I’m starting to think I should tip 0%. Maybe if the kids working these jobs felt some more economic pain they’d start voting better. They couldn’t vote worse.
avatar for crosscheck
5 years ago
I've been tipping the same 20 to 25% that I normally do. I've always been a good tipper going to back to when I delivered pizza in high school. Once you've worked a job where tips are most of your income, you'll always be a good tipper thereafter.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
50% is an absolute joke. "Putting their life on the line...being made to work." That is absolute fiction. Working is a privilege, not a right. You also have the right to refuse work, it is not slavery. No, I am very strict about tipping. 10-15-20%, before tax. If you really earn it, I'll go a hair above 20; and if you really earn it, I will tip less than 10. All these people with their hands out, in the form of tip jars everywhere.

In the strongest terms possible, I disagree.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
This isn’t a tip, it’s the equivelent of a Vegas hotel resort fee. A sneaky way to increase the base cost. Same result. Pisses me off and makes me less likely to go.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I’m sure this comment will get me into trouble - but here goes.

Waiting tables is not what I consider a career. It’s a job you do while either getting an education - or when you are out of your job.

Folks can make very good money waiting tables - and sadly many come to rely on these jobs - and think they are careers. They are not careers.

Being a restaurant owner or a real chef - are careers.

And the article is also obnoxiously out of touch by saying not tipping 50% is going to pay for the diner’s trip to San Tropez!

This is just stupid - and out of touch!

These folks should take their $600 a week and stimulus payments - and not act entitled to more.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Cash, that response was amazingly arrogant and out of touch. Now I'm not sure that 50% is the right number, but I have been more generous lately. As far as what a "career" is, any honest employment that puts food on the table is noble work and waiting tables often pays much better than the next best options.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
"Cash, that response was amazingly arrogant and out of touch. "

There's the pot calling the kettle black.
avatar for daddyfatsack
5 years ago
Could always fix the actual problem but you morons likely oppose that with all your might as well
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
I highly disagree. Delivery apps already add like 30% of tge cost of your food in fees. And restaurants are raising prices while offering smaller portions and often worse quality food. From my experience. While keeping only a few workers and none of them full time.

I'm a lot more careful as to where I spend my money now and I don't like being ripped off
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Also with the economy suffering its greedy and selfish to ask people who are struggling to subsidize a business' obligations with donations. If they can't pay their ekployees they shouldn't be in business
avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 years ago
Not. Right now I tip 20% for carryout which is pretty damn good for no service. Inside with service I have been 20-30% considering the difficulty.
avatar for shanny72
5 years ago
I used to go out for lunch or dinner often at a select few locations. Sat at the bar usually and became friendly with a bartender or 3. Knowing what they have been through, and also because I like them I've been tipping 50% or better. But as a standard tip, I say 25-30 is reasonable in this environment.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
The article comes across as guilt-tripping people for not tipping outrageously - comes across as if they are trying to cancel-out 20%-tipping to replace-it w/ 50%+ tipping (I guess 20% is oppressive)
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
They should focus on asking why employees don't get a living wage
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
This is part of a poor attempt to say that crappy jobs should be careers. They aren’t careers - and this should not be a discussion. I worked shit jobs in college - so I could get a real job.

The guy who makes fries at McDonalds shouldn’t think he’s entitled to a paycheck that allows him to buy a 4 bedroom house. Those jobs aren’t careers. You make fries and take the bus back to your parents house - or you go back to your dorm room and study. Folks are soft now - and they want a living wage for menial jobs - and it’s wrong.

I know those jobs are honest employment, but they aren’t careers. This is a free market economy and we can’t pay folks a living wage for menial jobs that require minimal training.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
I always tip 25% and round up to the next $1.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
Make sure you tip your wannabe actor or actress wait staff enough money so they can afford to continue to pursue their dream of making it big in show biz!

Even though they are reaching 50 - and have never gotten a call back!
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@Cashman I agree with you
avatar for RamPaige
5 years ago
Tipping is depending on the service provided though. If the service is terrible, shouldn't the tip be low as well?
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