Shout Out to EastCoaster
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
Eastcoaster has been submitting 10+ address updates almost daily. We really appreciate it! Thanks for helping us keep tuscl accurate!
I'll submit updates soon.
While browsing TUSCL reviews each morning, it doesn't take me long to do a quick check of an address on Google Maps' Street View; reporting updates is easy, and Founder is great about working through the updates quickly.
Yes, lots and LOTS of addresses are wrong. Sometimes the address is off by just the last digit -- which usually means I'm looking for a club on the wrong side of the street. Other times, the addresses are WAY off. The other day, the address that was listed for one club placed it in the middle of a river!
Anyway, rather than bitch about the incorrect addresses, I decided I'd just make this my contribution to all the other wayward mongers like me who really need accurate info. I am grateful to anyone else who takes up the challenge.
Wasn't that Sinclair's old tag line?
What “territory” have you already covered?
I concur with the above about the contributions.
I don't have to check every single one. Follies get reviewed just about every day, and I know that the address is right because I know that one by heart. And so does my GPS. lol
I never set out to check every single address in the TUSCL pantheon of club listings, nor can I. I'm a little obsessive, maybe, but I'm not crazy. I just figure over time I'll make at least a little bit of a difference.
My suggestion is that contributors here could just eyeball the addresses they see in listings once in a while and check if you think something might be wrong. It's not perfect, but if you correct a few now and then, it's still gonna be helpful.