Maybe he did his sampling in the Dallas section of the board - oops. ;)
All joking aside, as much as I bitch about shill ads, this guy is way off base. If the information was that bad or unusable, I wouldn't still be here. I have found the intel to be pretty good in most places I go, even if there are a couple of markets where it is less so. I left a comment which is "pending moderation" - I hope he has the guts to approve it.
What I find interesting is that article is not in any of his archives for 2019. Probably because it's full of shit. I'm going to assume the article was found through a search because I couldn't find another link to it anywhere on the site.
It was a complete hit job. He talked about the cost of VIP membership with no reference to writing a review or article to receive said VIP membership which is free. Did he pay to see the reviews? Otherwise how would he know if they are shills?
He also looks to be shilling for some websites himself.
I typed TUSCL into the address bar of a new browser, just because I'm so used to going straight to the login page on my other devices. Also saw links tonthe TUSCL facebook and twitter pages. Question for Founder: are those legit pages created or sanctioned by him, fan pages, or something else?
The guy claims to have been a financial advisor of some stripe. Article written around January. Could it have been that loser Dougster still upset that no one cared about his VinceMichaels or me ultimatum?
I think it is perfect. Perfect when someone challenges me on my review outside of TUSCL. Everything on TUSCL is a work of fiction. Even outside reviews of the site proves this to be true. I’m good with that. Lol.
last commentWhat a clown - an obvious hit-job - probably someone that was once pedaling something on TUSCL and was laughed off
All joking aside, as much as I bitch about shill ads, this guy is way off base. If the information was that bad or unusable, I wouldn't still be here. I have found the intel to be pretty good in most places I go, even if there are a couple of markets where it is less so. I left a comment which is "pending moderation" - I hope he has the guts to approve it.
It was a complete hit job. He talked about the cost of VIP membership with no reference to writing a review or article to receive said VIP membership which is free. Did he pay to see the reviews? Otherwise how would he know if they are shills?
He also looks to be shilling for some websites himself.
If comments require approval I doubt he'll post anything debunking his BS
He's right about the prostitution thing on here though.…
You nailed it Papi. Still not up there and no doubt never will be.