
Double takes in a strip club

Avatar for Muddy

What were some eye opening moments you guys have had, where you just like "WOAH"

I got two off the top of my head.

  1. I was in LA and it was late on a Saturday night. I just about to say fuck it, but said fuck it I'll check out Bare Elegance. Walking in and seeing all these beautiful girls walking around fully nude is sight to behold.

  2. I would say one of my first time at the Red Parrot. Taking a girl up to VIP and seeing a whole row full guys getting...uh..serviced by dancers next to each other. "Uhh am I in America right now? And does everybody have no shame here?" What a great place.


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Avatar for Electronman

First ever visit to Hong Kong Club, Tijuana. I walked to the back of the club and discovered two lovely Latinas sliding around a a shaving cream covered stage. The both had dildos and were giving the guys at the rail a chance to "drive" the dildo for a dollar.

Avatar for Electronman

Should have said "they both had dildos."

Avatar for Nidan111

Pulled up a seat at the bar. 21 year old very hot AA dancer sits down and asks for a drink. I get her a drink. She asks my name. I give my first name. She pulls her top down to expose some fantastic perky tits, grabs my cock, then says, “fuck you for a $100 behind the beads!” SOLD!!!

Avatar for DandyDan

I remember the lady who goes down as my favorite AA dancer. She danced at one of my old regular clubs, one without extras, and she's a beautiful lady, but not head and shoulders above the other ladies there. I see her a couple times there, then she disappears. Fast forward several months, and I see her at my favorite club. We do the standard lap dance, but I can tell that isn't enough for her or me, so we do the champagne room dance and she whips it out and gives a BBBJCIM and swallows the whole load. I never knew she had it in her.

Avatar for SerenitySinn

“and she whips it out and gives a BBBJCIM and swallows the whole load. I never knew she had it in her”


Avatar for mjx01

seeing a girl I knew in the real work get full nude on stage. (wasn't tuscl educated enough at the time to convert that into something more fulfilling)

Avatar for azdd

I’ve had several WHOA moments in my SC career. I remember the first time I walked into the old Baby Dolls Dallas location on Northwest highway sometime in the 90s, couldn’t believe the talent in that club, and the LD contact was unlike anything I had seen before. Another time in Christies-Phoenix in about 2005, I felt lucky to get the hottest Latina I had ever seen in my lap for some LDs, when she totally stuck her tongue down my throat and grabbed my cock at the same time. That led to some incredible OTC sessions. There are other SC moments, but my last one for this thread was with an escort, not in a SC. Houston had an amazing escort scene in the early 2000s, and the first time I met the gal in my avatar I almost blew my load in my pants right there, she was that hot, and I couldn’t believe I was about to fuck her. WHOA indeed!

Avatar for George123789

I was in a club getting a nude couch dance and this young AA dancer was rubbing me to a damned good woody. I started groaning a bit and before I knew it she unzipped me and slid me right in her dripping pussy. It only took several strokes before I blew my load-dismounted zipped me up and took my hotel key from my pocket junk on the floor handed me my sharpie and told me to write my room number on the card. It was literally the end of the night and an hour later we were going at it in my hotel

Avatar for aussiehinz

Had my share of "Whoa!" SC experiences, both good and bad. And been at it a long time. One of the most memorable was way back in 1984. (Told ya it had been a long time...) I had been to a handful of clubs in Detroit, and a couple in Cleveland & DC, but back then they were all relatively tame by today's standards. Then an associate from our Orlando office and I had to meet with Tampa Electric. After we finished our contact there suggested we go out after work. It was about 5 pm or so, and he took us to a place called Mons Venus, which I thought was funny in itself. But when I got inside, and my eyes slowly adjusted from the harsh Florida sunshine to the interior darkness, I stood motionless with my mouth open. There were girls everywhere, all along the perimeter couches, writhing away O n guys, getting totally manhandled. And they were all NUDE!! There were three on the stage spread eagled before a ring of mongers with the goods a mere inch from their faces. I turned to my colleague and said, "We've got to get the FUCK outta here!" He looked at me with a puzzled grin and said "Why?" I immediately replied, "Because you can't do this shit in America!" Having been there before, he just laughed and said, come on, let's go find a seat and get a dance. In my entire life, that was as close as I've ever gotten to an LDK. It was simply unbelievable to me. Now, I fully realize Mons Venus has become more passé as the years have gone by, and other establishments offer more "bang for the buck" nowadays, but in 1984, to a boy from Pennsylvania, it was the absolute BOMB! Never will forget that first visit. Made many more afterward, even getting transferred to Tampa Bay several years later, when the Mons, 2001, Thee Doll House and a long gone club called the Tanga Lounge damned near bankrupted me. Ahh, sweet memories of youth.

Avatar for Clubber

At a club and a new first time dancer was announced. Said to be her 18th birthday. She wore just a regular white bikini and generic heels. Kind of a "klutzy" dance set, but she got through it. I gave her a nice tip for her efforts. Nothing "WOAH" about her set.

Now the "WOAH". She comes up the next time and starts her set, she seemed to be directing her attention to me. Same white bikini. Well I noticed her bottoms were turning red in a place where it likely would mean only one thing. I called my barmaid friend over and pointed it out. She talked to the dancer who ran off the stage to the back!

A couple of addenda. First, I would think she would have "felt" what was happening. Not being a woman, I have no idea. Second, I asked the barmaid where she was. She said she grabbed her stuff and bolted out the back door. As it turned out, never to be seen again.

Avatar for Icey

The night I met the love of my life. It's been 3 years. It was my first time at that club in a few years and her first night working. It was love at first sight and were still together

Avatar for gammanu95

This was Cheetahs Sarasota. At shift change there was a dancer who came out, wrapped in a jacket, huddled in a dark corner next to a regular, and sat there for quite a while. Whenever I glanced over, she looked like a resting-bitch-face 40-something mamasan. When she was called to stage I barely made the effort to turn around to watch her set. When I did, under the stagelights, was a perfect Asian Philipina queen. After she got done, she said "hi" to her regulars, but beelined straight over to me. She earned all of my time and money that night, and I still remember her very fondly.

Avatar for rl27

My woah moment was probably the most blatant dance sell ever. I was sitting stage side and a dancer I had gotten dances with before walks up to me tells me she is on stage next, and mentions she will stop by later for some fun. I ask her how long, since she is usually busy and she says probably 40 minutes, since she has a few waiting. She was hot and gave good dances, and none of my favorites were available, so I told her sure, then gets up on stage to dance.

Shortly after she gets on stage a older blonde with a 7 face and 8 body, sits down next to me and asks if I wanted a dance. She wasn't bad looking, and I would have gotten a dance, but was on a budget that day so I told her I was waiting on the dancer on stage. She then starts a hard sell about how much better she is than her. I tell her I have had dances with the one on stage before and doubt that.

She then says let me see if I can convince you before her set is over, and she starts rubbing my crotch. The dancer on stage was hotter and a sure thing and I said no. She didn't give up, and kept rubbing for an entire song and whispering in my ear how much she wanted me and how she could tell I wanted her. She continues on the second song and definitely making it hard to say no, and if it wasn't for the other dancer and a limited funds I would have agreed.

She didn't give up and said, "wow you must like her, most guys would be back with me by now. I am going to have to work harder," and as she says that she unzips my pants, slips he hand in and give me a hand job right at stage, and says, "if you cum you owe me 50, but I promise other places feel much better." Needless to say that did it I asked her how much and then head to the back.

She keeps it up for an entire song, but made it hard to resist but I still said no.

Avatar for loper

I didn't understand your last sentence, rl27. You said "that did it" and then "head to the back", but then you say you said "no". I'm confused.

Avatar for wallanon

I read what rl27 wrote as that got him to ask how much to head to the back, but then he still said no. But yeah it did contradict itself as written.

Avatar for rl27

Oh, the problems when trying to edit what you type in a small window. The last sentence was a leftover from the third paragraph , somehow when editing a few sentences that were a bit awkward the line in this sentence ended up getting cut and pasted at the bottom.

She continues on the second song and definitely making it hard to say no, and if it wasn't for the other dancer and a limited funds I would have agreed.

Avatar for rl27

There was one other woah moment from years ago. A feature act did a fire show, and during it rubs some oil all over her body, including her vagina. She then runs the fire stick all the way down her body to her well trimmed bush and the flame travels up and down her her body burning out. very quickly

Very cool until a really bad smell of burning hair and see a bit of smoke on her crotch. She patted it like it was nothing and continued on, however the smell was so bad I had to leave.

Avatar for wallanon

Burning hair or burning flesh?

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