Anyone ever got an offer to meet OTC by a dancer?

avatar for Alen94
Wondering if you ever followed through, and what the outcome was. I feel like I'm getting set up to be robbed lmao.


last comment
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
I have had 6 offers in the last 12 months. I ignored the request, with the exception of one. That one was more of a friendly meet and greet so it doesn’t count.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
It's not that uncommon - chances of being set-up are not zero, but close - kinda like saying one should avoid flying b/c sometimes planes crash.

What's more common is dancers flaking, or making you out to be a mark and bleeding you dry with tales of hardship and woes - basically being stood-up, or getting hit-up-for-$$$ for "emergencies", is the more likely negative scenario.
avatar for Alen94
5 years ago
Hmm yeah, idk. I've been seeing this one girl exclusively the last couple of times and we've been texting and she's always been trying to get me to meet OTC, but not a 'meet and greet' if you know what I mean. I just found it strange because she was already taking my money every time i went idk why she would want more. Kind of killed what we had going for me tbh, even if she wasn't trying to set anything up.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
OTC has been discussed plenty in the past - just type "OTC" in the search-box at the bottom of the TUSCL homepage, and you'll get a good # of past discussions.
avatar for Alen94
5 years ago
Well, I was specifically asking about people's experiences in this club, because it's already an extras club idk why tf strippers would want to do OTC here, i get its a little bit more income but still
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Many dancers are lazy and work the least they have to - but some are very industrious - some prefer to not have to be in the club more than they have to hustling custy after custy and prefer to have a few regulars they know are good for the $$$ - plus going into the club means putting in the requisite hours for the shift, having to get ready and all dolled-up, and having to pay house-fees and tip-outs - i.e. there are reasons why dancers see custies OTC and they are not sinister ones, just business - the strip-club game is pretty-different than what the avg guy is used-to in civilian-life so many inexperienced SCers often perceive things incorrectly (e.g. think the girl is genuinely interested in them w.r.t. dating, etc) - it just sounds you are not ready to take the OTC step - it should be something you want, not do it b/c it was offered - for many SCers, ITC is the only way they do it to keep it simple.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I didn't notice the thread was from the Follies Discussion Room (I am viewing via the general discussion view which lists all discussion threads).

Follies is a unique club - it is one of the highest-mileage clubs around - everything that can happen happens w.rt. Follies - plenty of guys pull OTC from Follies - it's not that rare an occurrence particularly w.r.t. Follies.
avatar for captanmellow
5 years ago
This is not follies specific but I met a dancer at her house right from the club and had an excellent time. I drive a truck cross country and she wants to meet up when I get back in town. Wants cash for a 55 inch TV but has been hesitant to talk on the phone always wants to text. This lady is probably gonna get kicked to the curb and it is ashame. The roll in the hay at her house was off the chain.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
5 years ago
Maybe I’m just too cynical, but I am often suspicious of strippers who seem excessively eager to arrange OTC with me.

I understand that my money is the source of my appeal to them. But this is precisely why I have a deep reservoir of suspicion for any woman who hasn’t really established a person connection with me and yet seems desperate to arrange OTC.

Maybe she just wants to desplooginate me and expects to be handsomely rewarded for her services. But maybe she wants to lure me to a place where she (and her accomplices) can relieve me of my money, my Rolex and my Mercedes at gunpoint.

In any OTC, always be sensible and totally in control of time and venue. NEVER allow your desploogination service professional to dictate the rendezvous point or the desploogination venue.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
'... Maybe she just wants to desplooginate me and expects to be handsomely rewarded for her services ..."

There's no maybe about it - it's not a date - it's business - some dancers rather make $ from custies they know it's sure $ w/o having to come into the club - it's not that much different from them propositioning you in the club - on TUSCL "OTC" is pretty-much understood to mean P4P with a dancer outside the club and a good # of guys here engage in it and a certain # club with the sole or main purpose of arranging OTC - OTC *is* part of the strip club game.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
In some cases dancers stop going into the club altogether if they get a good OTC custy that's taking good care of them on a regular-basis
avatar for Musterd21
5 years ago
Stood up but when I left the club I was really drunk so maybe she didn’t want to deal with me. 😵
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
About twice a week. The outcome is that my bank account is far less than it would be otherwise.
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
No, never
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
Papi's last comment is correct. I'll be seeing one at my house about noon today. Since we started seeing each other weekly 4 months ago, she has only worked a couple of days at the club.

As for being club specific beware of a black dancer named Diamond. She has a line of shit a mile long and it has been reported to me by my buddies that she does not live up to her promises OTC.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Since you're talking about Follies, just make sure to meet the girl before her shift or on her day off. There's no sense in paying an OTC premium just to be the caboose of a train of dicks that she's serviced that day.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Heaving, I guess that's a question of each individual's personal comfort. For me, an overnight sleep for things to reset and a good shower are preferable.
avatar for dirtysecrets
5 years ago
Only happened once to me, and it was after probably a dozen visits to the club's VIP section with this gal. We also kept in touch via email/text and quite out of the blue, she said, "You could just come by my house, if you want..." There followed a year or two of great, great sessions, fully naked, sometimes in bed, sometimes on the couch, and it was still cheaper than the same number of club visits would have been. Time = trust for me—and for her, too, I think. I was still on guard that first visit to her place, but after that it was pure fun.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 years ago

To answer your question, yes I have, the most memorable was this tall model type blonde, I noticed her dancing on the stage was very sensual and she exuded sexuality.

But I had gotten to the club really late and only was able to get a couple of very nice chair dances with her at closing, I commented that I wanted more time and was sorry it was closing time, she asked me for my phone and entered her number and asked me to call her for OTC.

I was curious and when I got home googled her number to find out she was also a high end escort in Hollywood.

Needless to say I texted her a couple of days after, and asked if she would like to meet to “make love”, she said of course and quoted me a very reasonable price.

I went to see her at the hotel she was staying, because her home base was in Northen California.

I never got a bad feeling or she never gave me anything but good vibes, my gut feeling was that everything was cool.

I always listen to my “Spidey Sense”, when things appear normal and your spidey sense kicks in, you better pay attention.

OTC in general has the advantage of eliminating the middle man “the club” and is a “win win” for the stripper and the PL, they both get more and can be in a more comfortable clean environment (hotel, her place, etc).

I prefer OTC over ITC because it has its benefits, typically in an hotel room you can shower together, relax, massage each other, order room service (food), sleep and have a second round in the morning, breakfast in bed etc etc.

It is entirely up to you, just be careful out there and prepare yourself for the worst and hope for the best.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
In most clubs there are dancers who do OTC and who will put that out there and say things like, "We should make an appointment."

avatar for jurassicman070320
5 years ago
Done it twice.

One was just a dinner with a dancer I actually grew to really like and even, stupidly, wanted to try having a relationship with. Despite how we've talked on the phone and in the club before, she was actually kind of shy and the dinner was a little boring. Nothing ever came of it, though. We had planned to meet up 3 more times and she stood me up on each occasion. Definitely the most inconsiderate person I've ever seriously tried to date (yes, date, not just fuck).

On the second occasion, it was a little bit more about sex than anything else, but I don't regret it, really. It was fun and she was great in bed (or couch, I should say, as we never made it to the bed). Met up 3 times in May (back-to-back days, on one occasion). Haven't talked to/met up with her since then, though. Found out she lied about being single and has actually been married. For like 20 years!
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "Haven't talked to/met up with her since then, though. Found out she lied about being single and has actually been married. For like 20 years!"

They all have SOs dude. Do you really think that hot girls with head issues, doubtlessly including codependency tendencies due to childhood abandonment traumas, are single? Most of these girls probably can't be alone for a week before the overwhelming urge to fill that void kicks in. The only reason why this is a revelation to you is that most of them lie about their relationship status precisely because guys like you need to believe that they are single.

If you need the single thing for your fantasy fulfillment then so be it I suppose, but if you are just looking to fuck some hot strippers then you may need to get over that hangup.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago

One of the sayings around here on TUSCL is - "a strip club is not a girlfriend supermarket" - and that saying is for a reason.

With *very* rare exceptions these girls are in the club for one reason and one reason only - $$$ - they are not there to look for a boyfriend nor someone to date - as Dugan mentioned, most already have an S.O. and a circle they run with outside the club - not to mention most dancers look at custies as losers or pervs that gotta pay for female attention - and the reality is the average stripper can and will run circles around the average customer and some of the sharks will leave a custy with a broken-heart and a broken-bank-account - many of these girls are in the club day-in-day-out for months and even years at a time and they know the game 1000x better than the avg custy.

If you are upset b/c a dancer lied to you, then you have a LOT to learn and shouldn't be trying to date dancers - a dancer lying is like a dog barking, is what they do - first and foremost dancers are salespeople and salespeople will usually do what they need to do and tell you what you want them to tell you, to close the sale - a dancer flaking out on you is the norm not the exception; you should be surprised whey they are actually honest, not surprised when they lie (assume they are lying until proven otherwise).

if you wanna date, then find someone outside the club - if you can't get similar hot-girls outside the club, then don't expect to get them inside the club - the strip-club is business, not a dating service - plus, the avg custy can't deal with the real lifestyle of many of these girls - what you see in the club is a carefully crafted persona, usually not the real-girl outside the club.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "- not to mention most dancers look at custies as losers or pervs that gotta pay for female attention - and the reality is the average stripper can and will run circles around the average customer "

Papi, I was with you on much of what you posted but not on this. A man can also control how he is perceived. Otherwise I would not score half the OTC that I do. But with that said I think that the OP is years out from that as his obvious neediness speaks to both a younger age and a distinct lack of success with women.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ that's how most dancers will probably look at custies - whether the custy can change her mind is another thing - many are unable and all-along unbeknownst to the custy how he's perceived.
avatar for jurassicman070320
5 years ago
@rickdugan @PapiChulo:

Ok, um, appreciate the comments, I guess, but you both seemed to not understand the point of why I posted this: after experiencing firsthand what it's really like on more than one occasion, I don't need an education on stripper psychosis, or a diagnosis of my own thinking at the time I engaged them ("...his obvious neediness speaks to both a younger age and a distinct lack of success with women" - Uh, seriously, bro, you're not my shrink and don't even know me. I've had plenty of girlfriends and success with women who have never worked the poles).

The point of posting this was to answer the original poster's question about any real OTC experiences and use what I learned from both instances to warn any others of what they're in store for them if they decide to go down that road.

Also, not sure how either of you took away that I was "upset" about the second experience because I was not. It was more of a "I guess they fit the stereotype" thing. I learned after the first OTC experience not to invest too much into stripper honesty.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"A man can also control how he is perceived. Otherwise I would not score half the OTC that I do."

This is gonna go downhill quickly.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
What is this “OTC” you speak of?
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
OTC - over the counter. Means you don’t need a prescription. Even an evil doctor should know that. 😎
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Never do OTC with a stripper unless you know her long enough to trust her and... you actually DO trust her. If it seems fishy it probably is. Run away.
avatar for BigMac34
5 years ago
A woman like 30 to 40 years of age asked me to go to dinner with her at the strip club, She told me to meet her at a circle k, which she lived across the street in some apartments to pick her up. I believed her, met her there, and it scare the hell out of me and has traumatized since this day. I was waiting for her in my car, at the same time there is a guy eyeing me down from inside the circle k, I don't think much of it, 1 minute later, after I tell the girl I was there, I see a police patrol car, my heart sanks and I decide to leave. She calls me tells me where am I at, I tell her that she invite me for dinner and that was not what I had in mind. She later text me that I was going to get pulled over. I was scared and i drive home as fast as possible, later I get patanoid of there might be a warrant out for my arrest a few weeks later, I realize that it was a life lesson and not do that anymore. That's what happens when you feel bad for someone and accept a date at a strip club, never again will be doing that. What gets to my head was, I got some Vip dances and she told me she was ex military and divorce. She was quite a good looking women for her age. Some folks I told them the story, they say I got lucky the police was there because they were going to robbed me and beat me up. I learn a very good lesson, if you go to a club, and get a dance here and there and drink and relax you'll avoid the headaches and troubles you can get with otc. I did have two red flags, one after I got my dance she said she was done for the day around 2pm. She approached me at 6pm to ask me out, I was at the club most of day just looking and listening to the music. Another red flag was she at first ask me to eat dinner like chicken etc... she later text me for seafood I always thought the word seafood meant a bj. I think the text was her trying to have me say some inappropriate stuff to get me busted. I never will do otc unless it becomes legal. I read the law online, if police catches you meeting a girl from the strip club they can bust you. In the United States your not allowed to do that. I didn't know that, everyone here tells you it is okay, like a date but it is not. A strip club is for entertainment only, I had to litteraly learn that the hard way, now I know and will most likely go there to look at the girls and get a dance here and there only.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
^^ BigMac34
I agree with the potential robbery set-up (sort of) seeing as how you just met the girl. The police thing seems a bit more of a stretch. I really don't think it's illegal to meet a stripper in a club and then take her out to dinner, unless there's a clear discussion of money to be exchanged for services, and it's recorded. I'm not saying it's impossible, but hard to imagine the police spending the time and resources to plan a set-up like that just to nail some regular Joe with a fairly questionable solicitation charge. The robbery concern has caused me to turn down several offers for OTC with girls I didn't already know pretty well. However, I think the likely scenario would be more like an offer of sex either at the girl's apartment or at a hotel she's already rented. Once you get inside, a dude comes out of the bathroom with a bat or a gun, they rob you and then leave together. You're not about to call the cops because you were there for an illegal purpose. Either way, it's a good idea to avoid OTC with a girl you just met.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
“ Another red flag was she at first ask me to eat dinner like chicken etc... she later text me for seafood .” Yes, big red flag. If a dancer ever changes her meal selection from chicken to seafood, bail immediately.
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