Do you Tweet?

avatar for Tiredtraveler
Solo PL

I find twitter annoying as I do face book. I catch it from various friends as to how should join and what the benefits are. I sat down a short time back a listed the benefits and disadvantages of both and about three benefits including keeping in touch and the full page disadvantages including keeping in touch with people you would rather forget including distant relatives. I have no interest in sharing my mundane existence with the world and I have NO desire to share other people's either, I don't care what color your poop was this morning or what you had for dinner last night and sure as HELL don't want pictures of them!


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avatar for shadowcat
5 yrs ago

TUSCL is the only social media that I post on and I mostly stay on the site's topic.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

Yes. It's useful for my side gig. It's also useful for following different political topics.

"I don't care what color your poop was this morning or what you had for dinner last night and sure as HELL don't want pictures of them!"

If that's what you see on social media, then it reflects who you're following. You can restrict your feed to a pretty granular level, if that's what you want.

avatar for IHearVoices
5 yrs ago

I mostly use it to talk about sporting (or wrestling) events in real time. May also do that with TV shows, but that's about it.

avatar for gSteph
5 yrs ago

No. I'm a human being, not a parakeet.

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

I created a twitter account to vote on Americas Got Talent. Its useful to follow the Weather Channel, local news, and muni/county agencies during extreme weather i.e. Hurricanes. A couple of years ago, I created a twitter feed with the new business. I think it's the least useful ofnour four digital sites (main web page, facebook, linkedin, twitter), but we do have patients and contemporaries following us. I tweet once every few months.

avatar for SerenitySinn
5 yrs ago

👍 use 2 lots!!!! Just started back up, here n there🤷🏻‍♀️

avatar for BocaOnt2019
5 yrs ago

I use twitter mainly for my other hobby. Twitter does have its uses for this hobby if a SW is on Twitter - DMs can be safer form of communication than texts?

avatar for SanchoRG
5 yrs ago

Fuck no. There are very few upsides and many downsides. Look at all these people that can’t help themselves to tweet something stupid and lose their jobs. Sometimes years after the tweet

avatar for Liwet
5 yrs ago

I use Twitter to write down thoughts I come up with or phrases I read and want to save.

avatar for DandyDan
5 yrs ago

I have one, but only use it for following a small number of athletes and rock musicians. One friend of mine from high school prefers Twitter over Facebook and we correspond that way.

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

People may be offended by this, but 90% of my hatred of Trump is his moronic tweets and the fact I believe Twitter gives a voice to stupid people with nothing to say . The twittersphere is loserville.

avatar for datinman
5 yrs ago

Social media, like video games, is a huge time vacuum. Did both for about a year, became a near obsession, and then realized how much time I was wasting, so I quit.

avatar for Muddy
5 yrs ago


avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

Social media provides back pretty much what you put into it.

avatar for Huntsman
5 yrs ago

I can see how it could be useful for some folks, depending on their line of work. But I have no interest in it as a general means of communication.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

Other than TUSCL, I don't do any social-media (not Facebook or anything else).

When I feel like reading something of interest, I usually just Google it - the only tech communication I use is email and text (Google for anything else of interest).

avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

@Skibum: "Twitter gives a voice to stupid people with nothing to say . The twittersphere is loserville."

First sentence is true but not the second. There are plenty of Nobel Prize winners you can follow on Twitter and that beats waiting for their next book.

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

Yassir Arafat and Barrack Obama won nobel prizes, so I might as well follow Antonio Brown.. Military Intelligence; Jumbo Shrimp; Crash Landiing; Defeaning Silence; Devout Atheist; Social Media.......

avatar for rockie
5 yrs ago

There is much written here on TUSCL that is just as lacking in perspective as the worst of twitter.

avatar for joatmon
5 yrs ago

i agree with shadowcat. Tuscl is more than enough for me.

avatar for joker44
5 yrs ago
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