
Protect Yourself from COVID

Looks like the clubs are starting to open back up. According to the latest CDC findings, the COVID virus spreads through the air and sometimes through touch. It's like second hand smoke in a smoky room. If you can breath the smoke, you can breath in the virus.

"Imagine everyone is smoking, as Ed Yong reported in the Atlantic, and you’d like to avoid inhaling as much smoke as possible. In a cramped indoor space, that smoke is going to get dense and heavy fast. If the windows are open, some of that smoke will blow away. If fewer people are in the space, less smoke will accumulate, and it might not waft over to you if you’re standing far enough away. But spend a lot of time in an enclosed space with those people, and the smoke grows denser."

Stay safe out there. Wear a mask. Wash your hands often.


  • Player11
    4 years ago
    Yes it is very dangerous. Thanks for sharing report. No SC hobby for me until vaccine / cure.
  • loper
    4 years ago
    Good analogy.
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    So, stay away from the clubs that allow smoking right?

    Seriously though, I'm not going to risk my well being for a craft cocktail or a steak dinner, but they have pussy in them there clubs and every day I am getting a little closer to seeing the risk as possibly worth it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Another concern is that typically dancers are in close contact with multiple PLs throughout a shift increasing her chances and thus increasing your chances when she's with you
  • docsavage
    4 years ago
    If you are under 50 years old even if you get it you aren't likely to die. About half of everyone who gets it is asymptomatic and don't even know they had it. Once you've had it you develop at least some immunity to it. Beside wearing a mask and washing your hands, you can also take supplements that boost your immune system like zinc, vitamin d and quercetin. If you are over 65 with health problems then you should stay away until a vaccine comes. I would see a lot of older guys when I went to clubs, mostly earlier in the day or evening, and a lot of money was being spent by them so them not showing up will hurt business.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I’m not going to be going back anytime soon I’m 66 and I’m going to wait and see how it goes I’ll let some of you more qualified guys be the guinea pigs.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    ^ "I'm 66"

    To me, you will always be 25.
  • NeverEnuf
    4 years ago
    Clubs need to step up their ventilation (smoke scrubbers), A/C & heat systems!
    Those that don't are the clubs to avoid.
    Let them know that!

    P.S. Ban stage smoke machines!!
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    Indoor smoking is my only complaint about dancing or mongering. The smoke zappers at some of my local clubs suck and staff do a second rate job at enforcing the no-cigar-smoking policy when someone lights one in a club that doesn't allow it. So the staff take two hours to find the guy that funked up the whole room.

    Now those who are sensitive to the smoke will be coughing and everyone will assume they're sick with something.
  • GoVikings
    4 years ago
    my favorite local club doesn't allow anyone to smoke indoors and they're re-opening today at 6pm. i haven't been since late feb and it would be cool to see my fav dancer

    well, should i go guys.....should i go? :)
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    ^ Interesting. So smoking isn’t allowed in Jax? I remember it being allowed most places I was at in Florida.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    @govikings Do what you wish and hopefully there’s no dance restrictions 😁
  • GoVikings
    4 years ago

    lol that's what i'm most curious about--whether it'll be business as usual as far as lap dances go or will they change it into an air-dance club lol haha
  • FishHawk
    4 years ago
    One club in my town is smoke free. I don’t smoke so I like it.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Thank you Eve I feel better already 💙💙💙
  • founder
    4 years ago
    Last night, I had a beer sitting at a restaurant bar with 3 buddies. So if you need anything in the next two weeks, don't ask me. I'll be in quarantine.

  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Damn @founder you were my last hope to borrow 20 bucks
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    @spice. Indoor smoking is allowed at all the clubs in Jax, but a few of them don't allow smoking cigars. Come to think of it, I think I'd rather deal with the occasional cigar smoker that comes in once a month than have to deal with a fog of cigarette smoke every single shift.

    @twentyfive. Just have founder cashapp you $20 instead.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    @Eve he said don't ask me so....................LOL
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    ^ So don't ask him. Tell him. Assert dominance.
  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
    👆 ooooo. I like that attitude!
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    @Eve just because @founder would gladly submit to your dominance doesn't mean it will work for @25.

    @Eve maybe you should tell @founder to cashapp you $40 so you can loan @25 the $20 he needs.
  • Player11
    4 years ago
    You don’t know who or how many dancer has been in contact with. Are they from high risk groups. In past if one fucking a really hot/new girl Itc and otc one might wonder how many guys does she fuck a day at the club (she has said already she texts her clients on mondays) what is her hiv status, how reliable really is condom in protecting you from it, what if she gets pg. Add to this she tells you her and fiancée go thru 22 condoms a month. With covid added I fold my hand (pass).
  • Player11
    4 years ago
    The day she told me (years ago) she and fiancée used 22 condoms a month we about go up to vip and fuck. A hot big tit blonde bikini girl engaged whore. We went up there she did me cg all I could think is wanna fill (even w rubbers she really good fuck) her I shot and shot when I came. She got off at same time really strong orgasm. Fantastic. One of many apex sc experiences I have had.
  • Bavarian
    4 years ago
    Business as usual here in Texas.
    Like someone said earlier, I won’t risk catching COVID-19 at a bar or restaurant but I take my chances at the strip club.
    That’s what PLs do.
  • Bavarian
    4 years ago
    Like Papi has said before, the strip club is a bizarro world. Young people (strippers) are not taking this seriously and they take no precautions. They are all about the Benjamins.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    There are reports that supposedly asymptomatic young people are showing signs of long term lung damage. Maybe CoVid isn’t affecting them now, but it’s the sort of thing that could put them at risk in years to come.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    There's something out there Major; and it ain't no man........ it's a virus....... we're all gonna die.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    Statistically there is almost no risk to the general public from this illness.

    Half the deaths have been in nursing homes and most of those among residents with underlying conditions. Less than 1 % of the population lives in nursing homes yet half the deaths occur there. In fact a disproportionate amount of even these deaths are in states that are deliberately forcing nursing homes to accept Covid positive patients thus placing one of the only truly vulnerable segments of the p0opulation at grave risk of exposure and causing a vastly outsized number of total deaths.

    For otherwise healthy people outside of nursing homes, the risk of dying from this illness is statistically in the low 0% range.

    The whole manufactured hysteria is reminiscent of HIV/AIDS in the 80s and 90s. The powers that be scared the general public into believing that the average heterosexual was at grave risk of catching HIV through regular vaginal sex when in fact it turned out the risk to straight people who didn't engage in unprotected anal sex, didn't shoot drugs, get transfussions, or fall into another high risk category was nearly statistically non-existent.

    In short most of us are at little to no risk from everyday activities. While it is dangerous if you are in a nursing home, particularly in states dumping infected patients into these facilities, everyone else has been had. This is possibly the biggest scam pulled off in human history.
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    Gee how do we know about "longterm" lung damage when the illness has only been around since last November? Anything to keep the hysteria going I guess.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    In snowflake America; where 330 million people live; everyone is afraid ......of illness, which has existed since the beginning of time. Always will exist. Always will kill people. Its' nature's way of saying: too many people.
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