Crypto Currency

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Should tuscl accept Crypto Currency.


I need some input.



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avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
Yes, use coinbase. you can send multiple tokens and they can also be exachnged to USD to deposit into your bank account
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Yes. Dancer participation should quadruple overnight.
avatar for gawker
5 years ago
I’ve been using the Cash App, primarily to pay for OTC and I’ve seen that transactions can be made in Bitcoin. There seems to be more & more retail operations accepting bitcoin.
On Cash App it appears that bitcoin amounts are expressed in 4 decimal place amounts. I’ve wondered if that might encourage errors?
I have no frame of reference on any other crypto currency.
The only advantage I can see is for those who want no paper trail in their dealings with you. While that is an occasional topic in the forums, it’s impossible to judge how many other PL’s are out there afraid that someone might know they’re a pervert.
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
As long as you accept Jackbucks, my new crypto currency backed by the full faith and credit of Jackslash.
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
2 thots (pun intended)

1 Not necessary if prepaid cards are accepted. So long as there is some way of anonymity to purchase membership, it's not a big deal. Quite frankly I doubt many who think about the payment trail think about the IP trail.

2. You deserve to monetize your site a bit more. I would suggest the usasexguide program where the first click is to a website that will pay you. Just one time each new session.

avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
That’s a question for your accountant?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
Ultimately, yes, because that mode of pay is (1) not going away, and (2) will only increase in popularity.

That said, I don't envy your implementing it. It's still not very user friendly and only used by a small (but growing) population.

Still, perhaps it's better to get good at it before you're required to get good at it.
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
I say absolutely. It offers a other payment option. It is about convenience to the end user. If you do implement this some privacy coin options would be good, like Monero and Dash.

The currencies that coin base offers are the most popular ones.
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
@cmi it is not too difficult to compliment. Just look at my profile. It is as simple as posting a wallet address or QR code. This would work for one time transactions very well. Outo pay options would be different. From the end user side payment t is as simple as sending an email.

One more thing about the volatility can send a specific dollar amount worth of whichever currency you use. The only risk issue is the value of the crypto after the transaction.
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
Not too difficult to *implement *
avatar for Estafador
5 years ago
no. Very finnacy market that is. It's spending power is absolutely reliant on the people's interest in keeping it looking pretty. So the federal reserve sans the government and physical entity.
avatar for Clubber
5 years ago
As one that had been in the IT field for many years, I wouldn't. But then, I have been out of the loop for about 3 years. That's an eternity in computer time!
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
I'm old school, I still pay in denarii and drachma. Never leave home without them. :D
avatar for rediguan
5 years ago
Throwing my two bitcoins into the convo...

What is the "why" for considering crypto? Are you asking "should you accept crypto" because there is a need to do so (i.e. missed opportunities for privacy freaks, a growing number of current users asking to pay in crypto, etc.)

Or is the "should" question a "I have to or I want to start accepting" because of a future rule/regulation/new feature/keeping up with technology?

Viewed thru either a business or IT lens, you need to balance what it will take to implement Crypto as a payment option versus what benefits you get from it. Is there something wrong or lacking with current payment options?

My opinion, without knowing the user counts and revenue projections for crypto, it would seem more like a hassle to implement. Perhaps consider PayPal like some of the web cam sites now accept?
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
I pay in Dinero.
avatar for codemonkey
5 years ago
For a site like this I'd think accepting a privacy-focused coin like Monero would be the way to go.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Founder, it will be your money, so it really is entirely up to you.

For myself, no I would not want to use that.

avatar for WinningdaChumpsGame
5 years ago
In 30 years most people will be doing business transactions in shitcoin

Get on board now!

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^^ follow WinningdaChumpsGame, the higher something is right now, the more important to get your money into it.


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