21 to 9: Ratio: Off Topic and Spam Posts to Strip Club and TUSCL Relevant Posts
So I decided to actually mute a few threads today in the Front Room forum that are garbage but keep getting bumped. Then I decided to mute any thread that didn't strike me as on topic (strip clubs, strippers, etc) or about TUSCL. It didn't take long since there are only 30 threads per page. About a minute later there were 9 threads remaining, including a thread that a dancer member made about a photo she posted. 21 threads were muted. No grand point to be made there, just reminded me of why I only start discussion threads in the VIP forum. I'm not planning to get "verified" with the new process since I was verified under the old process, so VIP forum posts will have to do for me.
If you were to pick out a number of posts on the first page of the Front Room that you think are on topic, how many do you see?
If you were to pick out a number of posts on the first page of the Front Room that you think are on topic, how many do you see?
"So I'm leaving tuscl, or at least taking a break for a while. Like several others who have left, I'm just tired of all of the childish bickering and the argumentative, destructive attitude of so many. Plus I can't remember the last time I read something in the discussions that was of any actual help in any meaningful way. Many days it feels like it would be more productive to spend my time on tuscl banging my head against a wall instead. I don't think it used to be this way, or at least not this bad, but perhaps I've just forgotten." **Posted December, 2015**
And I remember several years ago farmerart complaining about the amount of drivel being posted [he used a more colorful term but I can't recall it now] within a year of his death.
Three to four years ago there were a series of posts by long-time members complaining that apparent 'newbies' were asking the same basic SC questions repeatedly and by implication TUSCLers were tired of responding to boring ?? instead of newbies searching for these already answered questions.
The annoyance with trolls intertwines with these complaints. Still, the 'we don't talk enough about clubbing and mongering' has been a recurring complaint over the last five to seven years even w/o placing the blame on trolling.
So, what is it about TUSCL Discussions that makes it so different from, say, local/regional boards like two-sheds / boned-in, or even area-specific TUSCL posts like Detroit, Atlanta, Arizona, Florida??? Why do off-topic/spam post flourish more on the TUSCL forums??
The WALL went to a strip club - 21 dancers, only 9 PLs.
What to do? What to do?
I was gonna say - "That's a 2 for 1 special right there. And some."
I'll leave with one eternal truth - "Internet and Spam can never be separated. Ever."
Mute button is your best and only defense.
As far as it being the more of the same ol' same ol', it is that. Bullshit and trolling and spam and fake news are all part of the inescapable nature of the internet.
Grass is green, water is wet, internet boards are full of spam.
In all seriousness, There’s SJG of course, but also the usual band of troll and troll feeders (me included) keeping it all going. I initially thought HornyAsianBro was lame, but once I saw the results, I realized that was a pretty well-executed troll and kudos to whoever did it.
At any one time, my guess is 2-5 discussions of the front room first page will be relevant for somebody who wants to seriously discuss clubs and TUSCL.
Last 20 days of topics from Reddit: Stripclubs - Customer Strip Club Discussions [NSFW]
Florida strip club offers face masks to customers to fight spread of coronavirus
buddy of mine freaking out right now. He didn’t have sex or anything but he got some extra favors. He’s freaking out now bc he wasn’t sure if he was on camera or anything and worried about cops raiding the place one day. Is he fine?
Saying "No" to a Pushy Stripper
DJ looking for clever things to say on the mic
What are a few good clubs in metro Atlana
Venmo at strip clubs
Weird club experience
As a non-Western traveler, how should I visit a strip club properly?
Do I have to be a guy to get a dance?
Peep Shows