There's no such thing as hate speech.

avatar for founder
slip a dollar in her g-string for me

There's no such thing as hate speech. There is only speech that you hate. Change my mind.

We'll have this ridiculous conversation here.


last comment
avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

so instead of continuing on the original thread you decided to be a fucking tool I'm done responding to morons

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

I cannot change your mind because you are 100% correct.

avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

Just off topic, I wish @Dougster would switch his target to me and he can call me a child molester all he wants. It makes @Dougster look like an unstable, babbling, idiot and I really dont' care. Seems to me that would be a practical solution.

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

Random's asessment is also correct. The universe would improve dramatically without lil dougie poo.

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

It's only hate speech when it is said about you. When you say it about others, it's your 1st amendment right.

avatar for datinman
5 yrs ago

Txtitty/dougster is so proud of his stolen valor / pedo trolling that he can't let it go even though that member died quite a while ago. It is obnoxious, but not hate speech.

I think to qualify as hate speech it has to be a narrative espousing genocide. In my mind, Klan rallies, "nits make lice", nazi propaganda, or anything that attempts to dehumanize a group of people qualifies as hate speech.

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

+1 for gammanu65

And 25 called me a fucking tool and a moron. Hate speech? Or opinion? I'm going with opinion because I don't think a moron could create a site of this size.

avatar for Cashman1234
5 yrs ago

Is hate speech as simple as speaking about something you hate?

If I give a speech about my hatred of snakes, that would be a hate speech...

To your point - I find the normal definition of hate speech problematic.

To call something hate speech because it’s objectionable to you - that is just like calling everyone with an opposing opinion a racist - that’s overused and ineffective.

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

+1 for cashman

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ Not hate speech, it's my opinion, one component of hate speech is incitement, which I am not trying to do, dougster, is unquestionably attempting to incite whether or not he's successful has no bearing on the fact it is hate speech. I have no doubt that you worked hard to create your business, that doesn't mean you are smart, plenty of stupid folks have been successful by working hard.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

Obviously I triggered you @founder why not just ignore it as you suggested !

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

Not at all triggered... (Again, another word l don't understand)

Just saying my piece.

I do know something we both can agree on, and that's arguing with idiots gets you nowhere.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

I agree with that sentiment and anytime you feel the need to say your piece go right ahead, but demonizing me for saying mine will get you a response in kind.

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

Please direct me where I demonized you

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ >Hate speech now? What are you, 24 years old and living in your mom's basement?<

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

That makes you a demon?

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

no but it certainly is a disrespectful answer to a serious statement.

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

In my opinion, saying something is hate speech is not a serious statement.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ Disagree with that 100%

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

95, Founder, 95. Time for a third beer?

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

As is your right, 25.

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

Disagreement is hate speech. Boom. Mic drop.

I don't feel that way, but clearly liberals, democrat voters, the left wing media, and the Orange-Man-Bad crowd do.

avatar for Muddy
5 yrs ago

In my view, it can be deemed hate speech when I try to take a stripper home from the club for $80 and she responds with "no"

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

^Snowflake (Muddy)

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

"Hate speech" is bullshit. People who try to censor and shut down speech show their insecurity that they have no confidence in what they are saying. If you had confidence in what you are saying you wouldn't be so scared of what another person is saying, and you wouldn't try to "cancel" them. Cancel culture is the last resort of idiots who can no longer defend their ideas.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

"If you think I'm 24 years old and living in my mom's basement you are stupid as fuck, hate speech is very real, denying it is just a tool used by alt.right wingers to justify any bullshit that they feel like saying. Deny all you want it won't make me wrong, it just makes you look stupid."

And you are giving SJWs the tools they need to censor and shut down everyone who opposes them. The alt right is a reaction to SJW insanity. But all I'll say is that the more SJWs try to attack free speech and ban everything they don't like, the more votes Trump gains from those who desire to protect their rights.

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

I hate the phrase "alt right." A neo-Nazi named Richard Spencer coined that term to try and remove the stigma from has racist views, and mainstream his political movement. All that he accomplished was to give the leftists and black nationalists some bullshit ammunition to use to slander everyone with dissenting views.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

I don't give a shit about race, if I could go the rest of my life and never hear race mentioned again I'd be happy. I've heard enough bullshit about race in my life to fill up ten lifetimes.

Which is exactly why political correctness and SJWism needs to be pushed back against. SJWs have no one to blame but themselves for the rise of identity politics and constantly harping on the race crap.

I'd actually like for more Middle Eastern immigrants to come to the US. Because the Middle Easterners I've met overwhelmingly find the SJW movement to be stupid and insane. I feel far more comfortable talking about politics and making offensive jokes around with the Middle Eastern people I've known than with white Americans, many of whom think everything is offensive now.

Quite frankly, the SJW crowd is more puritanical than Muslim fundamentalists are now. Look at how many SJWs online complain about literally any TV show, movie, or video game where a female character is sexualized? How many want to ban strip clubs and how many think any man who talks to a woman is guilty of sexual harassment?

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

SJWs may think in real life women should be allowed to walk around topless but on TV shows and movies, they seem to think they should wear burkas.

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

I agree with the SJWs that women should be allowed to walk around topless.

"If you've seen one pair of titties, you want to see the rest of them." Ron "Tater Salad" White

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

"Hate Speech" is just another tool liberals/leftists use to squash descent

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

FOUNDER - Donald Trump is president and yet you think a moron couldn't create a site of this size? Do you really think what you did is harder than what he did?????

Hate speech as a right wing thing simplyh proves that progressives are fucking stupid beyond belief. If you support abortion after the fetus can live outside the womb, in my mind you suppport murder. If you call me names because of that belief I find it acceptable simply because why the fuck would I care what some sick demented person who supports murdering babies says about me?

25 No one here with a brain thinks that the Pedo comments are anything other than an admission from the poster that he's a ignorant, uselss pussy and a coward. You and I may disagree politically, but I feel the site is diminished if you left. On the other hand if SJG the coward, used his gun barrell communism on the Ricks I'd buy him his desparately needed half hour with a hooker.

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

I don't think Trump is a moron

avatar for DenimChicken
5 yrs ago

Ok boomers

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

I don't think a moron could beat the Clinton political machine (and live to tell about it)

Anyone who thinks Trump is a moron is grossly underestimating him, and at their own peril.

He can be beat in 2020, but not by anyone we've seen on the Ds side

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

Many of those on this site most strongly calling for kinds of blocking or moderation are really bullies themselves. When those guys quite down, other people start to post more interesting stuff, which we are seeing right now.


avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

+1 for SJG

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

^^^^^ Thanks, probably my first plus too.

Hard to reform people, tell them how to conduct themselves. But I still say that this forum has done well because it is open, egalitarian, and respects privacy.

As someone has recently pointed out, I post things, like about liking women to be in shirt skirts, high heels, and makeup, and that would get me run out of most places.

For me, a Radical Leftist, not really a moralist, there is no problem with ideas like that.


avatar for Jascoi
5 yrs ago

I like pretty girls in shirts skirts and short skirts. and shorts.

Rodney King said one thing so fucking true. “ can’t we all just get along?”

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

^^^^^^^ Agreed.

And I agree Jascoi with what you had posted, that people should not be trash talking about each other.

And as things are at a trolling lull now, more people are making more interesting posts.


avatar for rickdugan
5 yrs ago

===> "On the other hand if SJG the coward, used his gun barrell communism on the Ricks I'd buy him his desparately needed half hour with a hooker."

Skidumb, that's because you're a hyper-sensitive pussy who can't distinguish between strong on-topic disagreements and personal affronts. You're a Massachusetts version of a conservative, as wildly melodramatic and delicate as the left wingers who surround you on a daily basis.

Wow, all that freedom of speech really IS refreshing. Thanks founder. 😉

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

"as wildly melodramatic and delicate as the left wingers who surround you on a daily basis."

That may be true, but let's face it, being excessively dramatic is too much fun lol.

Only if you are joking and dicking around though.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

If our electoral democracy continues to disintegrate, Gun Barrel Communism becomes just about inevitable.

The Rick Animals are simply stooges for a fascist cabal.


avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

Here we have it in a microcosm why this country has become so dysfunctional, any one who doesn't think there is such a thing as hate speech is delusional at best. You suppose that you could say anything and if someone gets offended it's their own fault, yet your intent was to be offensive, SMH. It's too late for a civics lesson maybe a punch in the mouth is what some of y'all need. Here's my message for dougster, call me a pedophile to my face you coward, I'll show you all about stolen valor, and you won't walk away from the encounter.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

^^^^^^ !!!!!

Twentyfive +10


avatar for rickdugan
5 yrs ago

===> "Many of those on this site most strongly calling for kinds of blocking or moderation are really bullies themselves."

There is a significant difference between a poster with strong on-topic opinions and one who blows up threads with off-topic trolling. I'll never stop calling out ridiculous comments when I see them in topical threads. I will also never stop taking issue with affluent older grown men who find some perverse pleasure in giving grief to economically disadvantaged girls who get naked to make ends meet and are often young enough to be their daughters or even grand-daughters. And yes, when I see inexplicably bad review behavior, I will call that out too, perhaps even in a dedicated thread.

On the flip side, I welcome anyone who wants to do the same to me. If I post, for example, about maneuvering a girl to do OTC and someone wants to take issue, then have at it. I am more than willing to mix it up on any stripper or club related topic or on any club related activity that I choose to post about.

But trolls take it much further and calling them "bullies" gives them far too much credit. They are pussies who disrupt threads solely because they can do so anonymously and because they care more about their own feelings (entertainment, anger, etc.) than about the disruption they cause. Only in a place like this can they feel like they have real power because you can bet they've never had any in the real world. The result, of course, is the never-ending derailment of threads with off-topic posts and the packing of the board with troll crap.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

Only in a place like this can they feel like they have real power because you can bet they've never had any in the real world. The result, of course, is the never-ending derailment of threads with off-topic posts and the packing of the board with troll crap.<

Damn skippy, that is exactly what I have been saying and if founder wanted to put a stop to it he could but he chooses not to.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago


Well the worst of the forum behavior I would call "negative meta-narratives".

That is, they are not replying to posts. They are instead starting a meta-conversation, that is a conversation about the conversation, and they are attacking forum members.

And then to make it worse, some are posting things about forum members which they do not know. They are just defying people to try and deny it. They don't respect privacy.

I have only put such people on ignore when it just gets to time consumptive trying to respond to them, and when it is clear that they do not care.

Now you might be talking here about Dougster. I do like the guy and find him interesting to talk to. But I do not agree with his "apolitical" views. And he is vicious in his trolling.

He was the first one here who really shocked me with the names he was calling people, and with how he seemed to look for whipping boys.

He is like the Thomas Harris character Hannibal Lecter.

I said I hoped he would come back, but that was predicated on the requirement that he has "mended his ways".

I think that he has reformed.

Now as far as derailing threads, that is a very subjective thing. Some people start a thread and they are looking at something from a very narrow perspective. Others might look at it more broadly.

But as to the negative meta-narratives attacking the poster, that is very mean and very destructive to reasoned conversation. The people who do this are very immature and very insecure.


avatar for rickdugan
5 yrs ago

IMHO anyone who thinks that opinionated club hounds are more discouraging to broader participation in this board than Romper Room troll antics must really be living in some alternate universe.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

"opinionated club hounds"

These guys are not really the problem, not at all. They are actually a benefit to this board. Remember, I have supported your System.

The problem is some that have nothing better to do than post negative meta-narratives about members, and to keep trying to taunt them without end.

Dougster was one and he can be really mean and cruel.

But we have plenty of new ones now. SirLapDanceAlot is one of the very worst, Waffle has recently turned into one, CMI is one and PaulDrake is one. But remember we used to have Mikeya02 and Shailynn.


avatar for Jascoi
5 yrs ago

I’m glad founder allows us to be such idiots. but it would be nicer if we would exercise self-discipline and stay on topic.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

^^^^^ Jascoi +25


avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago


People are deliberately becoming offensive because of the authoritarians in society trying to use "omg I'm offended" to shut down facts and opinions which deviate from what they're trying to shove down everyone's throats. So of course the natural response is that you've created a counter-culture of anti-SJWs like Matt Stone and Trey Parker who deliberately offend everyone to show that you are choosing to be offended. If you stop choosing to be offended then you will evolve into a more evolved human. You've also got alt-lite personalities like Steven Crowder and Milo Yiannopoulos on Youtube who intentionally offend people. Why? Because of people trying to say that speech should be shut down if it offends anyone. So now the alt-lite is pushing back against that and attacking the concept of political correctness, which was invented by the way by none other than Joseph Stalin.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

SJG said "But we have plenty of new ones now. SirLapDanceAlot is one of the very worst, Waffle has recently turned into one, CMI is one and PaulDrake is one. But remember we used to have Mikeya02 and Shailynn."

Shailyn called you a retard.

A lot... and not joking.

avatar for mark94
5 yrs ago

For those who believe that the government should penalize hate speech, I ask WHO would be in charge of deciding what qualifies as hate speech ? Are you okay if someone with different political views than yours is put in charge of policing hate speech ?

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Real fascists are never going to gain any power. They are an extremely fringe ideology.

What I am concerned about, is the very real threat that SJWs pose to freedom of speech and the freedom of artists to express their work however they want without being censored. Sexualize the girls in your stories too much and the PC police will say your movie objectifies women, have a historical film set in fucking Medieval Europe and realistically portray everyone as white and they will say the film or video game is racist for not having enough diversity, make an off-color joke on social media and a mob will descend on you, harassing you, doxxing you, and demanding your employer fire you.

This behavior is what creates those "deplorables" you attack.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

It ain't about cucky little feelings. I'll stand toe to toe with anyone in an argument all day long. I've been on many forums where I was alone in battling like five-ten different people and pretty much everyone on TUSCL can attest to that. Its about the real risk that a mob will harm you in real life and the people you care about, its about the real risk of being fired from your job, its about the real risk of somebody sending death threats to your family.

All because of a fucking joke, that was just meant to be funny.

Everything is sexual harassment these days though. On my freshman dorm, the fucking RA sent us a text saying that writing profanity on the whiteboard qualified as sexual harassment. Even profanities that have nothing to do with sex. I was in one class where we could discuss the class topics anonymously through an app and have those messages show up on the projector. So of course one clown said "send nudes." Not to anyone specifically, just to be funny. The next day we were treated to a 30 minute lecture on sexual harassment and stopped using the app.

Where is the line drawn? Can people have fun anymore without having the "badness" of their behavior exaggerated?

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

@CC nah you don't need to shut it down, My personal solution to hate speech is let's kick some ass. That'll teach you to say whatever shit you like, it'll be fun say something and if anyone takes offense, leave them to it, betcha the majority of y'all shut the fuck up then. We can count on Darwin's laws of natural selection to weed out what is hate speech.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago


I'll bet Antifa are your heroes aren't they?

Classic SJW, wants to punch anyone who offends him and that that should be legal but thinks hate speech should be illegal.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ No that's not even close I personally espouse a policy, of live and let live, so if you don't intend to offend me I won't take offense, but if your intent is to offend me don't act so shocked when I respond in kind, that's the point, it's just basic civics, if you live in a neighborhood be a good neighbor, that doesn't make me a SJW, stay off my lawn and we should be fine.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Defining sexual harassment as any ugly man who talks to a woman? Bullshit that that's the way it should be. Victims can be full of shit and frequently use their so called victim status as a weapon against innocent people.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago


And what happens when somebody says that facts and political opinions they disagree with are offensive? What happens when somebody uses the idea of such things being offensive to shut people down and have their lives ruined?

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ Totally false narrative sounds like a straw man

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

I haven't done that, IDGAF about your political opinions, if they're stupid so fucking what, don't tell me there is no such thing as hate speech that's ridiculous, and anyone knows that, just like racism exists so does hatred, don't practice it and you'll be just fine, simple

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Have you been keeping up with the news? That's what all this bullshit is about.

People will tell you you're being offensive if you say that there's only two genders. If you say that the racism narrative has been exaggerated, people will say you're being offensive and shut you down. At my school I saw a Christian preacher get yelled at and spit on for having conservative views.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ Straw man politics, most folks never come in contact with any of that, you are just acting stupid as usual, looking for arguments to fill up your loneliness, get a fucking hobby or a girlfriend I'm tired of this stupid discussion, it's full of shit everyone heard about but never actually had happen to them, it's just a lot of crappola you have more of a chance of getting trapped in a Mickey Ds shitter w/o tissues than actually having this stuff happen to you.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

Shouldn't this thread be in the Politics discussion group

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago


You're a 65 year old man who has no connections to any of this stuff and this has all happened in very recent years. Of course you've never seen it. I'm at the center of where all this stuff goes on and have personally witnessed people get assaulted over political issues on two different occasions. And the university I go to is apparently considered right-leaning compared to the average university, not that my college is by any means right-leaning, just that it is more right-wing than the average university which means this issue is not as bad here as it is at other colleges.

I can't even keep track anymore of the number of guys I've known who have become victims of false accusations of sexual harassment, most were lucky enough that at our jobs we have security cameras that proved nothing happened but the police were still called. I've seen guys become a fragmented shell of their former selves in the aftermath of a false sexual harassment rumors in which things were ambiguous but the girl only admitted to making it up months later. The brutal treatment those guys endure causes them to become unable to trust anyone, develop severe anxiety problems, and are unable to talk to girls without being terrified that they will accuse them of sexual harassment.

avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

This sounds like a lot of angst. I just wanna hang with my wife so we can 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪


avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 yrs ago

I heard there is no such thing as Santa Claus either. Soo where are these friggen presents coming from!?!?

avatar for pistola
5 yrs ago

Haven’t posted in a week, just lurked. My 2 cents, I appreciate Founders recognition of free speech. I would like trolls to remain on the boards versus being able to comment nastily under legit reviews (see my Bare Assets and Allure reviews for examples) as reviews are the lifeblood of the site. Other than that, carry on.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

First, I think that it's in poor taste for founder to create what was obviously destined to become a political thread in this forum, but I guess we're beyond that now. That said, this topic doesn't need to be political, or at least not very political.

Of course 'hate speech' exists. That so many cultures debate the soft outer edges of it's definition automatically means that it exists. Just because something is difficult to define does not automatically negate its existence.

Quick side note ... most would not call how txtittyfag interacts with 25 as 'hate speech'. It is, more accurately, libel, as it is directed personally.

Broadly speaking, hate speech is abusive or threatening speech that expresses bigotry against a defined group (most frequently race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.). I would add that hate speech is motivated by some combination of hatred (obviously), fear, and ignorance.

If you can argue that this type of speech does not exist at all, then you can argue that hate speech does not exist. I think you're going to have a tough time with that. Arguing that hate speech does not exist is similar to arguing that 'porn' does not exist. There is a difference between a movie that is simply erotic versus a movie that is obviously porn. Where exactly that line gets drawn is subjective. Subjectivity also does not negate existence. Porn exists purely to inspire sexual arousal in a target audience. Hate speech exists purely to motivate hatred in a target audience (typically in the form of bigotry). Even those definitions are subjective, but they address things that do exist.

An even squishier debate is when should hate speech be punishable. Note that we've officially left the debate as to the existence of hate speech. Whether or not there should be negative consequences to hate speech automatically acknowledges that it exists.

In essentially all debates regarding hate speech in the U.S., there's an acknowledgment that hate speech is protected by the First Amendment. The KKK can march. The Hammerskins can produce white power rock. But protection from prosecution is not the same as protection from consequences.

Side note ... we already know that not all speech is protected. Most common used example, screaming "fire" in a crowded space when there is no fire. So, there's a long standing precedent that exceptions to protection exist.

But, getting back to consequences. If a private company decides to fire you because you're listening to neo-Nazi death metal on your iPhone, then they get to do that and it is not a violation of your First Amendment rights. But it is a legal consequence exercised by a private entity. If you're sitting next to me at a bar and say, "I think all Jews should burn in an oven.", I'm going to punch you. That's an illegal consequence (but I'm still going to punch you...).

Shorter version ... freedom of speech does not automatically translate to freedom of consequences.

But what I think a lot of people here are arguing is that hate speech should never be regulated at all, or be legally punishable at all. I don't agree with that, though I fully acknowledge that defining the line where it becomes punishable is difficult.

But we acknowledge that there exists forms of speech that can cross a line and become justifiably punishable by law. Going back to the example of porn; pornography is protected speech via the First Amendment. UNTIL you involve minors. At that point, it is no longer protected. And I believe (hope...) that all (most...) of us agree that arresting and prosecuting those who create porn involving children is rightfully illegal and should be punished under the law.

Where does hate speech cross a line similar to porn involving minors? Difficult to say objectively. And it's why so many cultures struggle to to make that distinction within hate speech. But a difficulty to define does not mean that hate speech is incapable of crossing a line whereby it should be punishable under the law.

It's just difficult. Difficulty should not prevent the debate, whether it's in a coffee shop or in Congress.

But if you're truly a hardcore anti-hate speech purist, then I would challenge you to go into your local synagogue during service and decry Israel's laws prohibiting Nazi symbolism, expression, etc. I hope you don't mind if I film that. It's going to be a hit on YouTube...

So, yeah, hate speech exists.

Have a day.

avatar for Mate27
5 yrs ago

^^ Holy SJG style post!

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

Founder asked a broad question about a big topic.He got a big answer. This shouldn't be surprising.

Did you read it.

avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

^^ Yes, @Meathead, you're fucking clod, and maybe that could be considered libel.

I thought it was a terrific post and I like the way @Ishmael spelled out what can be considered hate speech and the legal consequences (if any). I had a feeling @Dougster's comments could be considered libel -- but I'm not a lawyer. In reality @Dougster's just pushing every button he can to annoy @25 and he succeeded admirably. @25 has a huge following here and hope he doesn't leave the board.

This picture of the leader of the American Nazi Party and the "hate bus" from 1961 is going around Twitter this morning:

I take it that's a protected form of self-expression.

Certain things bother me more than others. I can't stand the TUSCL @A-poop-deep South Asian troll who works at 7/11, smells like shit, and looks for cheap gang-bangs. But I guess the shot at South Asians is motivated by the fact they're the most prosperous and successful ethnicity in the country. I'm white, BTW.

avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

I have a really thick skin and I like the wild-west format. But we could easily have some easygoing member like @Papi, @JackSlash, or @Gawker to delete the egregious stuff. They probably wouldn't the job, though.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

@Random as I pointed out to CMI in a PM, libel and slander intended to incite crosses into hate speech territory.

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

Ish... I don't think discussing hate speech is at all political. In fact, I think that people who do consider it political spend too much time playing identity politics.

I'm very liberal in my social views, but very conservative in how much control I want to give my government.

Anyway, I do think there is speech that 99.99% of all people hate, but there is still no such thing as hate speech. It's just two words that describe an opinion.

avatar for Mate27
5 yrs ago

Randumbmember-“I have really thick skin”, so says a self described liberal who balls at anyones views that differs from his own. I believe every member on tuscl who read that line is calling bullshit on Randumb.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

So answer this @founder is there such a thing as slander and can a person be harmed by it ?

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

Of course there is slander.

There's no slander here though. We all have aliases. You can't slander an anonymous person.

avatar for Jascoi
5 yrs ago

the ‘hate’ bus. 36 horsepower. That had to be a slow ride. And with somewhat frequent failure of the exhaust valve in the cylinder under the oil cooler within the cooling shroud. My old 1960 356 would suffer similarly. I just don’t remember specifically which cylinder that one was numbered. (wasn’t it cylinder number one?)

avatar for Jascoi
5 yrs ago

I don’t understand why people ‘hate’ people of certain races.
as if we have a choice to choose what race we wish to be. live and let live.

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

Everything on this site should be considered a work of fiction. Any semblance to an actual person, whether living or dead, is strictly coincidental.

You cannot slander an anonymous person.

All of our aliases are fictional 1%'s and social revolutionaries.

All of the discussions, reviews, and articles are the products of our vivid imaginations.

Does that help anyone to realize how hilariously absurd it is, that you treat our interactions with such gravity

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

Technically correct, but if you can slander someone then hate speech exists,different discussion completely whether or not the government can or should get involved ! Truthfully though you can slander a persons alias as well, it depends on their public persona and whether that alias is well known and/or associated with something well known, for example you could conceivably be slandered if your business is the subject of a malicious attack that costs you money or business, so there is some slander that could occur here maybe but still. Following that through to a logical conclusion there is hate speech, and can be directed at individuals or institutions, there is nothing to agree or disagree with it just is.

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 yrs ago


A Google definition of “Hate Speech”:


noun: hate speech

  1. abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation.”

“In TUSCL we don't tolerate any form of hate speech"

Wikipedia says:

“Hate speech is a statement intended to demean and brutalize another, or the use of cruel and derogatory language on the basis of real or alleged membership in a social group.

Hate speech is speech that attacks a person or a group on the basis of protected attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.”

“The United States does not have hate speech laws, since American courts have repeatedly ruled that laws criminalizing hate speech violate the guarantee to freedom of speech contained in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

There are several categories of speech that are not protected by the First Amendment, such as speech that calls for imminent violence upon a person or group.

However, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that hate speech is not one of these categories.”

So in these terms it exists; but notice the classic American culture contradiction, no law against it because of “Freedom of Speech”.

Now about changing your mind.

“Changing people’s minds is not easy; and it’s even more difficult when the person you’re working with believes they have critically thought about it.

The truth, it seems, is that there’s little you can do about that – it simply boils down to the person you’re trying to educate and their disposition towards critical thinking.”

“there is no easy way of changing someone’s mind.

You cannot force an idea on someone.

In reality, it’s quite possible that if you push too hard, the person may resent it and purposefully ‘switch off’ from conversation or even hold on stronger to their existing beliefs, perhaps out of spite.”

You have to change your mind yourself, no one can change it for you.

I suggest after reading all the responses you will use your mind and perhaps your “conscience” and act accordingly.

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

If this 25IQ persona is a defining part of your identity and a measurable part of your self-worth, then you seriously need to see a therapist. Cold turkey detox from internet posting boards, prescription medication, and unconditional positive regard from a board-certified, licensed professional (not that you could find it anywhere else). Seriously, get a grip.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ My gosh I have a new troll same as the old troll should I share your PM to me from yesterday with the rest of the board or just be thankful you haven’t called me a porch monkey LOL

avatar for Mate27
5 yrs ago


avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ 😂

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

Pointing out unpleasant truths about your wasted and useless life are not trolling.

It's your so-called life, I'm just laughing at it.

avatar for Jascoi
5 yrs ago

i’m not 100% white. I got a streak of Blackfoot in me.

avatar for rickthelion
5 yrs ago

GammaApe thinks everybody who posts on here is providing a factionalized version of themselves. I’m sure that is true for some posters. For example, Skifredo claims to be a fourth-rate lawyer that defrauds poor people when he is actually a crab.

However, a surprising number of posters are exactly who and what they present themselves as. For example, my brother from another mother, rickdugan, is indeed the most badass hairless ape on the planet. He is almost as smart as me, a lion.

So don’t slander the ricks GammaApe. We are a collection of the most badass examples of each species on the planet. Well, the cool species that are able to fuck hairless ape whores, drive Teslas in rick mode, wear sharp suits, and convince the gullible that we are chemical engineers. In other words, no fucking zebras. I hate motherfucking zebras. They are responsible for most of the trolling on this board. ROAR!!!

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

Now we're getting somewhere.

Who gets to define what content is considered hate speech?

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago


Now show me examples of hate speech on tuscl

avatar for DoctorPhil
5 yrs ago

just an observation:

hate is a pretty strong word but i think we’re all in agreement that @san_jose_guy has inarguably earned the hatred directed toward him both here and no doubt IRL.

while some might argue that the hatred expressed toward him as an individual doesn’t meet @Fun_Loving_Fella’s definition of expressing hatred of a particular “GROUP OF PEOPLE”, i would point out that when you include the dozens of voices in his head that he is indeed a GROUP unto himself.

btw, thank you @founder for moving that political crap from those idiots @san_jose_guy, @nemesisk7, vh_kicks , etal to the 4chan4retards room um i mean the politics room.

and thanks to all the TJ aficionados for having the brains and manners for putting all your TJ discussions in the TJ room and not in the front room.

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

FLF, the point I'm trying to make is calling a specific person a name is not hate speech. Just like "racist", of we toss around words so liberally, they start to lose meaning.

avatar for founder
5 yrs ago

I know hate speech when I hear it. I've just never seen it on tuscl

avatar for DenimChicken
5 yrs ago

I fucking hate ROB's.

May their harvest be barren.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

I said my bit on the topic as proposed. I've given my opinion on two-way block, for what little it's worth.

But if this is specifically something between you (founder) and 25 then I got nothing.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

There is no law against "hate speech". But the First Amendment has never meant that you have an absolute right to say anything anywhere at any time. And the only party which is restricted by the First Amendment is the government itself.

So while there is no law against "hate speech". there are laws against harassment and against trespassing, and also against inciting to riot.

Most corporations and institutions do enforce their own policies against hate speech.


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