Whether true or not loos thread

avatar for Djscudmaster
A club I used to go to back in the days when it was open that I liked first and foremost because of the decor and the friendly attractive/attentive staff had been reviewed by some patrons some rave reviews and some negatives. The negatives were about how in some instances the stripper contingency was more non white then other nights or how cold the strippers were. Maybe on some nights or the day shift the females were less than 8's.
I write My review rave about the decor staff the 8's 9's that I saw and how friendly the girls were.
Next following reviews were 1 positive and 4 negatives. Most of the negative reviews were about how cold or unfriendly the girls were or that seemed to be the sentiment..
I return to the club one night and cant believe how they can have such negative reviews in My opinion.
Two more reviews by others one positive about how attractive the women are and one negative about how unfriendly or cold the strippers are.
I decide to go again then post My review. Great club bitchin strippers 7''s 8's 9's. Love this club Girls are friendly not cold etc...
Some more reviews of the club later posted say girls are bitchin in looks. etc...The negative reviews seem to be that one some nights when club was dead girls are not friendly and on at least 1-2 nights on weekends same sentiment of cold unfriendly girls are made.
I think to Myself what gives

If I were to upload a current face pic of Me here or a full body shot dressed to impress to My profile and I posed the question about why are people in some clubs complaining about cold/unfriendly females Either a male or female chimes in and says Maybe they are Married or already involved and cant entertain even the faintest of allure that they are the friendly teasable kind. I say okay Good
Then someone looks at the reviews of that club or others and looks at My profile here and says the problem is that GUYS that look like you most odf the time get all the attention. I say okay fine.
Someone else quips in I cant understand why when your there they are friendlly to you or in your eyes but the other times they are considered cold.
I chime well as the other poster said Guys like Me get all the attention.
Someone yells bullshit. If someone has money all girls get friendly thats My truth.
Another person chimes in thats not true Money doesn't make/define a stripper.
So why are they stripping for.
The attention.
What attention
The attention they don't get a home
Then why are they considered cold sometimes
I dunno
Someone asks Me okay Sir why are they very friendlly towards you or in your eyes.
I say Hmmm I dont know MUST BE MY LOOKS charm or something.
So if I don't look like you I cant be bothered.
No f your friendly and have cash I cant see why not.
What does cash have to do with this.
Some chimes No Money No Honey.
Someone chimes Mr atttractive tell Me How any time have you been to that club. I said in one year over a dozen times. Okay what allures you to the club. I say the decor staff and seeing pretty females.
Okay how unfriendly must they be so you wont go there no more or write a bad review.
The only bad review Id write is if the girls were all 5's and 6's or I got approached/constantly Hit on By 5's and 6's.
Oh so you cant be bothered by ugly women.
I said Maybe depends on thier approach or personality.
So around How many or what percentage of females are friendly to you on any given night I say I dunno never bothered to check.
So when are they unfriendly then
I SAY well when some male patron(s) are looking at her looking at Me and she feels nervous or so that she can remain friendly to them and bleed them off their cash i believe or If their BF's/significant others are there at the club.
So when has your looks or anyones looks been a detterent at the club.
I SAY When Male patrons start to act cold to the strippers or start leaving the club early.

Question does looks play a part in determining when to be friendly or unfriendly whether Male patrons to strippers/staff or vice versa


avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Good story bro
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
You need to look at the feedback you get about your posts and take it to heart.
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