I am. I was driving in the South Bronx and picked up a girl on the street corner. After we finished and I was dropping her off around the corner, as cum ran down her face she winked at me, it was....kinda cute. Anyway I've decided to fall in love and we have a date tomorrow at the mechanic to fix her car. And you know after you know I just might get lucky if you know what mean HAHAHAHAHAHAR! I don't have her number just yet but I was able to obtain her Venmo username. In my years here, I have followed sage posters such as CC and Heaving religiously and consider them yoda like mentors. They've taught me time and time again to listen to my heart over my brain. Use my emotions and feelings over logic and facts. It's ok to cry and act like a preteen girl; I understand that now. This will be my final post on tuscl. Now watch and wave as I skip off into the sunset.
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