Downtown is s goldmine of bachelorette parties. Nashville is a destination for bridesmaids partying before the wedding. Maybe you can score with some strange that way?
I have been all over Tennessee this week. From Memphis to Nashville. In Murfreesboro right now. The entire state SUCKS! Hell, even the bars are boring. I am at my hotel watching TV. Something I never do.
Just skip the clubs and enjoy the great food and great live music all around town. If you have a beautiful young woman to bring along I'm sure that would be all the better.
Go downtown to Tootsies on Lower Broadway. It's a honky tonk. You will see all kinds of talent. And toward the end of the evening, you might get lucky with some country girl.
If you are talking about strip clubs ? Then don't bother.
Well I made it back alive... awesome game, so glad football season is back. Actually had a really good time with this girl. We enjoyed a lot of the same music, she knew football and knew the dawgs, and most importantly she loved to fuck and swallow, or at least she acted like it.
Bring your own. Skip the clubs; they suck. Been there, done that.
If you are talking about strip clubs ? Then don't bother.