Well, it looks like most states are heading in the direction of starting to open up.
For the states around me, if new cases don’t rise significantly - it looks like most businesses (including restaurants, Churches, massage/spas) all should open within the next 4 weeks. Every state has different criteria and the comparisons from state to state are often eyebrow raising.
What most states I’ve seen are keeping closed: movie theaters, any event with over 50 people (concert/sporting events). Surprisingly (to me) it appears most states will open casinos.
Fair warning - you can doubt me, but a lot of talk I am hearing from professional sources is most universities and schools will not open like normal in August/Fall.
I know for a fact one large university is thinking:
last commentw.r.t. colleges, I can see having tens of thousands of students, plus all the staff, interacting together, be a concern.
I heard someone on TV tonight mention that the month of May should be used as a staging month per se to get ready for openings come June - he mentioned using May to ramp up testing capacity, procuring PPE and medical equipment (should a subsequent surge come), etc - I thought that was a sensical way to go about it - use May kinda like the pre-season in football to get ready for the regular-season - i.e. use the month of May to put us in a better position vs rushing it unprepared and hoping it doesn't go bad.
May is another mulligan in my area with lockdown extended through the end of May. Only essential businesses are open and they have started ticketing those not social distancing. Those without face masks are refused entry into most businesses also.
Won't we all be surprised when everything is open and it isn't as good as we remembered it was.
It won't be as good.
They've begun to discover, through antibody testing, maybe 25%-30% of the population has already had the virus. Most never even knew it. That drops the mortality way, way down. Hell, it may even be that this bug is more contagious but less lethal than the flu.
Shutting down schools is exactly what they don't need to do. Young people have a better chance of death from alcohol poisoning than they do from Corona. But they can get Corona. We need the youth of America to intermingle, spread it to each other, then build up the herd immunity.
We already have ramped up testing, we already have the PPE and equipment. Except in just a few areas, the hospitals are empty because there are no patients. We need to rip the band-aid off this thing and go on with our lives.
Open It Up !
^ How do you feel about a cruise in June ? Might as well open it all up, take. NYC vacation hit a few Broadway shows, then take the world tour fly to Italy and take in the sights, Trevi Fountain the Holy City, then hit the Costa Del Sol in Spain, open it all up sounds fun.
I agree with 25 that things will not be as good as we remember, at least in the early months. Some rabbits will still be cautious. Also until July 31 the federal government is paying $600 per week for people NOT to work right now, so it may be early August before some places are able to fully staff up.
But as far universities go, I hope the federal government withholds all federal money from every school that tries that stunt. Title 1, Stafford Loans, Pell grants, everything. That would bludgeon most schools open pretty quickly. The kids deserve better than that and I think some professors are just going to have to dig deep for a little more courage. Also, if almost everything else is opening up in May and June I think that colleges are going to face increasing pressure to get their campuses back up and running by August.
I'm not one to go on a Cruise. But I sure want to be at some college football game in September. I want to go sit inside a restaurant now. I want to go to the beach and see babes in bikinis ( without masks). I'm flying in May.
Open it up !
^ those things are definitely nice but I don’t think the NCAA is ready to open up the football stadiums just yet, let’s see how it goes with the NBA first opening up practice facilities in states that allow them to and use the results of that to start bringing some sports online
@25: Florida is far from alone in struggling to process a mountain of claims. There is just no roadmap or precedent for something like this and, from what I'm reading, most of the state unemployment systems were not built to handle these kinds of numbers. I'm not going to blame DeSantis or any other state Governor for not being clairvoyant enough to imagine a complete voluntary government shutdown of the economy.
They have an obligation to provide those payments in a timely manner they are falling down terribly, actually folks like me who’ve been struggling to keep my employees busy as possible are doing more to help than those whose job it is
I wonder how many state employees have missed a paycheck, I have personally handed cash to employees needing various things has Governor DeSantis done any of that himself I blame all of those who are getting paid when it’s their job to make sure others are not being let down and having promised money being delayed Bet if the responsible parties only got paid if they did their job correctly the benefit checks would get to the folks that were supposed to receive those benefits
Never fear people: The rapoist Joe Biden and the bartender AOC will save us!!!!!
Shutting down schools makes perfect sense considering the large majority of teachers and professors are progressive nutcases who only get their Covid news from the same news sources whose sole purpose is to ouster Trump.
That said (IMO only): Restaurants: 1/2 to 1/3 capacity, two top tables are gone, no parties of 6 or more. Retail/malls: open Beaches: open Movies: 1/3 capacity per show, reserved seating, every other row vacant and minimum 3-4 chairs between guests in same row. Problem with movies is they’re run by teens so I’m ambivalent on this and could go either way. Groceries: Open until 10 pm. Must ration meat, tp, paper towels, Clorox, Lysol, and Purell. Hairdressers: open and by appt only Dry cleaners: open Casinos: open (Wynn will show them how to do it, Wynn is planning to have heat sensors at entry to check for fever and cards and chips will be sanitized by UV, more emphasis on cleaning, etc.) Strip Clubs: Open. If not people are going to get blue balls and all sorts of crazy shit is gonna happen.
Bars: limited capacity
Let’s get people back to work, fear and stress is probably worse in the long term as far as health.
Ps Buffets are dead. No more Golden Corral for Juice.
desertscrub great post...... thanks for doing the math for me (i attended public schools)
So do you want to work for 2700 per month or be handed 3000 per month?
Depends on if the $2700 a week which also comes with health insurance and benefits and if I had a family or kids with issues, etc.. The thing about unemployment is temporary gap health care is very expensive.
Ps - The blue balls thing was facetious.
^ that tracks with everything I’ve heard from workers, I have promised them a back check if our PPP application is approved this state is lazy and DeSantis is an assclown on steroids and a Trump asskisser.
RCI Hospitality is up 15% today, 8% yesterday.
Universities and schools in the fall will be interesting. As a former science major I have to say you just can't do lab classes remote.
There's a way to make casinos work but I'm not sure how fun they would be. Certainly you could have electronic slot and other machines and a crew of cleaners ready to swoop in any time. A patron changes machines?
IDK if it's improved, but until recently Floriduh was last in the country in processing unemployment claims - yes, probably no unemployment office is capable of keeping up w/ the current # of claims, but in the case of Floriduh it seems there were issues prior to the virus and the virus made it come to light - until recently Floriduh had only processed 6% of claims - the person in charge was actually replaced b/c it was so bad.