
Got an email for OTC, what should I say?

If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
Thursday, July 4, 2019 1:06 AM
I'm not actually interested in OTC because she's too damn expensive but I do want to stay in contact with her. She's not the most compatible with me but I also don't want to ghost her.


  • Member6532
    5 years ago
    Just say things are crazy with work/family/life, you'll visit her at the club and when things calm down you'll let her know. Or just tell her the truth.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    How about telling her she’s too expensive but you want to stay in contact with her?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I lean toward doctorevil's suggestion. Saying something like "I'm busy with work/family/life" is a serviceable white lie, but dancers are pretty good at recognizing bullshit (even if it's bullshit lite). Dancers get lied to a lot (and they tell more than their share of lies as well...), so sometimes they appreciate these little bits of honesty even if it's not what they want to hear.
  • Darkblue999
    5 years ago
    I told a dancer the other day I am sick with flu and can meet at the club next week. She texted me 'Feel better'
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    ditto the doc...
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Send her a dick pic and ask for a discount
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    how much is the offer? $1000+ is expensive
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    what do you mean she’s not the most compatible?
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago
    Doctorevil + 1 Also tell her in the email response: “I am not actually interested in OTC, because you are to damn expensive, but I do want to stay in contact with you. I would be concerned about OTC with you because you are not the most compatible with me, but I don’t want to ghost you.” I believe you want the OTC, but at an acceptable price to you and with good service (GFE) so this type of answer might help. Being honest and sincere is appreciated, she may choose you among all the guys she sent a similar email/text, because you are an honest sincere gentleman. Please let me know what happens.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Lol Email?
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Liwet, if its in Vegas, depends on the club. If it has a high enough customer volume she will most likely just end up ghosting you if you reject her offer. Personally, I'd tell her something along the lines of "I'm interested but that sounds a little steep, I want to get to know you and spoil you a little more in the club before I spoil you outside"
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    >what do you mean she’s not the most compatible? She's not even generically attractive but if she was my coworker or next door neighbor I'd probably want to bone her. >Lol Email? Don't own a cell phone.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Doesn't sound like its prudent to waste time on a girl you're not attracted to, especially if its P4P... In this case I'd say just be honest with her. Find one you are attracted to
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