Taking the wife/GF to a club

My wife knows that when I get together with my hometown crew that there's even odds that we go to a titty bar. (She doesn't know how frequently I go when traveling for work or when I've had enough in the office.) We've got an upcoming vacation in New Orleans in a couple weeks, and she proposed an activity I didn't really have any interest in. I semi-jokingly (ok, totally earnestly) said I'd agree if we did a strip club together. To my surprise she agreed and now I need to make sure I don't fuck this up.

Ground rules I've set for myself: there's no way I can go for any private dances... it just can't work out in my favor. I've also been informed that she will promptly leave if I buy her any. So it seems like our time will be spent tossing bills stage-side. I reckon I should just choose one of the "classier" joints (Penthouse Club?) and drop a couple bills.

Please share any stories of you and your SO for inspiration, or otherwise chime in with suggestions.


  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I would do something else, it’s sounds like an awful time if your walking a tight rope the whole time. Ya single guys maybe lonely in the end but in the moment we can always just let loose it’s really nice.
  • kenrodchitown
    5 years ago
    You see, I thought about calling it off, but I legitimately want to see her reaction for the first fifteen minutes. She's under the impression that SCs are full of 9s and 10s from open to close. For that reason, I've contemplated choosing a lower tier club in the middle of the day. There's no turning back.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I take my wife to strip clubs often enough. My internal rules are
    1. Do not gawk at dancers.
    2. Engage your wife in conversation constantly, allowing HER to look up at the dancers as they pass by.
    3. Do NOT get lap dance for yourself
    4. Do allow her to get table lap dance
    5. Find the least slutty dancer to interact with
    6. Find a dancer with bolt ons to talk to so that when your wife asks about her tits, you can tell her how you prefer natural.
    7. Hang out at the stage and comment on how cool it is to see the talent circle the pole.
    8. Make her think that hanging out stage side IS WHERE THE ACTION IS.
    9. Have drinks
    10. Have fun, but not too much fun.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    If your SO was into strip clubs before, I would say "cool" but from my reading of the post this seems like a "do these jeans make me look fat?" trap question.

    I would avoid taking my SO to a strip club and do something she enjoys in New Orleans, perhaps, a jazz club.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    One time I suggested to my X we go to an import car show (I enjoyed that scene years before I met her), so we went and there are always plenty of models, scantily dressed and flirty, while I just followed her lead and it seemed like she had a good time.

    A few months later a bigger import car show was in town and I jokingly suggested we go and she ripped me a new one:

    Suggesting I liked oggling, flirting, and taking pictures of half naked sluts (which was true).

    I never did that ever again.

    I can not imagine what it would be like to take a SO to a strip club, I think somethings are better not known.

    Solo mi dos centavos.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    IMO not a lot of upside SCing with someone that's not into it - kinda like going bar-hopping with someone that's not really into drinking.

    Some "possible" upsides:

    1) she gets into SCing after being exposed

    2) she gets a feeling that not much goes on in SCs and won't be as worried/suspicious about you going

    On avg it seems most SCers prefer to SC alone so they can enjoy themselves as they please.
  • kenrodchitown
    5 years ago
    Nidan, I love suggestion #6. I can do this, because this is my actual life.
  • captainfun
    5 years ago
    My suggestion...."forget" about this arrangement and pick any activity other than a SC. It doesn't sound fun with wife and there's limited upside potential.
  • whodey
    5 years ago
    I would pick a lower tier but strictly "clean" club and probably go around shift change. Not only will the girls not be all 9s and 10s but this also seems to been when the girls are least active. A lot of the day shift girls will have already hit their goal and night shift girls usually are in full hustle mode when they first start.

    There is also usually some dead time thanks to day shift girls leaving the floor early and night shift girls running late to the floor. This is the perfect time to let her know that you are getting bored and would rather go see some live music.

    Aside from that, Nidan's rules seem like great advice.
  • prevert
    5 years ago
    I think this is a bad idea. There are some clubs around where I’ve seen women customers with their men and they never look happy unless they’re plastered.
  • kenrodchitown
    5 years ago
    Shift change is probably around late dinner time, right? If I can time our day drinking to parlay into an early dinner, then a club this just might work.

    I guess my ultimate goal is in line with Papi: either convince her it's frivolous or that it is actually fun. No better time than on vacation to try to pull this move. We have an extended weekend, and I'm committed to investing about an hour or more into this fool's errand.
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    Speaking from experience, unless your SO is bisexual and can’t wait to ogle naked chicks too, it likely won’t go well.

    If she’s strictly dickly, then you’ll be spending the whole night trying not to piss her off or make her jealous.

    One upside to going: She IS bi, and hasn’t felt comfortable exploring that, and secretly wants to go, but doesn’t want you to know she wants to go, so she had to make it seems like your idea so she doesn’t have to admit she likes girls too, and ultimately the night ends with her making out topless with one of the dancers.
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    It's your wife. It's your life. And we live in a free country. Do whatever we want.

    .... but read Dave's story first

    Upon his wife's insistence, Dave decides to take her to a strip club for his birthday.

    They arrive at the club and the doorman says, "Hey, Dave! How ya doin'?"

    His wife is puzzled and asks if he's been to this club before.

    "Oh no," says Dave. "He's on my bowling team."

    When they are seated, a waitress asks Dave if he'd like his usual and brings over a Budweiser.

    His wife is becoming increasingly uncomfortable and says,"How did she know that you drink Budweiser?"

    "She's in the Ladies Bowling League, honey. We share lanes with them."

    A stripper then comes over to their table, throws her arms around Dave, and says "Hi Davey. Want your usual table dance, big boy?"

    Dave's wife, now furious, grabs her purse and storms out of the club.

    Dave follows and spots her getting into a cab. Before she can slam the door, he jumps in beside her.

    He tries desperately to explain how the stripper must have mistaken him for someone else, but his wife is having none of it.

    She is screaming at him at the top of her lungs, calling him every name in the book.

    The cabby turns his head and says, "Looks like you picked up a real bitch tonight, Dave.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    Great post.
  • kenrodchitown
    5 years ago
    ^rogertex, I actually laughed out loud.

    This is EXACTLY why I can only do this out of town!
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Been to clubs with my wife about half dozen times. I refrained from any dancers, although a few approached. Also took our kids a couple of time, both old enough!
  • iknowbetter
    5 years ago
    Bad idea with wife. Years ago when I was a single man in the dating scene, I occasionally took girls to a SC, and a couple were really into it, and it was a lot of fun. But the rules are different with your wife or a serious SO. Mostly you wouldn’t want your wife knowing what really goes on in a SC. Especially if she is OK with you hitting the clubs occasionally with the hometown boys.
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    OP did you end up taking your wife? How did it go? When you do, report back with an update. Curious to see how things turned out
  • kenrodchitown
    5 years ago
    Ladies and gentlemen, things did not go the way I wanted them to. My mistakes were many; let's count them...

    1. I didn't realize how transactional she viewed the arrangement to be. I suggested going to a strip club as kind of a quirky "let's do this because: New Orleans!" idea. Come to find out later she kinda felt this was punitive for my not exactly wanting to do her activity.

    2. I chose the wrong venue. We went to PHC around 10 pm, and I found out my wife is more self-conscious about her looks or her age than I suspected. I think midday at a lesser club would have been a better move.

    3. She had even less desire to participate than I suspected. She'd told me in advance that if I bought her a lapdance that she'd leave. Fair enough. I didn't contemplate that merely talking to strippers would be beyond her comfort level. Also, she's too Midwestern-nice to have just come out and said that to me or the ladies. So it was kind of an exploding pressure cooker situation.

    Reader, it was a rough situation when that cooker exploded, but when the dust settled I'm ultimately glad I gave it a shot. It was worth the pain to determine whether this could ever be viable couple's entertainment (it is not), and it gave her a good story to tell other friends ("well, MY idiot husband did..."). Live and learn, people!
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ thanks for the update

    One would think that women that enjoy strip clubs are probably more the exception than the norm
  • kenrodchitown
    5 years ago
    ^ I absolutely agree. A buddy of mine has gone with his lady a few times with great results, and I had to know if I won the lottery, too.
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    Sorry things didn’t work out as you hoped. I think the general rule is if your wife isn’t bisexual then she’s never going to enjoy it as much as you.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I have noticed an increase in good female etiquette. Selling dances to them are still kinda tricky. Tho they love pole tricks so some are very good stage tippers.

    But yeah, the females imo who tend to be the most well behaved and relaxed usually turn out to have been ex dancers themselves.
  • kenrodchitown
    5 years ago
    ^^ I don't think bisexuality is at all a requirement for women to have a good time. Another reason I thought things could work was because my sister has been to a number of clubs and just enjoys the spectacle. My buddy's wife likes how friendly everyone is. Different strokes for different folks.
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    So my SO is not bisexual, but she is somewhat sexually uninhibited.

    She wants to, and we have, watched porn together sometimes. It gets her turned on and she's said she wouldn't mind if we did it more often, though I'm hesitant because, well, I don't want her to know how much I watch and how much I know about it (have you noticed the bracket?).

    She has also said she'd like to go to a strip club sometime. Apparently she and some co-workers did a pole fitness class once for fun and she took to it so easily that she wants to install one in our house. It doesn't surprise me that she'd want to see the pros do it sometime.

    @rogertex's joke above has a lot to do with why I've been even more hesitant to do this than the porn. Even though I don't club much in my hometown anymore, I clubbed enough in my hometown once upon a time that there's a good chance someone would remember me. Furthermore, I happen to know someone who knows my SO and I both from outside the club realm is now dancing at one club. It's why I don't go there much anymore, and I feel like it would get really awkward if we saw someone we both know.

    That said, I could see us doing it sometime if we were out of town. I definitely think there would be ground rules, akin to @nidan's.

    1. I'm there for her, not for me or the dancers.

    2. Spend a lot of time talking to her. This largely goes back to #1.

    3. Stick to the stage.

    4. Discuss the dancing more than anything. My wife is into dance in general, including watching the various shows on TV and whatnot. Assuming we'd pick a nicer club, she could be impressed by ladies who can show off on the pole.

    5. Steer any ladies toward her. Again, this goes back largely to #1. She probably wouldn't be impressed with any flirting because she's not bi, but if she could relate to the dancers on a more-real, almost friendly level, she'd probably enjoy herself. I assume she'd get dressed up for the event, so there's a decent chance the dancers might be more into her than she's into the dancers.

    6. She's OK with me complimenting a woman whose hair & makeup game is on point, who is well put-together outfit-wise or who shows stage talent because she & I tend to have the same opinions on such matters. That said, you also have to call out the ladies who aren't well put together to balance it out.

    7. If she decides she wants to spend some money, let her spend some money. She's pretty cheap on the whole, so I can't see her going to VIP, but if she really wants to get a private dance, it would probably be an experience for her. Granted, she'd probably come back a little shocked and laughing because, again, she's not bi, but I could see her wanting to try one with the right woman.

    8. Relax. Act like it's no big deal. But don't act like you're as familiar with the game as you are. Don't take out your ID right away because you know they're going to ask. Be confused about where the bar or bathroom is. And so on.

    9. Make the trip relatively brief and leave, unless she's truly digging it. Again, read her. Don't linger longer than she wants to stay.
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    Good one, r-tex. Somehow, I get the feeling that a guy who would ask this question (thread title) would be the kind of guy who would ask what it would be like to put your dick in a beehive.
  • kenrodchitown
    5 years ago
    minnow, are you telling me that beehive fucking might feel good? I guess there is sticky, sweet honey inside...
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    My wife made me take her to strip club last weekend on a Friday night. She then made me take her again the following Saturday night. We had a blast.
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    nope, that you might get stung, and stung bad. Boy, ur real obtuse.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    "I found out my wife is more self-conscious about her looks or her age than I suspected."

    If this is actually not bullshit and your lady is one to hold grudges, finding out how big of an issue this really is while things are fresh will help you out in the long run.
  • kenrodchitown
    5 years ago
    ^^ whoosh
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Every now and then my wife and I will go out on the town and if she's been drinking a bit she's often down to going to a strip club. When I go with her I avoid the clubs where I'm a regular and tend to go to the more gentleman's clubs with expensive dance prices and only medium mileage. Only once did she want to get dances which was fun.

    When we go it's all about hanging and tipping a lot at the stage. I do everything to make it as enjoyable for her as possible and make it more of a party visit than a private dance one.
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