Women aged less than 30... I’m finally old.
Somewhere in MO.
I went to a nightclub last night. Not a strip club. College town. Tons of girls aged 20 to 24. I guess I am finally getting old. They all looked way to young and inexperienced. No intelligent conversation to be had. No real interest on my part to engage much. The bartender, however, was at least 40 plus with an older face, but a banging body! And, she could hold a real conversation.
But I go on a lot of sugar babe dates now and some of these girls like to go to nightclubs. So I'm there with a pretty girl that is all over me. It is amazing how I get all kinds of girls that want to come up and talk to me then. It's like they think I must either be rich or have a ten inch dick. The problem here though is that date cost me $300-500. But it is fun.
All makes sense. Jensen, the me finally accepting that I got old. I enjoy good conversation. Night club not a good environment for such, as you all have said.
I’m not stupid enough to think the young hotties are interested in much beyond my wallet, but when we say they frequently have “father issues” we’re not making it up. I have two women that I’m close with right now, one 27 and the other 34. Neither had any type of positive male role models growing up and once you get by the day to day BS, they are looking for advice and direction. I’m not saying I’m stopping to see older women, but the younger ones keep me feeling young.
In other words, you felt like the out of place old boring guy. Got it. 😀
All kidding aside, I found myself aging out of nightclubs and college bars by my early 30s. It's the circle of life - us older types are supposed to move on so that the young can have their turn. I started understanding this back then, but it really hit home when I had my first kid.
Luckily one age-appropriate wife and one hot college-ager I see a few times per month satisfies everything I'm after.