
Crazy Ass OTC

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 12:46 PM
Ok, I had my first crazy ass OTC adventure since before the lockdowns. Now I'm really back in the saddle again. 😉 As is often the case in these situations, I did not see this one coming. She was cool in the club and not showing signs of heavy insobriety. A little tipsy, but in a good way. But the second I got her in my car, the drama started. First she wanted to jam up my radio. I kept turning it back down, telling her that I didn't want to draw any special attention from any cops between the club and the hotel, especially since my BAC level was in question. Three fucking times back and forth - she wanted to party. Apparently this was her first day out after 3 months of quarantine and she had a lot of steam to blow. Then when we get to the hotel, she decides to make a spectacle of herself in front of the night clerk, especially since our door key would not work and we had to ask for another room. I thought for sure we were going to be tossed out. Then on the way to the room I am treated to a story about her husband's 3 life sentences for who the fuck knows what. Then, once in the room, she wants to tell me more of her life story and a little teary eye stuff starts. This was before the sex. Worse though, once the sex was over (which was ok), the waterworks really started. I was regaled about her Baby Daddy 1 being a psycho and her current SO, Baby Daddy 2, being a piece of shit who apparently couldn't do anything about BD1. She needed a lot of comforting, including hugging and listening - fuck. Finally I got her in the car and back to the club. But even her departure couldn't happen without drama, which came in the form of an accusation that the stuff in the back of my car was "some other bitches.'" It was my gym bag, but she knows I'm married anyway, so I'm not sure why it mattered. Good Lord. Quarantine has definitely not been emotionally healthy for some girls, lol.


  • magicrat
    4 years ago
    Sounds like a normal night with a stripper/SB to me! Good for you for getting back in that saddle.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    You do seem to pick winners
  • Heellover
    4 years ago
    What did her husband do? I want details haha
  • Heellover
    4 years ago
    Maybe she should have paid you for your time (for counseling purposes )
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    This chick must have been on the financial backslide to go through this along with all her emotional baggage. No judgement here Rick, but just curious if you’re ever worried about risking your wife finding out and creating your own financial backslide where she leaves you and takes 1/2(or a chunk) of your money with her? You could have been pulled over by a cop, DUI, and have to explain who was with you or this stripper could have damaged the hotel and/or your car! The stripper perfume in the car must have your wife suspicious?
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Meat, Some guys are built to live quietly and simply, but I'm just not wired like that. I will never be the type to live risk free - it's just not who I am. Try as I might I cannot completely suppress my bad impulses. I can and do take steps to channel those impulses and manage the risks, but as you rightly pointed out, that's not the same as avoiding them altogether. It is what it is.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    @magicrat: Thank you sir. But I do wonder how much being quarantined for 3 months added to her mental state. She was a powder keg.
  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    She went from warm fuzzy buzzed to black out drunk by the time she hit the car. Probably took down a couple shots right before the trip.
  • TheElmerFudd
    4 years ago
    I once agreed to a vip session with a dancer. She then went to the bar, downed 4 shots one after another, then came back and said “I’m ready now”...
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    One can't paint all dancers with the same broad-brush, but many of these chicks have had fucked-up upbringings and/or have fucked-up current-circumstances - so yeah not at all uncommon one can end-up w/ a loose-cannon that at times are able to act perfectly normal then switch on a dime.
  • daddyfatsack
    4 years ago
    I honestly did not get past 3 life sentences. LMAO dude I'm out right at that moment. "Like you know what, let me get you an uber. Now, as in right now."
  • Ggmanspot
    4 years ago
    It must of been good sex because you definitely toughed that one out
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    It was OK. Some people seem to believe that the crazy ones are the most fun in bed, but that has never been my experience. I've always found the quiet eager to please types to give the best experience. But I was already there and my choice was to plow ahead or blow the whole thing up, which would have caused even more drama, and then go home empty-handed.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Besides, none of that was a big turnoff before the waterworks at the end of the event, so I wasn't seriously tempted to leave anyway. :)
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Holy shit. Does not sound worth it to me even for a freebie
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    This isn't a psycho-oriented story like Rick's, but kinda funny. I've got this one somewhat regular girl. At the time, I'd already know her for 2 or 3 years and never seen her get drunk. She'd normally order just water, O'doul's, or occasionally a glass of wine. This one particular evening I got to the bar and could tell she already had more than a few drinks. Just acting kinda stupid and laughing at stuff that wasn't funny. It was entertaining at first, but after she downed like 3 glasses of wine in about a half hour, and sent me to the vending machine for chips a few times, now she wants to do shots. Bartender knows me well and when I rolled my eyes she was like "I don't know what's wrong with her today." Two shots of tequila one right after the other and I'm thinking the VIP is gonna be extra fun tonight because she's getting a little wild, and she's dirty-talking me like I've never heard from her before! So she orders another shot, throws it back into her mouth, and I don't think she even swallowed it before she drops the glass and starts projectile vomiting right on the bar. Then she drops her head down and the next couple of heaves went all over her legs, feet, tits, and everything in between. The worst part was that when she's finally done barfing wine and Doritos all over herself, she starts passing out and falling off the bar stool. I managed to grab her and keep her from falling to the floor, but now I've got this puke-soaked stripper in a bear hug, holding her up. She's pretty thin, but 125 lbs of dead weight is a little tough to keep holding. I picked her up and sat her back on the stool, but she kept falling back into my arms. The bouncer and another dancer came over and took hold of her, and as they're walking (dragging) her to the ladies room she starts coming around (sort of) and tries telling me, "Dance. Dance. We do dance." Yeah, sure. That was the end of my night except for the puke-stank ride home. Thank God it was only about 15 minutes. But I felt worse for the guy who had to clean up that bar. Never saw her get drunk again since then, and we still laugh about it when I see her.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ Damn mister I suddenly feel lucky, lol.
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    @rickdugan “But I was already there and my choice was to plow ahead or blow the whole thing up, which would have caused even more drama …” I’ve changed my mind on numerous occasions for whatever reason. Sometimes as late as being naked and just short of consummation. Talk about crazy assed drama. You can take my word for it that rejecting a girl at that point really brings out the worst in a girl. lol
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Changing your mind after a woman is naked and decided she'll have sex with you, that's basically a humiliation.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    If changing one's mind also implies non-payment then expect the psycho-ness to go up at least 5-notches
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    How dare you talk about me that way ricky! I am not the kind of um... girl who acts that way! NO MORE PLAYING BOUNCER FOR YOU FOR A LONG TIME!
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    @wallanon. I don’t disagree with the term “humiliation” but after a visual inspection there wasn’t any hesitation in deciding to change my plans. At least the humiliation was a private affair. @Papi_Chulo. Not all my experiences involved P4P but I’ve never not paid in those cases where it was. Interestingly IME women who sell themselves (sex workers) take rejection much worse than normal women and perhaps it has much to do with an internal feeling of humiliation where self-esteem is already in question.
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    @ BBBC... dam that is harsh!
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    Sounds like a good time rick! 👍😈
  • max_starr
    4 years ago
    hmm... you made plans...had to stick with them...I'm sure you had some fun after all...you didn't get pulled over and these hotel people are used to our drama somewhat... next time include bonuses for roleplay....$100 if you pretend to be a bad ass bitch who has no problems and doesn't like to discuss past relationships...
  • Player11
    4 years ago
    Yes drama a bummer. I guess I am spoiled not have that lately. Seen mine (stripper when met her now x stripper) over 10 years no drama except one occasion couple years ago she had to take call from husband about their kid right before we were gonna fuck. Then have to hear her convo to him about lying where she is. I take what they say w grain of salt. A clubber friend once told me “don’t believe your the only one (she is seeing).”
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    we can think that we are the ‘only’ one. possibly true but don’t bank on it.
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