Dancers say they’ll meet me OTC but then ignore texts. I only text once, asking to get together and if no reply I stop. I’m not about to hound / stalk anyone. But then have a reason they were unavailable next time I see them ITC. Is it normal to have a lot of dead ends before finding one that will see you OTC?
Then one offered me right away OTC but I keep getting a bad feeling about it with this one. Is it a concern that they can be setting me up for a boyfriend to show up and rob me? Or am I being paranoid?
99% chance you're being paranoid about being set up - it's preferable if you've known the dancer a bit (several visits): but it's likely just your newbie nerves which is normal
You should believe dancers will hook up with you OTC when they say they will as much as you should believe them when they tell you your cock is the biggest one they've ever seen.
Flakiness among strippers is as common as g-strings and strippers.
Over the many years of SCing I have been offered OTC a handful of times. First time was at a club in Monterey. Dancer I tipped well, slipped me a business card of a massage parlor and told me to meet her there where we could have some real fun. I expect it was a real offer. Girl in.a DC club wanted me to take her to WV for a weekend. No idea if that was real. One girl at a club in Pensacola kept hinting at meeting up for a blow job. I think this was real she was a druggie and was desperate for any money she could get. Last time was one of my favorite all time dancers after getting to know her quite well. Only the last one tempted me. I had to move for work before we got anything arranged. I have never initiated the OTC conversation but if I wanted to I would establish a good relationship inside the club first. If you are interested just go for it. I bet any girl that has worked more than a few days has had many OTC proposals. She won’t be shocked. The worst thing that can happen is that she will say not.
I agree you shouldn't hound a dancer. But one text isn't enough. She may have ignored you because she had another customer or something personal going on in her life. Try texting her again a few times. You may hit her up on a day she needs money and will be more amenable to your request.
Many of these girls, often times especially the ones that do OTC, live chaotic lives - i.e. if you sent her a generic text like "hey had a great time hope we can get together soon"; etc; good chance she may not remember you especially if it's more than one day - again these chicks often have a lot going-on in their lives plus they come into contact w/ ton of guys in the strip club, if not a fair # of guys outside the strip club if they are party-girls - i.e. one has to "work with them" per se - and one has to lower-the-bar, often significantly in terms of expecting them to behave as one would in the real-world (vs strip-club bizarro-world).
Also - OTC is not as easy as just deciding you are willing to pay - it has a high failure-rate for various reasons - e.g.:
- some girls are adamant about keeping their strip club life and real-life completely separate
- some girls of course will not fuck for $$$ (assuming that is what you are looking for OTC)
- some girls are wary w.rt. safety and meeting up w/ a dude they met in a strip-club and barely know
- some girls work in clubs where they make very good ITC $$$ and thus don't have the need/desire for OTC
- and then there is the flakiness aspect which again is as common as g-strings in stripper-world
OTC is more of an art than a science and something most PLs get better at w/ time (although with still a fairly high-failure rate) -there are things one can do to improve their chances but there is no system that if you do X, Y, Z you get OTC.
One needs to accept it for what it is and be somewhat persistent; else it isn't for you for the most part.
Seems often times the guys that have more success OTC, it has been w/ girls they've cultivated a good ITC relationship w/ and have made them ITC faves and focus mainly, if not solely, on her ITC - for one the dancer will feel more comfortable w/ the PL; and also she may not want to lose him as a regular and may be more apt to cater to him - not saying this is the only way, but seems to be an effective way.
Some tidbits others have shared in the past w.r.t OTC:
+ most obvious - never pay upfront on the promise she'll show up; no matter what she says - some girls may tell you to give them $$$ in the club so they can pay to leave the club early w/ you; while this is sometimes true, it's very easy to get ROBed that way and too-risky for my taste but some guys are less anal about losing a few bucks
+ don't fall for stripper-economics - e.g. "well I would have to take a day off to see you so you would need to pay me what I would be missing by seeing you OTC" - and of course her figure/amount will often be close to her best night ever or what she envisions she could potentially make if all the "strip club stars aligned"
+ never reserve a room ahead of time on a vague stripper OTC confirmation (good chance you'll end-up paying for the room and at most jacking-off in it by yourself)
+ avoid going to her place - best to pick a neutral site like a hotel *you* reserve
+ don't give her the room # - tell her you meet her at the lobby, hotel-bar, etc, then walk her up to your room
+ don't leave valuables lying around in your room
+ be wary of answering the door while she's in the room w/ you - in the off-chance she discretely tells her accomplice which room you are in so they can rob you (not a common-occurrence but best to dot your i's and cross your t's)
+ before you commit to an OTC, be upfront about what you expect and for how much - some PLs have paid a chick $300 and just gotten a dinner-companion b/c they didn't specify upfront
Papi's advice is good, but I have a couple of caveats:
"most obvious - never pay upfront on the promise she'll show up; no matter what she says - some girls may tell you to give them $$$ in the club so they can pay to leave the club early w/ you; while this is sometimes true, it's very easy to get ROBed that way and too-risky for my taste but some guys are less anal about losing a few bucks"
On a couple of occasions, I have paid the girl's tip out so she could leave early with me. It's never been an issue. But I'm talking about the tip out only. NEVER pay the whole OTC fee until she is in your hotel room, at the earliest.
"before you commit to an OTC, be upfront about what you expect and for how much."
On how much, absolutely; make sure you have confirmed a specific dollar amount up front before you leave the club so there is no "confusion" later. As far as what you expect, except one occasion that I can recall, I have never asked for anything other than that she come to my hotel room, and everything worked out OK. The one exception that I can recall is when the girl volunteered she would give me a massage, and I wanted to make sure that wasn't all she was thinking about. It wasn't.
Look, just keep it simple to start and don't clog your head with too many rules besides don't pay in advance and control the space, meaning use your own room. 99.9% of problems with OTC come from handing cash over upfront or going to an unfamiliar place. If a girl insists on cash upfront, then be willing to walk.
Yes you are being paranoid. These dancers generally don't want drama any more than you do. But being paranoid is healthy when you don't have much experience. Trust your gut if you get a bad vibe. Right now your gut may be jittery, but it's better to miss out on a few legit OTC offers than to be sucked into one bad one.
Don't use texting to broach the subject. she likely has given her number out to dozens of guys and won't remember you cold. Do the bulk of the negotiating ITC and then use text for follow-up. Also, the further in advance you try to plan this, the more likely it is that she will flake. Two days is like two weeks in stripper time. You might want to knock down one or two same night OTC outings with a girl before you start trying to schedule her.
Than you all for all the advice. I also searched some old threads and read those too. Here’s the deal with the one that offered. The ones that I’ve texted but no reply have taken care of me in vip and let me return, I’ll leave it at that. This one that offered, didn’t. Didn’t let me touch for the most part. No mouth, mine or hers any where. But then offers OTC when we’re done promising everything OTC. Like why would the most hands off girl be wanting OTC? I don’t get it.
Under these circumstances, it’s likely she just brought up the subject to keep you interested in her and to keep you coming back to the club. If she is serious about meeting you outside, she may not have anything in mind other that a free nice meal, which is not what most of have in mind for OTC. Tell her you want to meet her outside for dinner/drinks and then go to a hotel for fun and see what her reaction is. I guess it’s possible she could still think the hotel fun would be nothing more than her lame ITC dances, but I haven’t yet found one that thought like that. Your overall concept seems sound, you don’t want to be a stalker or come across as a RIL, but agree others on text is not enough, but probably no more than a couple or three.
Ataboy, you're trying to draw a correlation between ITC activities and OTC that isn't necessarily true. In fact, a lot of ITC extras girls don't want to see one-off guys OTC because they can earn more efficiently in the club. Conversely, plenty of girls don't want a reputation as an ITC extras girl, but will gladly pick up OTC cash infusions when they are comfortable.
The only way you can know if an OTC offer is good is to take the plunge. When I said trust your gut before, I was talking about a girl that gives you a shady vibe, not overthinking whether an OTC offer is real. If an offer doesn't pan out, the so what? You haven't lost anything. If you don't pay in advance and pick the place, then your risk is pretty much non-existent.
I’ve done quite a few very successful OTCs, but have also had failures. Here are a few favorite failures (uh, learning experiences):
- Arranged same night OTC. Drove separately to hotel. Met stripper in lobby. Noted someone had dropped her off. In the room, we necked a bit then she asked for the payment. I paid, then went in bathroom to run a shower for her. She was talking on her phone, then said she had to go down to her friend’s car because she needed to get her special shower gel. Of course, she disappeared. I was glad the robbery didn’t happen at gunpoint.
- Arranged same night OTC at the end of a dancer’s shift. We drove together in my car to my hotel. We hadn’t done any dances in the club. I had just tipped her on stage. I noted she was a bit frosty in the car when I touched her thigh. Once in the room, she just curled up in a ball with her clothes on and went to sleep. LOL! I stayed awake all night and at the break of dawn told her to gather her stuff. Dropped her at another hotel, where a group of dancers were staying. I think this was my first recognized experience with a trafficked person. I think she just needed a night away from her pimp. Of course I didn’t pay her a nickel, and I was happy nothing bad happened.
- Met a cute dancer, with a nice rack, for OTC at a hotel. When she started getting undressed I noticed she had pasties over her nipples. When I asked about the pasties, she said it would cost me more for them to come off. The meet-up quickly ended. Made nice and gave the ROB a small tip to avoid an argument.
I’ve had a few other OTC “learning experiences”, but thankfully I’ve never been in a physically threatening situation. However, I now slow my roll with OTC and try to get to know a dancer a bit better. Some of these girls have genuine psychological issues and are on medication! There is plenty of quick hit OTC available, but it would only take one carelessly arranged outing to end my mongering game for good.
AtAboy, please take heed of all the awesome advice here! Happy clubbing!
As one SCs more one develops a bit of a PL-6th-sense where you don't have to be as careful about dotting your i's and crossing your t's and over-thinking it - like anything else, the more you do/practice it ... [the PL-6th-sense is by no-means foolproof but it can often be on the mark w.r.t. experienced SCers]
As Dugan posted, as in any business transaction one needs to be able to walk-away if it doesn't smell right or the dancer is being difficult and/or making you jump thru too-many hoops - newbs can often get in trouble in their desire to close the deal and get lost-in-the-weeds to where they end-up agreeing to a bad-deal.
"... This one that offered, didn’t. Didn’t let me touch for the most part ..."
Dealing w/ strippers IMO is often a crapshoot - one can never be certain how the "stripper winds will blow" when it comes time for the main-event - i.e. I've had dancers promise the moon and do a great job of selling themselves upfront, then turn out to be duds when it comes time to deliver - I've also had dancers that seem standoffish upfront, then have blown-my-PL-mind when it comes time to deliver.
But - as a PL-rule-of-thumb, I take the old "actions speak louder than words" approach when it comes to bizarro-world - e.g. - if a dancer gives me lame to meh dances, then I'm unlikely to accept her VIP pitch - similarly if a dancer doesn't satisfy me ITC, I assume she won't be any better OTC - by no means is this foolproof but kinda what I go w/ unless one is not as as adverse at getting burned once in a while as I am.
I do regular otc with a lot of dancers. About 6 of them currently has been as high as 15. All of my otc (except for one from SA that I still see) started off meeting inside the club. Got me there has to be chemistry over and above their wanting my money. Once you hit that stride and comfort level it really depends on the girl. There’s one I’ve always gone to her house. Other that the 17 cats and all the fucking hair never have had a problem. Several had started out as meeting in hotels but eventually converted to coming to my place. Many we just stay at the hotel level. To each their own. I’ve never had an issue after that level of comfort had been made/established in the club. To this day I still prefer meeting them at strip clubs over seeking arrangement because it’s faster easier and less bullshit but have done both plenty of times
As others said, meeting dancers or escorts at a hotel room you picked is always better. The few times I hooked up some OTC action when on vacation, I now chose a separate hotel from the one I was staying at. Not just for safety, but because one time a dancer messed up all the towels after our session.
Every time I’ve initiated OTC with a dancer, we’ve had sex ITC first, we’ve communicated by text over a decent amount of time, and we’ve agreed upon time, date, money and place. Even at that I’ve been stood up several times. I’ve also had some unorthodox OTC’s with some during their suspensions ( still got to pay the rent), a couple of times during license suspensions, etc. several times I’ve picked them up at home. “Come on in and meet my mother”. That’s awkward when I’m old enough to be the mother’s father, but we must persevere. I’ve always made hotel reservations, but made sure the cancelation policy lets me back out up to 6:00 pm. Finally, the difference between sex in the club versus in a hotel, apartment, or even my home, is immeasurable. By not having to listen for footsteps, trying to maneuver body position in cramped spaces, and having someone else watching the clock makes all the difference in the world.
===> "Every time I’ve initiated OTC with a dancer, we’ve had sex ITC first..."
I suspect that this is common for guys on this board, which is why they are correlating ITC activities with OTC. But not every place is like your club or Miami or Detroit. I've lost track of how many girls I've taken out of countless clubs in cities spread over 14 different states, yet I can count on one hand how many times the same services were on offer ITC. This is why I say that there is no automatic correlation between ITC activities and OTC performance.
Maybe this is the "Low Hanging Fruit" effect for those of you with clubs where ITC p4p is common, idk.
All good advice. I’d kind of prefer to set up a spontaneous meeting for after her hours but I go at night and 2a is too late for me. I have a day life and can’t sleep the next day away. But I didn’t know leaving *may* be an option.
===> "But I didn’t know leaving *may* be an option."
Why not? She has to go home eventually. In fact, with some girls, same night OTC is the easiest of all OTC to score. They just tack a side stop after hours on their way home, simple. They are already out of the house and in dancer mode. A girl who has had a shitty night ITC is likely to be tempted by a few extra hundred for a side stop on her way home, especially if she has pressing cash needs. The late night cover of darkness can make all sorts of things feel more acceptable than they might during the cold light of day. 😉
Also, not every girl works until the closing bell, especially on a quiet night. Though even still, you may need to saddle up a little cowboy and learn to limp along for a day on a shorter night. I'm a night guy too with daytime obligations, so I'm in the same boat. I can often coax a girl into leaving early if the club sucks that night, but I also have to learn to gut it out the next day if I have a shorter than normal night.
I may start clubbing more on weekday nights. I’ve been both weekend and weekday, and weekends are usually packed, so the girls earn the whole night and in fact it seems to get most busy very late after midnight. I have gone weekdays where I’m basically the only one there since I’m the only one spending at the rail then there’s a few creepers in the back. Plus clubs are open later weekends. I usually prefer the crowd on weekends as I like the party vibe but now thinking about the opportunity with a very dead night.
I’ve not met a stripper OTC but attempted to. Mostly flakes. I have found a escort who works out of an apartment, is better looking than most strippers and gives me full service for about the price of a 10 or 15 minute lap dance. She’ doesn’t provide gfe and the only thing allowed to touch her pussy is my cock. Still, a half hour with her in her apartment is better than maybe an awkward blow job in a booth hoping I won’t get caught.
Most will say they'll fuck you for money outside the club to get you to keep coming back to the club.
What I've noticed with stripper hoes moreso than many other types of women is that what you see with them is basically what you get. They're very direct and forward about what they want. If they like you you'll know it for sure.
I use swinger clubs for first date. Security will stop a 3rd wheel at the door. There are witnesses (other naked people fucking), and lots of BYOB or open bar drinks, sofas, and mattresses. Be sure to swap IDs with your "girlfriend" since one place, first time I came with a woman, cover person took both IDs, and asked each other our names, I couldn't answer her, her face is panic, he then says "so you brought Andrea tonight?" I nodded. He then asked her does she know what kind of a club I brought her to? she said yes, he then said for your safety I need to know what other sex clubs youve been to. She looked in panic again at me and name checked her strip club, he picked up our IDs high in air and dropped them with a clink on counter and said cover is $XX. We checked out bags, I got only 1 tag, he said "you two said you are together, aren't you?"
After that they never IDed my GFs again. I still swap IDs with strippers on 1st date, there is always chance cops detaining both of us in same car, separating us, asking each others names and how we met, if we DONT know each others names, both of us are getting a body cavity search. Fun finding out half my dancers lied about their ages and are same year but older or upto 2 years older than me.
last commentFlakiness among strippers is as common as g-strings and strippers.
Are you trying to tell me she's seen a cock BIGGER than 4 inches? She seemed so sincere! :P
Also - OTC is not as easy as just deciding you are willing to pay - it has a high failure-rate for various reasons - e.g.:
- some girls are adamant about keeping their strip club life and real-life completely separate
- some girls of course will not fuck for $$$ (assuming that is what you are looking for OTC)
- some girls are wary w.rt. safety and meeting up w/ a dude they met in a strip-club and barely know
- some girls work in clubs where they make very good ITC $$$ and thus don't have the need/desire for OTC
- and then there is the flakiness aspect which again is as common as g-strings in stripper-world
OTC is more of an art than a science and something most PLs get better at w/ time (although with still a fairly high-failure rate) -there are things one can do to improve their chances but there is no system that if you do X, Y, Z you get OTC.
One needs to accept it for what it is and be somewhat persistent; else it isn't for you for the most part.
Seems often times the guys that have more success OTC, it has been w/ girls they've cultivated a good ITC relationship w/ and have made them ITC faves and focus mainly, if not solely, on her ITC - for one the dancer will feel more comfortable w/ the PL; and also she may not want to lose him as a regular and may be more apt to cater to him - not saying this is the only way, but seems to be an effective way.
+ most obvious - never pay upfront on the promise she'll show up; no matter what she says - some girls may tell you to give them $$$ in the club so they can pay to leave the club early w/ you; while this is sometimes true, it's very easy to get ROBed that way and too-risky for my taste but some guys are less anal about losing a few bucks
+ don't fall for stripper-economics - e.g. "well I would have to take a day off to see you so you would need to pay me what I would be missing by seeing you OTC" - and of course her figure/amount will often be close to her best night ever or what she envisions she could potentially make if all the "strip club stars aligned"
+ never reserve a room ahead of time on a vague stripper OTC confirmation (good chance you'll end-up paying for the room and at most jacking-off in it by yourself)
+ avoid going to her place - best to pick a neutral site like a hotel *you* reserve
+ don't give her the room # - tell her you meet her at the lobby, hotel-bar, etc, then walk her up to your room
+ don't leave valuables lying around in your room
+ be wary of answering the door while she's in the room w/ you - in the off-chance she discretely tells her accomplice which room you are in so they can rob you (not a common-occurrence but best to dot your i's and cross your t's)
+ before you commit to an OTC, be upfront about what you expect and for how much - some PLs have paid a chick $300 and just gotten a dinner-companion b/c they didn't specify upfront
"most obvious - never pay upfront on the promise she'll show up; no matter what she says - some girls may tell you to give them $$$ in the club so they can pay to leave the club early w/ you; while this is sometimes true, it's very easy to get ROBed that way and too-risky for my taste but some guys are less anal about losing a few bucks"
On a couple of occasions, I have paid the girl's tip out so she could leave early with me. It's never been an issue. But I'm talking about the tip out only. NEVER pay the whole OTC fee until she is in your hotel room, at the earliest.
"before you commit to an OTC, be upfront about what you expect and for how much."
On how much, absolutely; make sure you have confirmed a specific dollar amount up front before you leave the club so there is no "confusion" later. As far as what you expect, except one occasion that I can recall, I have never asked for anything other than that she come to my hotel room, and everything worked out OK. The one exception that I can recall is when the girl volunteered she would give me a massage, and I wanted to make sure that wasn't all she was thinking about. It wasn't.
Yes you are being paranoid. These dancers generally don't want drama any more than you do. But being paranoid is healthy when you don't have much experience. Trust your gut if you get a bad vibe. Right now your gut may be jittery, but it's better to miss out on a few legit OTC offers than to be sucked into one bad one.
Don't use texting to broach the subject. she likely has given her number out to dozens of guys and won't remember you cold. Do the bulk of the negotiating ITC and then use text for follow-up. Also, the further in advance you try to plan this, the more likely it is that she will flake. Two days is like two weeks in stripper time. You might want to knock down one or two same night OTC outings with a girl before you start trying to schedule her.
Good luck.
Here’s the deal with the one that offered. The ones that I’ve texted but no reply have taken care of me in vip and let me return, I’ll leave it at that. This one that offered, didn’t. Didn’t let me touch for the most part. No mouth, mine or hers any where. But then offers OTC when we’re done promising everything OTC. Like why would the most hands off girl be wanting OTC? I don’t get it.
The only way you can know if an OTC offer is good is to take the plunge. When I said trust your gut before, I was talking about a girl that gives you a shady vibe, not overthinking whether an OTC offer is real. If an offer doesn't pan out, the so what? You haven't lost anything. If you don't pay in advance and pick the place, then your risk is pretty much non-existent.
- Arranged same night OTC. Drove separately to hotel. Met stripper in lobby. Noted someone had dropped her off. In the room, we necked a bit then she asked for the payment. I paid, then went in bathroom to run a shower for her. She was talking on her phone, then said she had to go down to her friend’s car because she needed to get her special shower gel. Of course, she disappeared. I was glad the robbery didn’t happen at gunpoint.
- Arranged same night OTC at the end of a dancer’s shift. We drove together in my car to my hotel. We hadn’t done any dances in the club. I had just tipped her on stage. I noted she was a bit frosty in the car when I touched her thigh. Once in the room, she just curled up in a ball with her clothes on and went to sleep. LOL! I stayed awake all night and at the break of dawn told her to gather her stuff. Dropped her at another hotel, where a group of dancers were staying. I think this was my first recognized experience with a trafficked person. I think she just needed a night away from her pimp. Of course I didn’t pay her a nickel, and I was happy nothing bad happened.
- Met a cute dancer, with a nice rack, for OTC at a hotel. When she started getting undressed I noticed she had pasties over her nipples. When I asked about the pasties, she said it would cost me more for them to come off. The meet-up quickly ended. Made nice and gave the ROB a small tip to avoid an argument.
I’ve had a few other OTC “learning experiences”, but thankfully I’ve never been in a physically threatening situation. However, I now slow my roll with OTC and try to get to know a dancer a bit better. Some of these girls have genuine psychological issues and are on medication! There is plenty of quick hit OTC available, but it would only take one carelessly arranged outing to end my mongering game for good.
AtAboy, please take heed of all the awesome advice here! Happy clubbing!
[the PL-6th-sense is by no-means foolproof but it can often be on the mark w.r.t. experienced SCers]
As Dugan posted, as in any business transaction one needs to be able to walk-away if it doesn't smell right or the dancer is being difficult and/or making you jump thru too-many hoops - newbs can often get in trouble in their desire to close the deal and get lost-in-the-weeds to where they end-up agreeing to a bad-deal.
Dealing w/ strippers IMO is often a crapshoot - one can never be certain how the "stripper winds will blow" when it comes time for the main-event - i.e. I've had dancers promise the moon and do a great job of selling themselves upfront, then turn out to be duds when it comes time to deliver - I've also had dancers that seem standoffish upfront, then have blown-my-PL-mind when it comes time to deliver.
But - as a PL-rule-of-thumb, I take the old "actions speak louder than words" approach when it comes to bizarro-world - e.g. - if a dancer gives me lame to meh dances, then I'm unlikely to accept her VIP pitch - similarly if a dancer doesn't satisfy me ITC, I assume she won't be any better OTC - by no means is this foolproof but kinda what I go w/ unless one is not as as adverse at getting burned once in a while as I am.
I'm surprised your dick is still attached
I’ve also had some unorthodox OTC’s with some during their suspensions ( still got to pay the rent), a couple of times during license suspensions, etc. several times I’ve picked them up at home. “Come on in and meet my mother”. That’s awkward when I’m old enough to be the mother’s father, but we must persevere. I’ve always made hotel reservations, but made sure the cancelation policy lets me back out up to 6:00 pm.
Finally, the difference between sex in the club versus in a hotel, apartment, or even my home, is immeasurable. By not having to listen for footsteps, trying to maneuver body position in cramped spaces, and having someone else watching the clock makes all the difference in the world.
I suspect that this is common for guys on this board, which is why they are correlating ITC activities with OTC. But not every place is like your club or Miami or Detroit. I've lost track of how many girls I've taken out of countless clubs in cities spread over 14 different states, yet I can count on one hand how many times the same services were on offer ITC. This is why I say that there is no automatic correlation between ITC activities and OTC performance.
Maybe this is the "Low Hanging Fruit" effect for those of you with clubs where ITC p4p is common, idk.
But I didn’t know leaving *may* be an option.
Why not? She has to go home eventually. In fact, with some girls, same night OTC is the easiest of all OTC to score. They just tack a side stop after hours on their way home, simple. They are already out of the house and in dancer mode. A girl who has had a shitty night ITC is likely to be tempted by a few extra hundred for a side stop on her way home, especially if she has pressing cash needs. The late night cover of darkness can make all sorts of things feel more acceptable than they might during the cold light of day. 😉
Also, not every girl works until the closing bell, especially on a quiet night. Though even still, you may need to saddle up a little cowboy and learn to limp along for a day on a shorter night. I'm a night guy too with daytime obligations, so I'm in the same boat. I can often coax a girl into leaving early if the club sucks that night, but I also have to learn to gut it out the next day if I have a shorter than normal night.
I usually prefer the crowd on weekends as I like the party vibe but now thinking about the opportunity with a very dead night.
What I've noticed with stripper hoes moreso than many other types of women is that what you see with them is basically what you get. They're very direct and forward about what they want. If they like you you'll know it for sure.
After that they never IDed my GFs again. I still swap IDs with strippers on 1st date, there is always chance cops detaining both of us in same car, separating us, asking each others names and how we met, if we DONT know each others names, both of us are getting a body cavity search. Fun finding out half my dancers lied about their ages and are same year but older or upto 2 years older than me.