
on the topic of Metallica (way, WAY off-topic)

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gammanu95Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?

So another poster commented that he was a fan of Metallica here: /discussion.php

As a longtime fan of Metallica, it occurs to me that you need to be more specific as to which Metallica you are (or were) a fan of. For the records, I started listening to them with "...and Justice for All" and bought all of their albums after that working my way back. The last album I bought was S&M.

The first Metallica: Metallica's first original album, "Kill 'em All" was pure death metal, as the title implied. It was good, but not really my cup of tea. Their death metal phase improved and evolved through "Ride the Lightning" and "Master of Puppets". "Master of Puppets" was the first best of these and the best of their first four albums. By "...and Justice for All", they were playing speed metal. I am a fan of this Metallica, as they improved markedly over the years. Orion is a particular favorite track of mine.

The second Metallica (new lineup): A lot of it certainly had to do with the cultural climate in America, but they were deeply affected by the loss of their bassist, Cliff Burton. Since they had progressively moved and evolved through these first albums from death to speed metal, it is tempting to lump them together as their first iteration. However, "...and Justice for All" stands apart from the rest of their discography in style and tone, marking it as a second, distinct, speed metal phase. "One" is a classic. Unfortunately, the album got old quickly. Unless you are able to completely geek out over complex guitar chords, it doesn't have as much as offer as their other work.

The third Metallica: It would be a few years, before Metallica returned with their self-titled album (aka the black album), debuting an entirely new and entirely welcome heavy metal musical style. This may have been their best audience reception and most popular album. This will stand as my all time favorite Metallica album

The fourth Metallica: Then Metallica cut their hair. And they switched to a style of hard alternative rock/metal. Many people hated the change, but I really liked these albums. Their are so many different tracks that can be listened to over and over. They tie as a close second favorite of mine after the black album. They also teamed with soundtrack composer Michael Kamen to play with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra and record the S&M album. They incorporated the orchestra into several existing songs, and released two new tracks on the 2-disc set. I did not like this album. The two new tracks - No Leaf Clover and Human- are pretty good, but only Nothing Else Matters was improved from the existing versions.

Fifth Metallica: Then they sucked. Imagine the retarded lovechild of two giant douches like CJKent and SJG, have this retarded bastard raised by a self-righteous egomaniacal hypocritical co-parenting of RandomLoser and twentyfiveIQ, and you would get a perfect fifth member for the fifth Metallica. Suing and testifying in court against Napster, release a video of their pathetic quadruple counseling like "Some Kind of Monster" (which also included the departure of Jason Newstead), and completely abandoning their steadfast fanbase to release critically acclaimed garbage like "St. Anger" and "Death Magnetic". I still remember turning on Mancow's Morning Madhouse one morning, and hearing some noise that kinda sorted sounded like Metallica. Then he finished playing the first release "St. Anger", Mancow was like "yep, well, that was Metallica." One caller summed up my feelings perfectly when he said "My wife and I are in tears. We cannot believe our favorite band has fallen so far."

I still enjoy listening their first few albums, the Garage Days CDs, and even "I Disappear" from the MI:II soundtrack; but I cannot forget how they turned into a bunch of whiny douches. It sours my enjoyment of those albums a little, and I could not tell you the name of any songs or albums they released after S&M with the exception of St. Anger. I even had to look that and Death Magnetic up online to make sure I had it right.

Yeah, so, nothing to with strip clubs. Just inspired by another, on topic TUSCL discussion comment. therefore, relegated to the dust-bin of the front room for unverified lurkers to enjoy.


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Since I'm that poster, I'll chime in here.

I'm a big fan of everything up to and including the black album. Although a departure from their previous style, that album is a rock classic and they proved that they are a more well rounded rock band than just a good thrash metal one.

Favorite album is And Justice for All. I disagree that it's not much more than their previous works. To me it was the refinement and perfection of their sound at the time. Every song on that album is great and I can listen to it front to back without tire. I did a lot of skateboarding to that album so I do have a personal bias for it.

I equally love Kill em All, Ride the Lightning, and Master of Puppets. All just a hair behind the black album and And Justice for All which are tied for #1. For Whom the Bell Tolls may just be my favorite song of all time by them. I love Four Horsemen too.

So for me everything up to the black album is the Metallica that I know and love. After that, not so much. Load was a complete disappointment especially following the black album. St. Anger wasn't bad, kinda throwback but still not on par with their 80s stuff. And after that I stopped following their music. My wife and I saw them in concert for the first time during the St. Anger tour and it was enjoyable because they did all their old classics. But after that I've just stuck to listening to my favorite stuff rather than explore anything new.

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No life til leather demos by far their best stuff.

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Gamma Metallica has always been thrash metal. Imagery used in merch and artwork may seem death metally but Slayer maybe touched into death metal a little but Metallica was always one of the thrash metal bands.

I am a punk rock / hardcore guy but listened to Metallica along with grunge etc until i got hip to punk at around 15. As far as Metallica i couldn't really get into them much after and Justice for all, and all that stuff came out when i was a little kid. Though the album of covers Garage Inc was great they were made to cover Motorhead, and i thought it was cool they were into the Misfits.

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Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire!

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Favorite song Mr Sandman

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But I like to burn shit down

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@ime Motorhead rules! Eat the rich! And so do the Misfits. I love Teenagers from Mars and Where Eagles Dare.

Anyhow on Metallica to me ultimately it's Kirk's lead guitar that makes them. And their rock ballad style really showcases his talent. He's a virtuoso on electric guitar. One of the best ever.

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On youtube there it s a series by Guitar Center called quest for tone or something like that all the Merallica guys did one they arent long like 10-12 minutes or something like that. They are good they talk about how they got into music. Influenes etc. I will try to find a link later. Hard to do that from phone.

Avatar for Longislandnightmare

With thrash, hardcore and metal all kinda coming together in the late 70’s who do you think influenced who?
Was minor threat, gorilla biscuits, madball and stuff like that branching off into sub genres of their own thing based off of Metallica or the other way around?
Just curious of some opinions.
I know how minor threat really influenced a lot of stuff I’m into now days but just wondering where you think Metallica played its part?

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

In the era of thrash metal, to me no band was more influential and talented as Suicidal Tendencies. They are THE BEST band of that genre. Metallica was great and all, I love them and even back then I preferred them over Suicidal Tendencies, but looking back I have to say Suicidal Tendencies is #1 thrash metal band ever.

And Minor Threat to me was more of a punk band with Salad Days and their self titled album. They later went more thrash metal in style by their origins are true punk.

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All the NYHC stuff was influenced by Agnostic Front, those were the guys who really melded the metal with punk that turned into all the modern hardcore.

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+1 for Agnostic Front. I'll throw G.B.H. out there too.

Avatar for Longislandnightmare

Damn, can’t believe I forgot about agnostic front.
That seems absolutely right.

Don’t mean to turn this thread around but it’s not often for me to hear other people talk about this music.
I assume you guys are north eastern?
Did you ever get opportunities to watch a lot of these shows at stalag 13 in philly?
It was an amazing hole in the wall that had huge bands (in this genre) play all the time.

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@Longisland I grew up in Missouri and was a punk/new waver/skateboarder and that's where and how I got into the music. I never got to see any of those bands live.

Other great bands (and albums) from that time...

  • Bad Brains (I Against I)
  • The Vandals
  • Anthrax (Be All, End All)
  • TSOL
  • Husker Du
  • Black Flag
  • Iron Maiden (Somewhere in Time)
  • Exploited
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I grew up just outside of Boston.

I always wanted to see Bad Luck 13 in Philly, and come out alive.

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Side note regarding the video for 'One':


Here is the actual movie that the clips in the video are from

Johnny Got His Gun g.co

My friends and I watched it when we were 15-16. Great movie but it's depressing as fuck. As sad as the song.

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Some of you guys even the ones who saw them when they were coming up may not have heard this.
No Life 'Til Leather -EP

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"As long as it says Metallica on the record it's Metallica."

  • Lars Ulrich from Metal Edge, 1996
Avatar for Funkycold88

I'm in the boat with a lot of other people on the Metallica stuff. Not really a fan of any album past the black album. Couple songs here there at like though. Really happy to see some people talk about some punk though. And I'll throw a couple more in the my side.

Cock SParrer
Cockney Rejects
Sham 69
Drink and Destroy crew (local Atl band)
Social Distortion
Dropkick Murphys

Avatar for rattdog

guys should check out this album from metallica's bay area brethen - exodus' impact is imminent, very underrated thrash album.

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here's a story for you guys.

it was back in the early 90's. i was hanging at my best friend's apartment. he was a guitar player that graduated from the GIT school out in cali.
anyway he was in this mood where he just wanted to start some shit. he wanted to know how to get in contact with metallica's management. i then told him i can get this music industry telephone directory from he record company i used to intern at.
we go to that record company, i steal the directory and then head off back to his place. we find out that Q-Prime is metallica's management team. my friend makes the call and says that he heard a rumor that metallica is looking for a new guitar player. reply: "what? leave me your number and we'll get back to you."
10-15 minutes later Q calls back with this:
"we just spoke to lars. he said yeah we have a new guitar player. his name is kirk hammett."
ehh it was worth a try.

lots of people slag on kirk's playing. plays mostly the same scales and is heavily dependent on the wahwah petal. here's the thing-i don't think he sucks. in fact i think he's awesome and is a perfect for metallica. it's just that there are others out there that are just simply better. not in my top 15-20 but by no means is he anywhere near the bottom of the list either.

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Great list Cock Sparrer is one of my favorite bands. Shock Troops is a perfect album. Truth told oi!/street punk us my favorite style of music. Anti-heros were from ATL and helped bands like the Bruisers put Us Oi! On the map and were fucking amazing. Though i doubt anti-heros could exist in todays pussy pc culture.

Another Atl band that is good is Antagonizers ATL seen them a bunch of times. They opened for the Business when they played Raleigh a few years ago, RIP Mickey.

Avatar for Cashman1234

The OP’s description of the fifth Metallica is very funny.

It is impressive to consider the body of work attributed to Metallica. There are many bands that may have influenced them - and many more bands that were influenced by them.

Agnostic Front was a great band - the Misfits too. GGGG Allin - was kinda crazy - but there was some good stuff there too.

I loved the scene back in the early 80’s - when music found a real edge - and got more intense and violent.

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Im doling out lots of trusts based on this thread

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@rattdog Kirk seems like he could play jazz and be just as happy. Definitely unique

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Antagonizers just played at my local bar again a couple weeks ago. Have been to a lot of their shows throughout the years, good guys.

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I guess they used to be out of Durham back in when Patriot was around.

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