
What happened to the maps?

Avatar for rickdugan
rickduganVerified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer

What happened to the map functions? I was just trying to make some of my January travel plans and the map functions do not seem to be working. Is this coming back?


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Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Maps are off for the holidays

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I assume Founder may have been tinkering with it and maybe left it halfway while he took a few days off?

Avatar for Hunter2019

Maps are there. You need to make a few more clicks to get to them.

Avatar for Hunter2019

It appears that it only shows the Map for your current location. I can bring up the map of Phoenix AZ

Avatar for Richard_Head

What happened to local reviews? It seems to have disappeared, it was starting to grow on me.

Avatar for rickdugan

I hate to sound ungrateful, but I hope they're back soon. This site is much less useful for travel planning without those maps.

Avatar for Heellover

I miss the local reviews as well. Still had a few pages to go to get completely caught up and really liked that feature....don't get to travel much so pretty much just read az anyway.

Avatar for founder

Everything will be back... just doing some tweaking.

Avatar for txtittyfag

Floundur u good hombre cum 2 my house n I’ll entertain u plenty


Avatar for founder

You can already mute threads, papi

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

ohh - I wasn't sure how the "mute function" worked, hadn't tried it - I thought it was a way for the thread owner/creator to mute comments in his thread.

I just tried it and now realize it works the same as the old thread-ignore

Avatar for Hunter2019

It appears that the map feature is working. I just brought up a map of Las Vegas.

Avatar for Mate27

Rub maps is a different website Dugan.

Avatar for rickdugan

It is working now. Hallelujah.

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