
Freedoms you've given up

slip a dollar in her g-string for me
Some people think we haven't given up freedoms. So I thought we'd start a list of things we can no longer do.

Camp at a national park.
Spend the day at our beaches.
Eat at our favorite restaurant.
Take a hike in a county Park.

Feel free to add to the list


  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    I actually can hike in some county parks still.

    I do miss the beaches.
  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    Dine out with family and friends
    Use of public parks and trails
    Get a haircut or handsy
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    I haven't given up any. I've had quite a few taken from me. Luckily, I live in Georgia where the governor is trying to ease restrictions as much as possible.
  • founder
    4 years ago
    good point doctorevil. I should have phrased it differently.

    I given up getting my teeth cleaned
    Drinking beer at a poker table
    Slipping dollars in g-strings.

  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    The freedom to go home.

    The freedom to go help the people who are important to me.

    The freedom not to waste precious days of life being locked up through no fault of my own with the ever increasing realization that there is no legitimate reason for this nonsense.

  • pistola
    4 years ago
    The freedom to walk in a club commando wearing basketball shorts. 🤣🤣🤣
  • founder
    4 years ago
    Pretty sure that's not a right, pistola.. I think a business owner can deny service to anyone.

    But I get your point :)
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    The freedom to hug people in public; to not stand outside in the rain while I wait for the math wiz in the market to figure out how many people is 40% so she can let me in; the freedom to drive to Florida and see my Mother who is ill face to face; the freedom to go with my brother to hios doctor's apppointment in the hospital tomorrow to find out how much longer he has to live; the freedom to buy legal marijuana because i am tired of drinking alcohol which the State deemed a necessity, as if batterers needed it more; the freedom to protest, which is being eeradicated; and mainstream news that just once is honest as they write article after article on which woman rapist Joe Biden witll pick as Vice Presidential nominee of the hypocrite party.
  • founder
    4 years ago
    still waiting for twentyfive to chime in here. I guess he didn't give up anything.

    Strange to think he gave up nothing but spends his time on a strip club website. That would leave one to believe he's still going to strip clubs. Let us know where, twentyfive. We all want a lapdance!
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Well I haven't been to a strip club in a while, and I haven't been cowering at home contrary to popular belief, I'm not such a conspiracy theorist, or paranoiac that I believe that this is permanent situation, before too long we all will be back to doing what we want, but you go ahead and get your panties in a twist over the freedoms that you're giving up I just plain disagree. That is still my right I hope,
    I mean i am allowed to disagree in my America, right?
  • founder
    4 years ago
    You're free to disagree.

    Just curious, what's your cutoff date? When will you think we will be open?
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I think things are starting to open up a bit now, but my real fear is not for myself, my real fear is we will get a spike and cause a second shutdown, which will really kill the economy, before it has a chance to start up again, that will keep us in some rough economic times for longer, than if we just do what is necessary to clean this up. You guys are forgetting that it's not about someone saying the restaurant is open, it is about wanting to eat at the restaurant and being comfortable with that choice.
  • woodstock
    4 years ago
    I predict 3 July 2020.
  • bdirect
    4 years ago
    i would like give it more time,,,,, like woodstock july 3........... to avoid a re-lock
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago

    I have friends who are Doctors and nurses. If you think this is all about you then you are pretty damn selfish.
  • founder
    4 years ago
    Here in California we've been closed for 6 weeks, and we're clamping down tighter every day.

    Seems like it's becoming political here.

  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    I live in Michigan which has been pretty badly hit. California always seems like it is pushed and pulled by crazy politics so I understand the immediate gut reaction.
  • MalakingDog
    4 years ago
    That's not surprising since Trump made it political from the get go. It's despicable on both sides.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Sorry for my harsh post but it is exactly why the measures are in place. If you break the back of the healthcare system then you get the disaster in Italy, etc
  • rogertex
    4 years ago
    We all did good.
    Businesses opening in Texas starting tomorrow.
    In phases. (Strip clubs not yet)
    Masks, Distance, Washing - all common sense practices still in place.
    Scale back where there's a flare up.
    Herd immunity will develop in 8 weeks. Cure by end of year.
    Then the elderly and vulnerable can also go out freely.

    Never been so impressed by humanity.
    Hoping strip clubs return to original glory with dancers unleashing months of love onto agreeable PLs.
  • founder
    4 years ago
    Rogertex, how do you figure herd immunity will develop with everyone social distancing?
  • bdirect
    4 years ago
    it is true we have lost freedom during this pandemic.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    @rogertex and founder - developing herd immunity isn’t a decision. Every country, state and city will develop herd immunity. The decision is how quickly we all get exposed and those who need to get hospital care get it in a fucked up game of musical chairs for hospital beds. Stay at home orders merely delay the exposure curve. This can be over in 6 weeks if we all go outside. Bonus, there will be plenty of parking spaces when it’s all over.
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    @Uprightcitizen. I seriously don’t want you to take this the wrong way but your post sounds like “But what about the children?”.

    I have a very personal concern about many doctors and nurses who are dealing with C-19. Fortunately I do not know anyone who has personally died from it but I am aware of a number who have died that are one person removed from my friends.

    As I have posted before, the virus is real and people have and will die from it. But it is not the contagion that was originally feared. The “experts” predicted 2 million plus Americans would die. Of course the media hyped it but that is how they make money. The fact is that the prediction has proved to be so wildly off the mark that I think those prognosticators should be shamed into oblivion. I recall when a very “sobered” Trump went on TV and told everyone to brace themselves because the number of deaths in “the next two weeks” would be horrendous (the media calling for 100,000 to 200,000). This got my attention and I’m sure that Trump’s “experts” convinced him it was going to happen. BTW it never happened.

    Likewise the medical system has never come close to being broken. Local hospitals here have less than one third of their beds filled in anticipation of all the multitude of C-19 patients which never occurred. The same situation exists across the country. The hospital ships went unused and the over-flow hospitals set up by the military also went unused and have quietly folded up. Doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers have been laid off for lack of patients because elective procedures (defined as anything not an emergency) have been halted.

    What is going unreported is that stroke, heart attack, and other serious cases showing up at emergency rooms are down by 30 – 40 %. It’s not that they aren’t happening, it’s that people are afraid to go to the hospital. Cancer treatments, surgery and basic diagnosis are also all largely on hold. How many of these people have, are, will die because of this shutdown is an unknown but my gut tells me that the number equals or exceeds the C-19 deaths.

    So the economic concerns as well as my “selfish” desire to be free aside, IMHO the time has come to stop with the hyperbole and fear mongering. Maybe the decisions made at the time when there was little or nothing known about the virus that the actions could be justified. At this point with more and more significant data available and PPE largely in place, and with much more knowledge about what the threat really is, a focused, meaningful and effective strategy to deal with it should be put in place and again IMHO that does not include any kind of sweeping lockdown.

    To put it more in TUSCL terms I would pose the question: Just because some whining old man in south Florida is afraid of dying, should a 16 year old boy in Bum-fuck Montana be locked up instead of being able to drive down to the lake with a case of beer where he can fuck his horny girl friend which is after all is what America’s promise of freedom is all about? I think we all know the answer to that.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago

    "What about the children?" You clearly don't care or have a clue on the practical measures associated with this transient event.

    It's funny how people have to shade it with their own personal
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
  • bdirect
    4 years ago
    the big overcrowded cities where people live on top of each other (plus air pollution) been predicting for years a virus would strike ...... but were unprepared for it when it happen..............
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    all righty then,,, smh
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    We've been on a slippery slope for years giving up bits of freedoms here and there as legislators legislate just for the sake of legislating. The virus is just speeding up the process.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    ^^^pathetic and boring osu. I am 2 seconds to midnight on checking out on this discussion board. Losers are results oriented so when things are going better they validate their flawed position. When heads come up 3x out of 4 coin flips doesn't make the conclusion of head>tails correct.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Point being there are reasons why results are improving
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    Oh sorry I'm not an admirable vibrant uptightalien like you, I'll get to work on it tomorrow. Lol
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    it's been a slow slide to the edge of the cliff... and NOW we are over the edge...

    OPEN every thing for business TODAY. let US INDIVIDUALLY choose to have FREEDOM or stay isolated...
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Thanks Upright for making the word disater meaningless. What happened in Italy was called "life". Pandemics have been aropund since the beginning of time. People die from them; always have; always will. Conservative America lost over 200,000 to the h2Ns flue in 1959, when the population was slightly more than half of what it is now. They didn't murder the future, make us vulnerable, nor use it as a way to encourage the upcoming race war the mainstream media propogates. Example: the 50 year old white guy who weighed 300 pounds died because of obesity relted Covid complications; the 50 year old black guy who weighed 300 pounds died because of racism. Simple fact is that we have tunred into a nation of pussies all crying "words hurt me" "i don't feel safe" " its not ok to sexually ssault a woman when you are 16 but its ok when you are a 47 year old Democratic Senator, then you can be President, because "women" support you". Remind me agaion of the poilitics odf the people in the areas where the most are dying?
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Ski...well if your life is all about words, politics and "wiinning arguments" then I guess this is just another "us vs. them" debate.

    Highly concentrated populations are typically blue due to the more co-dependent relationship of the population with government. Those populations, especially the less affluent are disproportionally at risk. For the record I am not "them" but I take an objective scientific view of the situation and I choose to use and follow reason.

    When a few thousand people died in early 2000 and we went to war (which I agree with) it cost the US a heavy toll in $ and lives. We did that to prevent and discourage future attacks. How that all played out of course can be second guessed just like this situation.

    It takes balls to confront a national threat. Ignoring it is irresponsible and reckless.
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    Most people now dont even know what freedom is.
  • Clubber
    4 years ago
    In Florida (saw a couple of references), not all of Florida is "opening". Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties are not included. Lucky Papi, 25, and me!
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    The pursuit of happiness. Pretty encompassing.

    We have lost our right to pursuit of happiness, to protect others' right to life, under threat of losing our right to liberty.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Clubber, the strip clubs aren't being allowed to open anywhere in Florida anytime soon, so we're all NOT [getting] "lucky".
  • bdirect
    4 years ago
    i lost the freedom to read anything negetive about china in newspaper.........since china owns everything in usa
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Everyone is afraid of losing access to the Chinese market, when they screw us, spy on us, steal from us , cheat us, poison us, and now infect us all the fucking time.

    We should unilaterally cancel all our debt to them, adopt a balanced fucking budget that won't require us to sell bonds to foreign governments, take the temporary hit to our economy while we rebuild our domestic manufacturing capacity, and ostracize and isolate the ChiComms just like we did the Soviets.

    GammaNu for president 2020.
  • DeclineToState
    4 years ago
    -->@gammanu: "We should . . . adopt a balanced fucking budget that won't require us to sell bonds to foreign governments."

    Amen, brother. Balance the fucking budget. IMO, deficit spending is ridiculous and unjustifiable except in times of true emergency (Great Depression, WWII) despite the contrary positions of Keynesian economists. USA's national debt of $27+ Trillion and climbing is not sustainable.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Right? That's why a lot of people voted for Trump.

    Well, mostly we voted for him because he wasn't Hillary.
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    " Well, mostly we voted for him because he wasn't Hillary." Nailed it.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Hookah lounges. Which will probably be dead last right next to strip clubs for not only being open but also properly enjoyed the way most customers would like it to be 😭

  • mark94
    4 years ago
    This shut down has been all about buying time. Time to get hospitals ( literally ) geared up. Time to develop treatments. Time to produce a vaccine. Time for summer ( hoping CoVid is seasonal ). Time for gradual herd immunity.

    We still don’t know if we’ve bought enough time. Hospitals are better prepared. There has been some movement on treatments and vaccines. Infections are plateauing in some communities. Some communities have 15% of the population with antibodies to fight reinfection.

    Phasing in the economy is another way of buying time.

    The jury is still out.
  • bubba267
    4 years ago
    I've not given up the right to speak freely but the pressure towards group think is incredibly strong in Atlanta. Simpletons can't understand how novel viruses must work, how cases will "go up" with more broad testing and how it is impossible to isolate our way out. The real experts,with what they know and are learning are drowned out by shrill voices who believe we can and must keep everyone "safe".
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    I had a conversation tonight with someone dead center in the medical field dealing with the infected. The hospitals have been filling up with serious cases but fortunately as planned things are leveling off. From his hospital 48% of the patients that go on respirators don't make it (interestingly this is actually better than I have heard in general). The lockdown is working but of course at a terrible economic price. But nonetheless the epidemiologists there recognize this as the threat that it is. People can argue the R0 (R naught) but it is considered to be a 5.7 in the medical community. That is a relative measure of contagion. which is pretty high The doctors in this institution feel we will get a resurgence in the fall which in there opinion will be probably worse. Citizen fatigue for following the social distancing is already manifesting.

    This is just a conversation with someone on the front line. If there is anyone with facts from front line epidemiologists please share some feedback.

    I would personally love for them to be wrong and this thing to just fade out so we can all get back to normal. This sucks balls in a bad way.
  • rogertex
    4 years ago
    founder, JimmyMcNulty , desertscrub

    Link on best path for herd immunity: https://www.jhsph.edu/covid-19/articles/…

    Phased opening of businesses and using common sense
    Also this:

  • bubba267
    4 years ago
    Upright, look up Dr David Price in NY. He is front line critical care pulmonologist. His video is several weeks old but puts some perspective on things, including basic steps. I found it enlightening and well grounded.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    My question is if we don’t know whether a person can be reinfected what is the benefit of herd immunity until that question is answered.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Sorry upright but all you are doing is projecting your feelings onto me. In an argument you may be trying to convince others or win, but I don't argue on these issues, therefore I neither need to win, nor care. I'm not even arguing. I am telling people in favor of what the government is doing that they are fearful cowards and not acting like Americans did when we were a real country instead of a fucked up collection of little communities.
    Lastly these at risk populations don't vote blue for any other reasons than money and excuse making. They don't vote blue because they have failed, they failed because they are dependent people who vote blue. Boston in particular and Massachusetts as a whole remains residentially divided. If it was poverty or dependency causing this then why aren't jam packed impoverished white neighborhoods having the same issue as black and Hispanic communities? Culture or a racist virus? By the way we're murdering the working poor the middle class and the self employed to save the infirm and elderly, so it's all just panicked bullshit
    I won't even bring up silly anecdotal claims although my wife is in the medical field and one of my lifelong friends on the board of directors of the largest hospital in the region.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    @Bubba good stuff there thanks. Excellent practical information from a front line doc.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    @Rogertex also good information from that respectable and credible source.
  • Clubber
    4 years ago
    A large THUMBS UP!
  • Clubber
    4 years ago
    And I an old timer!
  • Liwet
    4 years ago
    Go to a 24/7 business. They all close down at around 8 or 10PM and don't reopen until at least 5AM at the earliest.

    We all wondered why 24/7 businesses have locks on the front doors; well now we know.
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