Is it ever ok to wear blackface to a strip club?
He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
Asking for a friend - who is considering dressing as Long Dong Silver for Halloween.
Is it ever ok to wear blackface to a strip club - while taping a garden hose to your thigh?
Is it ever ok to wear blackface to a strip club - while taping a garden hose to your thigh?
Depends on how much that matters to you really
Just dress up as the president and grap them all by the pussy
^^^ These neo-cons are idiots.
Chris Hedges…
Maybe just try trick or treating in some black neighborhood.
I was joking. The wearing of blackface is not acceptable - even if it might be in honor of one of the most under appreciated porn performers of all time.
Trump was talking about Muslim Bans. He was fondling his xenophobic base.
But such a ban would violate the Constitution, and the courts would later tell him so.
At the Convention a Muslim couple spoke. They challenged Trump, asking if he had ever read the Constitution. They were Naturalized Citizens, having as much right to be called Americans as does Donald Trump.
They lost one of their sons, 27yo, while he as serving in Iraq, as a US Army Captain.
But Trump makes fun of them.
And that is totally wrong, he makes fun of the Muslim Couple, he makes fun of all immigrants, and of all who have descended from immigrants, and he makes fun of all of those who have served in our military.
Donald Trump has no idea at all what this country is about!……