Since we've been approving reviews, I've gotten a lot of the above (grief) for my rejections. I reluctantly amended my review critique criteria. What I did is allow ANY review with at least ONLY EIGHT lines of text for others to approve or not. Since I did this, I've rejected a lot fewer, but many still don't GET IT.
This flys badly with founders guideline of:
"Your review should be at least 4 solid paragraphs, with 4-7 sentences each.
a)One paragraph should describe the club vibe. Mention cleanliness, thug factor, music level, dj annoyance factor, lighting, etc.
b)Another paragraph should describe the dancers and their vampiness. How many were there? What ethicities did you see? Did they seem happy to see you?
c)A third paragraph should be about value. Don't say drinks, dances, cover charge, etc. were cheap or expensive. Tell us the actual costs!
d)At least one paragraph should summarize with three or four sentences describing why you would or would not return to the club."
4x4 and 4x7 for you math illiterates equals between 16 and 28 sentences. That said, I am allowing ONE HALF of what founder considers a good review and still a number can't grasp that. If the review starts with a sentence that the club as closed down, that is an approved review in my book!
This flys badly with founders guideline of:
"Your review should be at least 4 solid paragraphs, with 4-7 sentences each.
a)One paragraph should describe the club vibe. Mention cleanliness, thug factor, music level, dj annoyance factor, lighting, etc.
b)Another paragraph should describe the dancers and their vampiness. How many were there? What ethicities did you see? Did they seem happy to see you?
c)A third paragraph should be about value. Don't say drinks, dances, cover charge, etc. were cheap or expensive. Tell us the actual costs!
d)At least one paragraph should summarize with three or four sentences describing why you would or would not return to the club."
4x4 and 4x7 for you math illiterates equals between 16 and 28 sentences. That said, I am allowing ONE HALF of what founder considers a good review and still a number can't grasp that. If the review starts with a sentence that the club as closed down, that is an approved review in my book!
The teacher would hand out an assignment and some kid would shout out, "how many words/pages does it have to be?" And then the rest of the class would groan at the teacher's response.
Btw nice, I approved what I believe was your aforementioned review in the queue.
The guidelines say:
"Content and length are the two most important factors to consider.Be wordy. Fill the review box.
"One or two sentence reviews aren't helpful to anyone.Give a LOT of details in your review (club layout, atmosphere, dance quality, etc.).
"Your review should be at least 4 solid paragraphs, with 4-7 sentences each."
So, if you're fulfilling those guidelines, then a review will be more than eight lines of text. It has to be. So, there's that.
But, even if you regard the guidelines as recommendations and not" laws", then it still balances out. Why?
Clubber, minnow, and desertscrub are hardasses about reviews. Everyone knows it, but there's at least as many, if not more review judges who approve *everything*.
Everyone has their own standard. It's fine. That's how crowdsourcing works.
Clubber... you should probably stop complaining about the complaining. It's not a good look. Just do your thing.
If it has good relevant content it is good.
"If it has good relevant content it is good."
Show us your reviews with relevant content.
^^^ here are all my reviews with relevant content
clubber... it depends on what kind of computer or device you're looking at because LENGTH of a line can vary widely... like on a home computer one line can have a lot of words and yet on a little iPhone one line doesn't have many words...
example. your very first paragraph has THREE lines on my small ipad. and on my small iphone the same exact paragraph has NINE lines.
Not sure why some people take reviews so personally, life is too short
Say something about the venue - doesn't have much, just enough to believe you were there.
Say something about prices - doesn't have to be much, just standard lap dance price, cover charge, beer cost.
Say something about the overall talent - doesn't have to be much, just something.
Say something about your experience, just enough to believe you were there.
That's it, it's approved.
(I think he meant 8 'sentences' of text, say 2 each on above topics.) Done. Click.
“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men, the nobility is in being superior to your former self”
example. your very first paragraph has THREE lines on my small ipad. and on my small iphone the same exact paragraph has NINE lines."
Thank you sir. That was my point 😀
It's obvious most people don't read the guidelines since it seems many don't even know what they say - most reviews that mostly steer away from the guidelines are usually lacking in proper info - there'd be better reviews overall if most reviewers paid attention to the guidelines and follwed them - too many reviewers are just too lazy, or don't write reviews with the reader in mind and write reviews like if it was a personal journal entry leaving those unfamiliar with the club in the dark - IMO a review should be written from the POV of someone unfamiliar with the club instead of being lazy and assuming everyone knows the club info bc he does.
Illegitimi non carborundum
Fuck the haters. Evaluate the reviews the way you think they should be evaluated.
Of course I know device can determine line count. I go full screen on the monitor, copy and past the review to a blank review and ELIMINATE all the "new lines' an extra space. That gives an accurate line count. Even 8 lines is not acceptable according to the guidelines.
In ANY CASE, I as a member of TUSCL, will continue to reject and approve as I see fit. If another member doesn't like it, YOU take the time to reject or approve! I alone can not reject a review!
So suck it it up buttercups!
Best learn how to read. I was stating facts, not complaining. And you can read my reply above!
You see, when one works for a living and plans retirement, one can have LOTS of free time. I decide when and what I do with it. Your advice means diddly squat to me!
Misterwonderful mentioned above " depends on what kind of computer or device you're looking at...".
I replied that I knew that and had my way of checking. Turns out my way WAS flawed. So I apologise for my inaccuracy.
Now a fews bad news.
My way over INFLATED the lines of text. I have corrected my error and therefore reviews I might have left for others to approve, well now I'll reject them!
Best not to kick a sleeping dog!
Perhaps an imperfect solution, but that's how crowdsourcing works.
Just how does one use the prescribed or customary form for conducting a religious or other solemn ceremony with respect to a review?
I understand they are guidelines, but if they are not used, then what is the purpose of guidelines? When you mention our reviews should be at least 4 solid paragraphs, with 4-7 sentences each and less than 8 lines of text are used, that is way off.
If you so direct, I will since this is your site, forget about your guidelines. Just say the word.
"Be wordy! Use Paragraphs! Try to convince other mongers why they should or should not visit."
Just sayin'!