Covid Shutdown

This shut down screwed up my affairs, and from multiple angles.
Shattered my living arrangements, shattered my public office
arrangements. New is set up, but I cannot realize it until after the
shut down. My affairs were funky, but that was by choice. What
follows will be less so. But as of now I cannot even see tuscl. I
have to be polite and gracious, so I cannot complain.
The problem with Newsom, Pelosi, and Biden is that as they try and
present a different view from Trump and the Republicans, their
positions are not sufficiently different.
These are not Progressive Democrats, they are Neo-Liberal Democrats.
Have to vote for them, as having Republicans would be far worse.
But remember, we don't see the Progressive Democrats going along with
this stuff. We don't see AOC, Bernie Sanders, or Andy Yang going
along with it.
Though the shut down has caused big problems for me, when it started I
did not complain. I new that a virus spreading geometrically was
scary. It could have overloaded our hospitals.
But by mid-April, geometric growth had stopped, being replaced by a
gentle linear addition of cases. The shut down should have ended at
the end of April.
But with Newsom and Andrew Cuomo, the objective shifted. It had been
merely "flattening the curve", slowing it down, lowering the peak in
case numbers. This had all happened.
But the objective shifted to "protecting people from the virus".
Cuomo asked, "How much is a human life worth?" And Newsom started
talking about his "Army of 10,000 contact tracers." He is still
talkng about this, and it is just a police state. Testing and contact
tracing might help at the start of an epidemic, but at the end they
serve no legitimate purpose.
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci says that 70% of the population has been exposed.
Well this means that those who did not die are now immune and
So if you live with someone, what are the chances that you and they
have not been exposed? Well that is .3 squared, so the chances are
9%. And for 3 people, 2.7%, and for 4 people, 0.81%, and for a group
of 5, 0.273%.
Obviously if you live with others, you probably have been exposed.
And then a light exposure works pretty much like a vaccine.
Newsom is trying to set up a police state. He has said that he wants
to use involuntary medication and institutionalization on the
Pelosi wants to spend $3T.
Except for the annual budget itself, there has never been anything on
the table which is that expensive. That would be the biggest run on
green ink and paper in all history.
But the money is not to be used to solve the problems built into our
economic system, the money is to prop up our economic system.
Paycheck Protection mostly means landlord protection, protection of
the real estate market, and of the stock market.
And then people argue about unemployment, after an employer reopens.
We should not have unemployment anymore, we should replace it, and all
needs tested programs, with Universal Basic Income. Andy Yang says
$3.2T, but you get back $1.4T from other programs you can eliminate.
This is what we should be doing.
Using public money to prop up our economic system is buying into a
bubble. It is extremely wasteful. We should be using public money to
provide for basic needs.
Propping up the work ethic is extremely expensive. Providing for
basic needs is pretty much a done deal already, if we can just see it!
Gavin Newsom, this guy is totally fucked, just as he was when Mayor of
San Francisco. Only some of the Democratic Party is like this.
Come Join In:
last commentPosted at SJG's request.
Thanks for posting! Crazy goofy people are always great entertainment.
I support what the Democrats are doing. Especially in California.
^^ I’m sure your supporting them with your tax dollars, too.
No one cares fuck SJG and fuck you
Sjg is the most dedicated member on tuscl
Seriously icey?
I'm technically a member here too.
^ Why aren't you green anymore?
jestrite I get it your friends with that creepy fuck probably based on his praise for you as some front room make out guru but as a VIP I'm sure you saw the results when Founder asked in VIP if he should let the creep in thru a backdoor and the overwhelming response was no we don't want to see him posting here.
And now you're acting as his surrogate lapdog posting his drivel for him. It's sad, you've lost any respect I had for you, I sure hope you don't continue as his trained puppy. You posted a link to his pseudo forum, if anyone wants to read his crap they can do it there. We don't need anymore of it here!
BTW, I doubt anyone with a hint of active brain cells wants to join that psychotic's forum!
And good question to Founder, why aren't you green?
I HAD NO IDEA that SJG was banned from TUSCL. I rarely get on here anymore. Too many trolls so i just stay away. He asked me to post that for him because his internet protocols would not allow him to post on this site. I didnt question it at all. Also Mr.TheeOSU I could care less if you respect me or not. I'm my own person and have accomplished quite a lot without any of your respect and will continue to do what i like to do as i like to do it. Thank You for your encouragement!
His internet protocols? LOL
I think the consensus is his library is closed with its free internet.
TheeOSU. Jestrite50
Joined May 2014. Joined Feb. 2011
87 Reviews. 228 Reviews
Joined June 2014
335 Discussions
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Infinity moronic comments about FRMOS
I HAD NO IDEA that SJG was banned from TUSCL. I rarely get on here anymore. Too many trolls so i just stay away. He asked me to post that for him because his internet protocols would not allow him to post on this site. I didnt question it at all. Also Mr.TheeOSU I could care less if you respect me or not. I'm my own person and have accomplished quite a lot without any of your respect and will continue to do what i like to do as i like to do it. Thank You for your encouragement!
TheeOSU. Jestrite50
Joined May 2014. Joined Feb. 2011
87 Reviews. 228 Reviews
Oh heavens to goodness, I've proceeded to get myself in a dust up with the 200 review make out guru as anointed by his psychotic creep string puller from San Jose!
So much to get to, so little time.
Yes he's not banned but probably only because Founder is very likely the most tolerant and lenient Admin I've ever run across in my over 20yrs online.
Too many trolls? WTF do you think that creepy fuck is? He's the troll king of TUSCL!
If the number of reviews qualifies who's better than who it doesn't say much about your zero review string puller does it?
And speaking of your reviews, some I've read play out as fluff pieces shilling for a dancer or a club, what a great accomplishment!
And why did you post this overtly political OP in the front room. Last time I looked there was a politics room for political posts of which this most definitely is in spite of the title. .
Having to get up at 3AM for out of town business tomorrow I can't play any more, don't let the San Jose bugs bite.
i just wanted to let you know there is some wacko dude signing your good name to these comments ! Check it out !
Jestrite 50