Getting Verified

avatar for sinclair
🦕 🦕 🦕 🦕

What is the advantage of getting verified? I realize there are alot of idiots with multiple accounts that have been detrimental to the discussions and reviews, but that should not mean those of us who have never had more than one username should be punished by sacrificing our privacy. founder, please explain.


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avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

The advantage to getting verified if you're and entertainer is you get free VIP access to the site.

If you're not an entertainer you get a neat check mark by your name and access to the exclusive verified room.

avatar for Muddy
5 yrs ago

It’s not the bad Sinclair just a picture of your chin with the Verification number. Aside from the Verified board which I personally don’t use because more people are VIP than verified, I think a lot of us just got verification because of whatever benefits there are going forward that we don’t know about yet

avatar for rickdugan
5 yrs ago

===> "I think a lot of us just got verification because of whatever benefits there are going forward that we don’t know about yet"

Like the ability to mingle with dancers in a cordoned off area where everyone has been verified by founder. As more dancers find this site and opt to market on it, I could see that being a nice feature, especially once founder if compelled to tighten up the process.

avatar for sinclair
5 yrs ago

When you take a picture with your smartphone, the picture is geotagged. So you are giving away your exact GPS coordinates when you send that picture. Most of the people on here that jumped on being verified probably did not think of that and took their verification "selfie" at their residence. Now, you have revealed exactly where you live.

Geotags on pictures are useful when stalking sugar babies and strippers. Tell them to take a selfie and text it to you. Go to the picture's properties and map the GPS coordinates.

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

sinclar, all phones give you the ability to turn that shit off (which should be the default). Turn it OFF!

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

Holy shit?!!! People actually know where I live? Damnit. Gonna have to break out my armory. .... wait.... my fucking armory is constantly on the ready. So...... I really don’t give shit.

avatar for rickdugan
5 yrs ago

I took a pic of my chest hair with my laptop camera. Did that get tagged too? should I worry that founder will get so turned on by a pic of my hairy chest that he's gonna' park outside my house? 😨

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

I was not a big fan of the multiple discussions groups from the get-go - I resisted becoming verified - when the new Verified room was created, for w/e reason my old bookmark to the Front Room directed me to the new Verified Room but I was not aware I was in a new room and still thought I was in the Front Room - anyway I got the "you need to get Verified to post here" - me thinking that meant one needed to be verified to post at all including the Front Room (I was still thinking I was in the Front Room), I sent Founder a message letting him know I thought that was fucked-up - anyway I ended up getting verified and after that is when I noticed it was w.r.t. a new room not the old Front Room - I'd prefer to not have to jump thru hoops when using the Internet but since I spend so much time on TUSCL I gave in to being verified so I wouldn't miss out on some discussions threads via the Verified Room (which really hasn't taken off and neither has the VIP room).

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

I took a pic of my 20" guns so Founder would know I'm not to be fucked with 😄

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

To the best of my knowledge seems the motivation for the Verified Room is for dancers to be able to post along with PLs w/o (possibly) being trolled

avatar for Liwet
5 yrs ago

Any way to get verified if we don't own a digital camera or cell phone?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

You can turn off geo tagging. You can also use phone or desktop apps to strip out the EXIF metadata from your images.

avatar for rickdugan
5 yrs ago

===> "I spend so much time on TUSCL I gave in to being verified so I wouldn't miss out on some discussions threads via the Verified Room (which really hasn't taken off and neither has the VIP room)."

They are still relatively new. If founder gets his wish and more dancers participate, I think the Verified room will get more use. Heck, with the trolling getting much more manageable and these additional features now available, I am tempted to recommend this site to a few dancers. Many of the younger dancers around here are already marketing themselves in FB groups, so they are not shy about posting online. As more dancers find this site I think things could get interesting here, especially in the Verified room Already a few dancers have started threads there, but I suspect it will take some time for it to grow organically.

avatar for sinclair
5 yrs ago

Most people do not have the GPS turned off. Usually it is turned on by default and you have to go into your settings to disable it.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

Liwet said "Any way to get verified if we don't own a digital camera or cell phone?"

Don't you have a daguerreotype laying around?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

Shit - my GPS refuses to stay turned-off - I turn it off via Settings and a short while later it turns back on - not sure if it's an app doing this in the background and forcing it to be on the whole time (I have an LG G6 Android ph - previously I had an older LG smartphone as a burner and if I turned off GPS it would stay turned off till I turned it on again or an app would ask to turn it on b/c I was using it and it needed it).

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

You can turn off geo tagging in your camera app via the settings.

avatar for whodey
5 yrs ago

If you are that worried about geo tagging just take you verification pic outside your favorite club on your next visit

avatar for sinclair
5 yrs ago

^Not worried about geotagging. I was pointing out the average person is not aware their pictures have locations attached to them, and most people probably verified at their residence or work where they have a marker and paper handy. I just see no point in bothering to just use one more message board when I barely use the main message board.

avatar for AnonymousJim
5 yrs ago

In lieu of various measures of trust coming and going, I feel like verification is at least one way of showing you're somewhat serious about what you post here which has value. While yes, I've seen some trolls get verified, it's a smaller percentage than the general TUSCL population.

I get that pictures are geotagged. There are risks to a lot of activities involved with the topic of this site, i.e. attendance at gentleman's clubs. We already go to iffy parts of town with large sums of cash to pay "for her time, not her services."

Yes, someone could figure out where I live. They could also probably take a good guess at the approximate location by reading the reviews of the clubs I frequent. They could also track the IP for my posts or just see me out at a club sometime, if they know what I look like, and tail me home. Heck, they could hack any of my devices and find the "Who'd You Rather" bracket.

Some of what we do in this hobby involves hiding in reasonably plain sight. The way I see it, don't act paranoid, don't be paranoid, and everything will probably be fine. [knock on wood]

avatar for 623
5 yrs ago

If visiting and reporting on well over 100 different clubs and writing hundreds of reviews to contribute over 15 or more years of hobbying as a member isn’t enough evidence that I’m a real PL deal then screw that.

I don’t take selfies and I don’t want to post them on any part of the internet regardless of the nebulous offer that “it’ll be worth it”.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ it took you 15 years if someone comes on and wants verification should we ask their intentions or request that they do something to prove themselves? Trust and verify

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