Back in the saddle

avatar for rickdugan
Clubs in our area are now open. It is good to be back in the saddle again.

It will be even better when they are operating without restrictions, but it was a good start. When I visited there were a lot of guys out there and not a mask in sight, except on the bartender of one of 3 clubs that I visited.

Other odds and ends:

- Some of the girls put on some serious weight. Quarantine has not been good for them.

- One club was out of my favorite drink and another was playing games by measuring out smaller shots. Obviously they are trying to recoup some of the money they lost during the shutdown. It may take a while for these clubs to be fully back on their feet.

- I didn't sense the same hunger in some of the girls that one would normally find, which makes me believe that most of them are benefiting from other income (unemployment, etc.). It may take a couple of months or so for optimal conditions to return.

- Bar seats have been spaced out and some removed, but otherwise I did not see any great efforts at social distancing. Guys were tipping and getting dances like usual.


last comment
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Great news rick, but I gotta be honest I'm getting pretty jealous hearing about areas that are opening up! Here in NJ our shithead governor would keep everything shut down for a year if he thought he could get away with it.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
Congratulations on a small step back toward normalcy. The best available where I’m at so far was a trip to the local Tilted Kilt yesterday. Really nice looking girls all wearing masks (mandated no doubt). The semi-amusing thing was that half the masks had exhale valves. For those that don’t know, if you see a plastic attachment on a mask that is an exhale valve. It makes it easier for the wearer to breathe by not having to force the exhaled breathe back out through the clothe/membrane but rather straight out into the air completely unfiltered. Pretty much negates the supposed purpose of protecting others but the girls were cute so I didn’t go all Antifa on them.

***I will add my cautionary note that though the asinine lockdown was stupid, Covid-19 is real and everyone should use sound judgment.

I spent the morning surfing the web checking out the status and prospects around the world. Looks like Spain may be the first to open for me but small cracks are starting to appear in other places. I think most people could probably use some relief from the rioters and pandemic doom and gloomers so when I came across the advert below for a hotel/resort that I’ve stayed many times I thought I’d share it. Maybe it amuses me more than it will others but I do know several of the girls pictured and wonder how they are doing. Oh yeah, it is hosted by @juicebox69’s much slimmer Australian cousin. Hoping we get back to normal soon, enjoy:…
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Any reviews coming - or not enough there to warrant them (or just don't feel like writing them)?
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Papi: he writes shit reviews anyway.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
@doctor: Clearly you missed my tagline - Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer. I know that I can't turn a 5 minute club bathroom stop into a 4 paragraph essay like you can, but I do my best. 😉

@Papi: It just doesn't seem fair to review them right now. I saw a lot of hiccups last night, with staff still trying to adjust to the new situation. I have enough to write solid reviews on 2 clubs (doctor, which means I actually stayed in them for a while, lol), but I'll probably let things shake out for another week or so before I revisit and write fresh reviews.
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
Clearly you haven’t found a stripper on the backslide, yet.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ Just too much damned government money still floating around. It's keeping the economic reckoning on pause. But that won't last forever so we'll just need to bide our time.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
" Clearly you missed my tagline - Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer." Uh, no. Several words come to mind: ironic, clueless, stupid, . . .
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
^^^^^well at least TUSCL is starting to get back to normal.

I'm also jealous hearing about all these areas with strip clubs opening back up. Meanwhile I was just happy to finally get a haircut after a 3 month period.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Normal indeed. Doctor trolling once again. The world is turning back onto its axis. ;)
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Yeah I’ll probably wait it out a bit, not that I really have a choice at the moment though
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
I've had a login for this site for a long time but haven't been too active over the years. I have to say that I like the way members and staff are handling this report of Covid in a club so far. A false report could really hurt a business that is trying to come back. At the same time, members would probably like to avoid a place with a positive result for a while. It's a tough balance but appreciate how it's being handled.
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago
Hell yeah! Just like in Broke Back Mountain!
avatar for 623
5 years ago
Even just naming the 3 clubs you stopped at would be useful. Every review is just a snapshot in time and not considered to be the final authority but any honest information is useful.
No need to write a “papi novella” to convey what you did learn even if it is flux.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Maybe you can get more info in a pm for the clubs people have seen? I can understand either side of posting reviews or not during the reopen phase. Clubs are trying to get their footing and obviously are not going to be running full speed right out of the chute, but putting the word out on what customers can expect in a club is what TUSCL reviews are about.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
You could always put a disclaimer into your Review by saying that you thought Covid has an impact.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Dugan is a seasoned SCer and review-writer - he must have his reasons for not wanting to write them; not a huge-deal - I imagine as the days go by reviews will start popping up more-and-more.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "Clubs are trying to get their footing and obviously are not going to be running full speed right out of the chute, but putting the word out on what customers can expect in a club is what TUSCL reviews are about."

But that's just it wall. I went in on the first day of opening, with lots of unusual misfires and hiccups. For example:

One club was out of my favorite beverage.

In the second, one bartender was pouring my drinks through a shitty controlled shot nozzle while the other used a gun for a full pour. Needless to say I ordered all my drinks thereafter from the one doing the normal thing. In this same club, nobody at all was wearing masks when I arrived, but the night manager made the bartenders and servers put them on during the shift.

In the third, drinks were being served in crappy small plastic cups rather than the tall glasses they normally use and they only had a small number of dancers all night.

Will things be like this tonight or a couple of days from now? Who knows? I'm guessing not as they'll have more of this sorted out by then. I'd rather give them a chance to get running before I scare anyone away with something that might just be an opening day anomaly. I'll be back in this week and will doubtlessly write post covid-19 reviews at that point.
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