Nashville Question

Are you not allowed to touch in VIP bc the girls make it that way or is a bouncer watching over you?
I do not have a problem with 91.75% of touching. I read the clubs here suck. Just wondering if customers CAN have fun if the dancer is willing?? I feel that would increase my earning potential if so.
last comment@PinkSugarDoll
What do you mean by “91.75% of touching”
Does that mean Boobs Touching allowed but Pussy Touching off limits?
That isn’t the topic of my post, nor will it ever be the topic of any of them, thanks.
No firsthand knowledge but my understanding is that it's not up to the dancers, or even the clubs, but due to tight local-ordinances and seems the clubs are unable and/or unwilling to not follow the ordinances.
Yes—the same basic rules exist everywhere in the country, but they are mostly not enforced everywhere in the country. I read a review posted today about DJV in Nashville and it doesn’t say anything about the VIP being monitored, just that the dancer kept putting the guy’s hands on the couch.
If there is a local ordinance but no one is patrolling the dance areas then I am not going to be fussy about you putting your hands on the couch, that way you will enjoy your dances more, and feel like you may want to continue with me. So just wondering if there is more info about this topic. 🤔🤷🏼♀️
Deja Vu clubs are the worst when it comes to contact between dancer and customer. I've seen it ruin some clubs that were once great but went down after being taken over by DJV
I’ve worked at two DJV locations and both had plenty of contact. And I get the impressions that extras can possibly take place to some extent. But then again, both locations were nearby even dirtier clubs so maybe that had something to do with it.
PSD, Seattle to Nashville after being down south. You’re logging the miles. You might need to vaca in Minnesota for a bit too. Just asking for a friend, of course.
Come the the clubs in the Detroit suburbs. We don't need no stinking rules.
I live in Nashville. Do not club in Nashville. I go to clubs when I travel, which is often. PSD, you are in the home of the Southern Baptist Convention. They do not like the fact that strip clubs exist. They don't like touching at all any where. Take a drive down to Huntsville, AL. The Pony is happening place. But Nashville is pretty lame as far as strip clubs.
But in all honesty, I haven't set foot in a Nashville club in a few years. It's possible that they changed the rules. But I read Reviews often about the clubs here. I have never read anything to say they have become more liberal.
A cute girl can make a small fortune at the local honky tonks as a waitress or bartender.
I am not asking for recommendations about where to work and djv reference was only to a review, that is not where I would work.
Nashville is now where I live, so off topic stuff isn’t that helpful.
I can travel anywhere at all if you want to pay for my expenses.
Wow, what a coincidence, 91.75% touching is what floats my boat perfectly.
Do share if you're traveling through Oregon.
I also worked at The Pony and it was dead af, and I have lived in Alabama and experienced clubs in the Bible Belt before. Traveling all the time is EXHAUSTING, and expensive, I haven’t worked in Nash because of what I’ve read about it but Sea has been a rough go the whole time because our house fee has been so high and customers don’t want to come in because they are getting charged $50+ for a dance. (Not by me). But I cannot travel 24-7 and I’ve been able to do well by supplementing my travel with dancing in Sea, and I’m hoping to do that with dancing in Nash.
Thank you for your thoughtful comments, just letting you know where I am coming from.
PSD, you said "the same basic rules exist everywhere in the country." Actually that's not true -- the "rules" actually vary a lot from one local jurisdiction to another. And it's rarely governed by state law, just local ordinance.
I stopped going to clubs in Nashville a long time about because they had this stupid ordinance that said dancers had to be either (I forget) three or six feet from the person they were dancing for. Some of the clubs actually had tape on the floor of the LD room marking the distance. I was once in a California club near LAX that was similar. Drive 45 minutes east from LAX to City of Industry and they just laugh at stuff like that.
^^^ correction: "long time ago..." not "about". Stupid typing class that I never took!
Per PSD's post, there are often "laws on the books" w.r.t. SCs that most custies are unaware of that either go way back decades and/or are rarely if ever enforced, and thus it makes it seem as if an area may not have certain ordinances until the powers-to-be decide to dust-them-off bc they all of a sudden have an issue with a club(s).
Yes. Those laws exist everywhere. The clubs do not follow/enforce them for the benefit of the customer. I am very aware of the laws because I am the one who gets a ticket and not you. There is a three foot (or more) rule almost everywhere.
as far as i know, there is no touching allowed at all. Lap dances are done clothed; nude or topless dances, the dancer has to be like 3 ft away. I havent been to a Nsh club since like 2010 for a bachelor party and I got so bored in the club I left to find a bar.
So you are giving advice about a club you went to ten years ago...??
What I had read is that the entire state has local ordinances.
There are much more restrictive than the penal code against prostitution. While that is very hard to enforce, these local ordinances are very easy to enforce. But they are probably unconstitutional. Just no one wants to spend the legal feels and take the risks involved in challenging them.
Its like saying you can wear a white outfit, but not a black outfit. There is no rational public interest in it. If things were always done like that then strip clubs would not exist.
PSD, I was in Nashville last spring and against the better judgement of the people on this board I hit up both DJV and Crazy Horse. Between the two clubs I probably got dances from 6 or 7 girls and got the speech about no touching allowed from all of them and absolutely no level of contact. I made it very clear that I was willing to tip significantly for some contact but got shot down completely every time.
However, one girl did agree to meet me OTC for some better action so it wasn't a completely wasted time. However her idea of a OTC private show and mine were different as she turned out to be not extra friendly. Her OTC show was more in line with a good high contact and sensual VIP dance in most non-extras clubs.
I don't go to Nashville often enough to be 100% sure that these no touch rules are strictly enforced by the clubs at all times but based on my experience I assume it is heavily enforced.
Oh great. Well I guess that answers it. 😐
It depends on the girl and I’ve never had it happen at The Vu but at Crazy Horse part of a girls pitch was that she unlike other girls allowed touching. This was during a recent trip this year. And yes I grouped that ass. But IMHO if you have a few hours to burn make the trip south to Huntsville who knew Alabama of all places could be so much fun. But then again if you make it a weekend there’s no place like Atlanta. Dances are more expensive at Crazy Horse.
Not all rules are always enforced. Have to be there and see what really goes down.
And know that these local ordinances of this type could likely be declared as unconstitutional.
And NatiNate, buying dances is a chumps game. Front Room Makeout Session. Don't take a girl into the back room to see if she is good. Take her there because she is already good in the front room.
And select the one you want to be waking up in the mornings with.
Every club has a different vibe every PL has a different end goal. A make out sesh in the front room in a Nashville club will likely land the girl without a job and you out in the streets. Sometimes your big head has to lead the other one to glory.
Our local clubs are no touching, more extreme list of rules than TN.
But Front Room Makeout Sessions do still occur in some places, especially in out underground circuit.
Sex is a big head and little head process.
I am not in the South yet, but when I am I will be looking first to the Black Clubs.
SJG if you ever travel to North Alabama hit up Boomers it won’t disappoint on a Friday or Saturday night it’s the only black club on the area and off course let your boy know.
Cheers Mate
Sounds good. Have no idea who "your boy" is.
Is Boomers topless? Most of North Alabama is. Is it Black?
Closer to Huntsville or Birmingham. Thanks for the info. Black dives, when in the South that is where I will be.
I have no interest in dealing with the typical Southern Whites.
I almost thought NatiNate was new. No way would a veteran of this site converse with SJG about clubs, especially suggesting he travel to one.
NatiNate save your time and words. You see you've told him what would generally happen if someone attempted a make out session in your club (or over 90% of clubs in the US). But SJG is so stuck on the idea that he will say that it happens in some clubs. Which is the about the same as saying a 10 year old is capable of scoring a perfect on the SAT. Possible? Yes. Likely? No.
And he's been talking about traveling for years now. Why don't you ask him which clubs he's been to in the last 7 years.
Damn! I am actually stuck in the Nashville area tonight, tomorrow, and Thursday. Currently in Columbia, TN. Any suggestions as to a good bar to hang our in since strip clubs suck? Serious question. I love to meet and talk with new people. Prefer a good bar with music of sorts or at least good people to have drinks with. Any suggestions?
I have been to Huntsville, I already commented that it was not what everyone says it is, there were no customers.
Atlanta requires a license for each individual club that costs $450.
So again, I am asking about clubs in this area and not looking for recommendations but thank you.
Nidan111: Go to Broadway in Nashville. There are dozens of honky tonks with live music. And lots of good looking girls.
^^^ 👍
Was on Broadway in Nashville a couple years ago. Walked by Coyote Ugly and my son (20 at the time) just stopped and stared. That street is awesome
My understanding is that not much happens in Nashville clubs. Years ago they used to be a bit better but there was a nasty crackdown in the mid 2000s.
The accounts of makeout sessions in US Clubs are numerous. People see what they want to see, they make happen what they want to make happen. Especially in dives, on the day shift, or in black clubs, there are often few absolute rules. The women are in charge
^^^^^ Also Latina clubs, and in underground clubs, and also sometimes when a girl just wants immediate OTC.
If a girl is going to sit on your lap, the distance from that to a makeout sessions is not much. But I still feel that the very very best is to approach her when she is on her feet.
About this Boomers, Alabama.
3249 Old Railroad Bed Rd, Harvest, AL 35749, USA, Topless
Pics Look Good:
Is it mostly black?
3229 Old Railroad Bed Rd, Harvest, AL 35749
Looks like it is out in the middle of nowhere! That can be real good!](/member/@34).8233714,-86.7658817,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88625d4151934fa9:0xfed11c332d1305dd!8m2!3d34.823367!4d-86.763693
Indeed, big metal shed:](/member/@34).8233497,-86.7641328,3a,75y,116.55h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s5iLwOiCtJZZHHzK-DEx4Qw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656
About 5 miles North West of Huntsville, very close to TN border.
Like an old thread of mine said, "Outside Looks Iffy". And those are the kinds of clubs I like.
PSD said, "Atlanta requires a license for each individual club that costs $450." Shadowcat recently confirmed that Follies does not require dancers to have a license to work there.
Just sayin'.
Oasis doesn’t have a license requirement either.
Point of clarification: neither Follies nor or Oasis are actually in the city of Atlanta. It is the cities that issue licenses, if they choose.
Atlanta Metro, not Muni-Atlanta.
SJG Me “NatiNate” I’m your boy and yes boomers is all black with the occasional sprinkle of snow and it’s nude. From time to time a chick or two may wear pasties. Get there before 2 because the parking lot sucks and fills up after the regular clubs let out around 2. But it’s a hidden gem reminds me of Memphis in the late 90’s before all the recent bull.
Very aware that Follies and Oasis do not require licenses. Allow me to clarify. The clubs I would desire to work in require a $450 license.
Yes, I looked at Boomers via Google Satellite and Street View, looks like just the place for me. Close to Huntsville.