Brothels in Switzerland
Ever been to one? What was it like?
What's with the banter? I don't have photos if I did I wouldn't be asking. Thanks in advance for helpful comments
What's with the banter? I don't have photos if I did I wouldn't be asking. Thanks in advance for helpful comments
So, the number of regular forum posters who have specific experience with Swiss brothels is likely somewhere between 0 to 1. And it's more likely 0.
So, if you don't get a lot of feedback, it's probably not because no one wants to share. It's more likely because you're dipping your bucket into a dry well.
Sexy Cats, the place you asked about in your other thread, has zero reviews here. It's pretty safe to say that Switzerland doesn't have the same following here as, say, Tijuana.
There are websites who specialize in Europe and it’s completely legal in many places so they can be pretty direct. I’m pretty sure prostitution is legal in Switzerland.
But, no I haven't partaken yet.