
Worst experience

Avatar for SteveSutton

So we talk a lot about good experiences. I've had some terrible ones. I'm curious if my terrible ones are comparable to others. So I'll just go with two.....

  1. SA girl, also a stripper in Las Vegas. Had met her online, and we had facetimed a little bit and actually were getting along quite nicely. Exchanged the occasional sexy pic, and then finally my Vegas trip happened. She insisted on meeting in the club (RED FLAG). I met her there and immediately she's all over me, kissing, grabbing, etc. Off to VIP. They take my credit card (I AM AN IDIOT) and we had some fun for a few hours, but not too much fun. She was going to meet me at the hotel later. On her way to the hotel, she calls me ... "I need another $1000 dollars" (I CANNOT BELIEVE I AM EVEN WRITING THIS), and of course, I wanted to get laid (she was smoking hot), so off to the hotel ATM. Finally had her over. Sex was pretty good, not the best ever, but up there. She stayed longer than expected. Checked my credit card charges online the next day and the whole evening cost me nearly 5 grand. Lesson learned: don't be an idiot like me.

  2. SA girl in Columbus Ohio. Went over to her place. Pics are an 8, in reality she's a 5. Growling Pitbull in the f'd up and messy living room (HUGE RED FLAG). We go upstairs. Have decent sex, and off I go. Get back to my car, and open up my wallet to put my ring back on my finger (YEAH I SUCK, BUT WIFE KNOWS I PLAY SO ALL GOOD). Guess what? The ring is gone. Get a text from her "Hey, did you forget something" ... So she says she'll come to my car. Wait for 30 minutes, worried as shit, already assuming the ring is gone forever. She says let's go for a drive. Drives me over to some alleyway and stop at a house. "Wait here" she says ... OK. Another 30 minutes. Shady figures walk by car in the meantime, I pretend I don't notice them. I am totally ready to get outta there asap. She finally gets back inside the car and tells me "this ring is quite valuable, I'm going to need to see some compensation". Reality check, the ring is not that valuable, just emotional value. She wants $500 bucks. I talk her down to $300 bucks. Off to the ATM, I get my ring back, I drop her off at her place, and drive home. Decided to stop seeing SA girls right there on the spot. That promise to myself lasted a few weeks lol.

So there you go. Who knows, I may be lucky to be alive. Would love to hear some other horror stories.


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Avatar for Icey

But you chose to go along with what they wanted.....you didn't have to pay so much at yhe club and you should have just taken ghe ring back from the bitch.


Met a girl from seeking arrangements, Turned out to be a stripper from the local club, Wanted her money upfront to bring it to her" Friend " in the car. I said no deal, she states if she doesn't get at least half her money up front her " Friend " would get angry. I had no desire to to fight a guy half my age even though I had pepper

spray and a gat handy, Not worth the trouble with the cops, gave her a hundred and said if her " Friend " comes through my door I will consider it home invasion. Never saw her again.

Avatar for Icey

But of course hookers are shady

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

Ha! I could write a book. The learning curve for this hobby is very expensive. Not the worst but here's one...

Way early in the hobby...native American stripper about an 8. Fun. Loved to party. Shot for shot. This was back in my hard partying days.

Took her to dinner after an decent OTC session where we had a blast drinking and parrying. My drunken brain thought it was a good idea to offer a SB arrangement thinking we could have this type of fun every week. Paid her about a grand up front. Stupid.

Next "date" she doesn't order a drink and will not do shots. Tells me about all kinds drama making her stop partying.

I was so disappointed, I told her the deal was off and she could just keep the money.

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

@DOG - I always find rob events like yours interesting because in both cases they are ripping you off right to your face. Imagine the courage it takes to fuck somebody over that can fuck you up on the spot or easily find you later.

Avatar for wallanon

"She wants $500 bucks. I talk her down to $300 bucks. Off to the ATM, I get my ring back, I drop her off at her place, and drive home."

You went to an ATM when she had muscle around? There is a thing called luck.

Avatar for wallanon

"Imagine the courage it takes to fuck somebody over that can fuck you up on the spot or easily find you later."

It's not courage if they've got a pimp there to back them up. Still a gamble, but they think they've got the advantage.

Avatar for SteveSutton

@Wallanon: agreed, that whole night was luck. The whole ordeal probably lasted about 2 hours from the time I arrived at her apartment till the time I finally drove home. I was genuinely worried for the majority of that time. Since then, I have been very, very, very reluctant to go to a girl's place. Not saying it hasn't happened, but I have become much more aware of my surroundings. Also, thinking back at this now, I think it may have been an escort site and not SA because I met her at her place. If she was SA we would have first had a drink or dinner, so I stand corrected on that.

Avatar for shadowcat

Way back in the 70's a buddy and I were on a fishing trip in the California high Sierras. We decided to take a side trip to Hawthorne NV where there was a fairly nice casino/hotel. During the evening we asked one of the card dealers hoe close the nearest bordello was and we found out that the "Green Front" was withing walking distance about 2 blocks away. We weren't expecting to find one right inside the town but were thrilled that it was.

The Green Front was a tiny place on a residential street. The front room was about the size of our hotel room with a bar that had about 6 stools. There were a couple of other guys there already. The bar tender/madam asked what we wanted and was told $50 for FS. I was OK with that and was introduced to the 2 girls working. I took the best looking one, a 5 at best to one of the back rooms. Got a quick VD check and the on to the action. No condom. After about 5 minutes of fucking she claims that I had busted my nut and time was up. I protested but she claimed that my pre cum was ejaculation. I was pissed and left the room. I made a big scene in front of everybody telling them that it was a rip off joint.

We then left with blue balls. We asked around and found out that there was another legal bordello about an hour drive south on the road to Las Vegas. So off we went. I don't remember the name of the place but it was not hard too hard to find. Lit up like a whore house out in the middle of nowhere.

It was really a disappointment. One whore working. a Fat woman in her 40's. A 3 at best. It too was $50 a pop. My buddy was hornier than me and took her up on a BJ. We then went back to Hawthorne for some serious drinking.

Avatar for Warrior15

Ouch Steve. I"ve never been taken for that much. Maybe I'm lucky but I have had mostly good luck from SA. A couple of girls that were a little heavier than their profile photos. But no ROBS.

I don't use credit cards in strip clubs. I learned that years ago. And I have kinda steered away from the strippers on SA. I tend to get attracted to the professional girls that just need some extra cash. I've dated bartenders, nurses, waitresses, personal trainers and retail workers from SA. A couple of those girls admitted they had tried stripping but didn't like it.

Avatar for Icey

You had the choice of walking away. Not paying taking stuff back etc. These are sitiations you could have easily gotten out of but chose not to. Theyre not robs. You gave them money voluntarily. For people so obsessed witj personal vhoice and freedom. You don't exercise yours

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Aside from girls who just didn't deliver, only one really bad one.

I'd met her a couple of times already, and all went well. Then one day, we get there, and she goes to the bathroom, and stays in there a little longer than usually, and I was wondering what was wrong. I'd never seen any track marks, or noticed some of the other signs, and there were no odors coming from there, so I wasn't too concerned about drugs, and I didn't hear any voices either.

Then comes the banging on the door. Out of the bathroom she comes like a shot to open it. In comes "boyfriend" with a baseball bat demanding I pay up. Fortunately, I make it a habit to stay dressed until my companion is undressed as well, so not only was I still fully clothed at this point, I was only inches away from Mr. Nine Millimeter with a full magazine of jacketed hollow points.

As I drew, he immediately reconsidered his demands. raising his hands and backing up. The girl almost screamed. I threw her her coat and told them both to get out. They did.

Fortunately, I'd been planning to spend the night and had a change of underwear.

Avatar for 3131

@georgmicrodong. yours is the situation I've had fears of. Interesting that you had 2 good meetings before with her.

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

@george - good lesson as to why it is important not to become complacent

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

The OP's story I imagine is not that uncommon - most PLs probably grew-up straight-laced and in stable-environments thus they often don't have the street-smarts or experience to see red-flags and know how to act - most inexperienced PLs are def at a disadvantage when dealing w/ providers and/or pimps that in the game day-in/day-out sometimes for years on end - thus the avg inexperienced PL can often be easy-pickings/target for unscrupulous providers, especially in a high-hustle city like Vegas (but really anywhere) - the avg PL being inexperienced can also be easily intimidated (how many reviews does one read of guying just paying ROBs in the club b/c they are afraid of a confrontation).

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I've had a couple of bad-experiences.

One was in the late-80s/early-90s (late-teens/early-20s) - I picked-up a big-booty ebony street-walker in the hood - we go to a nearby house, there was an old (50s) white-trash dude in the house (house had a steel gate at the door w/ a heavy-chain and lock) - I see her hand him something and he leaves - we're in the living room and she is stalling about getting down to biz - I start thinking something is off and decide to leave - she tries to stop me - I push her away and she starts calling for the guy - I go out the door (thankfully it was not locked w/ the chain and lock; actually it had the chain wrapped around the gate but not locked w/ the lock) - I quickly walk to my car w/ her right behind me - as I'm getting close to the car she tries to grab me to stop me from leaving - I push her w/ both hands against her shoulders and she lands on her ass giving me enough time to get in my car (all this is happening around 2 in the morning in the hood) - as I am trying to start up the car (it was a late-80s car where one had to put the key in the ignition, plus it was a stick) - anyway as I was starting the car she had ran to the passenger door to try to get in but the door was locked - realizing she can't get in she proceeds to break a plastic louver that was over the window (biggest problem w/ that it that it was my brother's car; to add insult to injury) - anyway I made it out of that mess - later I realized my beeper/pager was missing and realized that she had snatched-it and is probably what she had handed to the white-trash guy when we first got to the house

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Another hood story.

Back in the 2000s I'm driving thru the hood and I see an ebony street-walker in the distance and looked dressed pretty-sexy - she was in an alley so I drove around the block to come into the alley - it was around 10pm at night, she gets into my car and I start to drive away and then I realize she was a tranny - I tell her (him) to get out - she/he won't - I reach to the passenger door and push it open and try to push her/him out - I have her/him half-way out the door and I accelerate but she/him is able to make it back in the car - I'm in hand-to-hand combat w/ the tranny while the car is moving - it's a stick-shift and the engine eventually cuts off while the car is moving - the car coasts out of the alley into a 4-lane street while I'm in hand-to-hand combat w/ the tranny - the car comes to a stop in the middle of the 4-lane street in the hood and she/him then finally bails the car.

Avatar for Liwet

$1,000 is typical for a Vegas stripper.

Avatar for jacej

Geez, Papi. You've had some C R A Z Y experiences! If I had even one that was even close to your stories, and thankfully I haven't - probably because I'm too chicken-shit to have the adventures you've had - I think I would have sworn off strippers/extracurriculars forever!

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ there's been other unsavory episodes (when you've been a single guy for his adult life, one has more time on their hands, and takes more chances virtue of not having family-responsibilities - plus I have a niche thing for hood black chicks)

Avatar for bdirect

a hard dick can make you do stupid shit

Avatar for joker44

a hard head as well

Avatar for buddylove711

This happened to my best friend. Not me. He consulted me because of my experience in these matters. Here goes:

So, my buddy calls me and tells me he's in trouble. I knew he'd been on SA for a while and had really good results. But he says now he's scared. I'm like, ok, what's going on. He tells me he'd met a girl on there. They sexted, she sent him pics, he sent her dick pics, told her all kinds of filthy kinky shit he's into. Then, they were supposed to meet to actually have sex. He goes to some shady apartment complex and is supposed to bring her $500. The complex is the type of place where he stands out as clearly not supposed to be there. He knocks on the door and she doesn't answer. There's shady people walking around. He starts to freak out and leaves.

As he's driving home she calls him and tries to get him to come back and he turns her down. He tells her maybe another time. A couple days go by and she calls him. She tells him she has screen shots of all the weird kinky shit he told her, pics of his dick, etc. She says he better start paying her $500/week or she'll expose him. He's not married, but owns several businesses in his town. He stupidly had told her all of that info. Gave her his real name. He's all over Facebook and is easy to find. His business is on Facebook too. Also it would be very easy for her to get on his corporate website and start sending emails to his employees with all this info as well.

So, he calls me. He doesn't know WTF to do. I tell him, dude, first off- you don't give your real name, your real work info, your real ANYTHING, you dumb motherfucker!!! With that out of the way, I tell him, this is extortion and it's illegal. You need to call your lawyer and probably call the police. He calls his attorney and his attorney tells him the same thing and suggests my friend files a police report. My friend does NOT want to report this to the police unless he has to. So, I tell him call her and tell her you've contacted your attorney and filed a police report already and that this is extortion.

He calls her, and has a recorder attached to the phone. He asks her how she's doing and she starts right up with the "You gonna pay me my money...you don't want to get exposed do you? I've got all the texts with you saying you like your balls smacked around... Wouldn't want your kids to hear about shit that would you?" He then tells her he's talked to his lawyer and the police and he's not going to pay her. He tells her to do whatever she thinks she needs to do, but he's having the police handle it. Suddenly she completely changes her tone. She starts laughing "Baby! Wait a minute, I thought this is what you wanted." He's like WTF? She's like, you said you like to be dominated, I thought we were playing. I was financially dominating you. I thought you were into that."

Now, he is into being dominated. But she's just making all that other financial shit up. This is her scam. She finds guys whose kink is being submissive and then starts up this extortion shit to try to blackmail them. So, he tells her, nah, he's not into this at all. She says, ok, then you tell the cops this was all a mistake ok, and we're all good, baby!

So, the lessons here are painfully obvious. My friend got off SA and a couple years later is now happily married again. Thank god.

Avatar for bdirect

in the early 1980's south beach had parking meters right by the beach . all were taken of course but i found one..... it was my first time there..... i was lucky to be parked at beach front only 2 feet in front of me........i found my spot on the beach but notice no girls....only guys.......... where are the girls.......... and it was crowded ,,,, and i notice guys doing hand stands on the beach......., weird.............. a younger guy near me told me he didnt was to sit near that old faggot that ask he something....... he told me this is the gay area of the beach....... i about shit my pants..... a newbie mistake........i left asap back to my place . .... so i learned a lesson, but miami was the wild wild west at that time........... i am sure it has been cleaned up since then.... so miami had lots of gays there in the early years......... so if you pick up a girl in miami....make sure it a girl

Avatar for wallanon

"He stupidly had told her all of that info. Gave her his real name. He's all over Facebook and is easy to find. His business is on Facebook too."

Meh. I started to type something, but what else needs to be said?

Avatar for JAprufrock

Wow! Some good lessons to be learned from this thread.

Avatar for Cristobal

I had a few underwhelming experiences with girls not delivering as well as hope and fortunately no life threatening experiences, but two standout:

  1. After behaving well at my buddies' bachelor party at a strip club, I went on a solo mission to another club and found a curvy, milf to take to the VIP room.

My mistake to not negotiate before we went (I was so worked up from the bachelor party), she said she did not a cover and would give my a HJ but it was not enough so I stood up and began giving her an AJ then she HJ ittle Cristobal again this time real aggresdively, she had unload on my T shirt and later I noticed LC was bruised pretty badly, it took me about two weeks to recover.

  1. A BG at HKTJ who was so much fun in the club became my worst experience arriba as she wasted all her time in the rest room, dancing, jumping on the bed, looking for music, massaging me, and not undressing, then her phone went off early and she claimed she included her time to shower and fix her make up to return to the club (for more details see my review from Hong Kong Gentlemen’s Club: It's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy, and it is a big deal!), giving new meaning to the expression "couldn't get laid in a Mexican brothel."
Avatar for JamesSD

Holy shit this stuff makes me feel smart.


My worst experience in the club was when a bouncer pulled a semiauto to scare collage kids and THREW it to the house mom! Who the F@$K throws a gun? Let alone a semi auto!?! For collage kids? If you can not control them with voice commands call the local police. 28 years as a public safety officer speaking

Avatar for Player11

I had a get to know dinner with gal from SA. Now I had been getting those gals for $100 - $200 a session. This bitch gives me a lecture on how we are in the same book but different chapters bc she wants $3000 a month allowance. I told her “go find him” she says she already has but he is gay and owns gay porn biz and pays her $3000 pose as his fiancé for his family. I pay the bill to the waitress and we leave I get away from her as fast as possible.

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