
My Most Successful VIP

Evil Lair
Saturday, June 1, 2019 11:00 PM
Naughtyhoney made a recent post asking about “your most successful VIP lap dance.” I had my best VIP two days ago. I was going to post this as a comment to Naughtyhoney’s discussion, but given how long it turned out, I’m making a separate post. I went to a nearby strip on the spur of the moment. This is not known as an extras club. I went to the bar per my usual custom. From across the floor, I saw a cute looking brunette spinner. I had seen her there a few times in the past, but had never gotten a dance from her. The bar was crowded with smokers, so I picked up my drink, moved to a table closer to the brunette on the stage, and tipped her a few bucks. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a girl on a second stage to my rear and turned to look at her. Wow—she was gorgeous! This club has quite a few good looking girls (along with some dogs), but this girl was definitely one of the better looking ones I had ever seen here, or at any club for that matter. I will not go into a lot of details in order to protect the guilty. I’ll just say she was early 20s; natural 34 Ds; beautiful long hair, and pretty, innocent looking, girl next door face. I’d never seen her before, either. I tipped her a few bucks also. After the stage set, girl number one stopped by my table. It had been my intention to get some dances from her, but now I was only thinking about girl number two, who was still getting dressed. I thanked girl number one, but didn’t ask her for a dance or to sit down. She didn’t ask me for a dance either, which was a relief because I didn’t have to turn her down, and I wanted to keep my options open. When she finished dressing, girl number two stopped by my table. We chatted for a few minutes, and I bought her a drink. I got a couple of dances, which were very nice, or at least as nice as you can get on the floor of this club, which to tell the truth, is not that much, but she was making an effort to push the limits of what was allowed. After the dances, she asked if i was interested in VIP. I said sure, and asked if she did anything extra besides dances in VIP. She responded with the usual “We can have more fun back there in private.” I told her that sounded a little vague, and that I liked to know what I’m getting when I pay for a VIP. She asked me what I liked to do. I told her I liked getting blow jobs. She actually blushed and looked away. At that point, I expected her to get up and walk away, but she didn’t. I asked her if I shocked her. She said yes, that she wasn’t expecting something so blunt. I asked: “Well?” She kind of looked away again, and quietly said “OK.” When we got to the VIP area, she asked to be paid up front. It is often said here that Rule Number 1 of strip clubbing is to never pay in advance. While that is a good rule, and one that I generally try to abide by, I also do not inflexibly apply rules to every situation. I have been ripped off before. That is part of the strip club game. But more often than not, things work out OK. I just go with my gut. In this case, we had never met before, so she didn’t know me, and seemed a little nervous. I paid her. She stripped down and started dancing. She put her boobs right in may face so I could suck on her nipples, but beyond that, the dances were not that different from what she did on the floor. She put her lips close to mine, within a few millimeters, which I thought was an invitation, but when I tried to close the gap, she turned away. I said “I guess you don’t like kissing,” She said she had to be careful about who she exchanged fluids with. Fair enough i guess, but at this point, I was wondering if I was going to get ripped off. I had already paid her, so if she was so inclined, there was not much I could do about it. I asked for some head. She looked over her shoulder, and then back at me, and said “I don’t want to get in trouble,” but she said it as if she was really concerned, not as a refusal. I assured her that I had done VIPs here in the past and that no one looks into the booth, which was true. She didn’t say anything, and just kept dancing. She was waiting for me to make the first move. I said, “Well, let’s see what happens,” unzipped, and pulled out my cock. She looked over her shoulder again, then got down on her knees between my legs, grabbed me, and started lightly licking the head of my cock while looking me straight in the eyes. After a couple of minutes of this, I told her that was very nice, but asked her if should could do more. She looked at my cock, looked me in the eyes again, took a breath, and then swallowed half my shaft. I put my hand behind her head and gently pushed her the rest of the way down until I could feel my cock against the back of her throat. She didn’t resist, and held me in her mouth until she came up gasping for air, eyes watering. I asked her if she was OK with that. She looked me in the eyes, nodded and then swallowed me again. This time when she came up for air, she got up, grabbed me by the back of the head, and started kissing and biting my ears and neck, and deep French kissing me. So much for being careful about exchanging fluids. This went on for another 15 minutes, until I finally exploded. She stood up, wiped a drizzle of semen from her chin with the back of her hand, and said that was fun. It sure was. I’ve actually had wilder times in VIPs before, including threesomes, but a combination of factors made this recent one my favorite VIP, including the fact that I stopped in on a lark, the fact that I was not even focusing on this girl initially, her seeming innocence, the uncertainty of how it was all going to play out, the transition from no kissing to DFK in the same VIP, a great deep throat blow job, and last, but certainly not least, the fact that she was gorgeous.


  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    The strip club game will surprise one from time to time - there are those rare times when you think a particular stripper wouldn't do much either bc in your mind she's too-hot to fuck and can make good $$$ w/o doing so, and/or bc she may be shy and innocent and you think she would not do much or know how to do much, and/or be scared/timid - then she surprises you by not only fucking-you but seemingly getting-off-on-it/enjoying-it-herself.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Ahhhh. The thrill of the hunt. Well done doctor.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Very descriptive!
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    But I do like the fact that not only did he not name the girl. He didn't even name the club or even the city he was in. As much as doc travels, it could have been anywhere.
  • chowder
    5 years ago
    Warrior that is part of the hunt. You just never know sometimes. The best always seem to be the unexpected. I think after a while you learn to play the game, keep expectations in check, and see how the game plays out. My best experiences have always been from unexpected experiences of all levels. Like you said - the thrill of the hunt.
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    I dont like paying up front, but part of doing that makes the lady more comfortable. I usually dont haggle over an extra 20 or 40 or paying up front. Sure, been ripped off a few times, but for the most part I'd rather have an enthusiastic participant versus one half-assing it wondering if she is going to be hustled.
  • Naughtyhoney
    5 years ago
    That sounds awesome! Love the descriptive stories I’m a perv
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Naughtyhoney: I would like to explore some story themes with you.
  • joewebber
    5 years ago
    since this is a little more explicit, shouldn't this have been posted in the vip section instead of here?
  • prevert
    5 years ago
    Before last night, I would have said I hadn't had what I consider a successful VIP. I haven't done more than one or two the whole time I've been here at all. But last night, my dancer friend took me to one of the clubs on 7th street and let's just say, my "mind" was blown. Jesus fucking Christ, how the hell did it take me this long to figure this shit out?
  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    @joe Webber That’s why they call him Dr EVIL Muahahaha
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago
    @doctorevil Good Times, Good Times... I hope your experience is a good indication of the changing attitude and view of sex in America. Millennials are a more open, accepting generation, and have grown up with important issues like Sexual identity rights, consent, and sex positivity in their minds. They have grown up having instant, almost stigma-free access to all kinds of sexual information and imagery thanks to Google,the Internet and cellphones. Millennials think Sex is an awesome way to feel good, closer to someone, unwind, and have some fun: “She stood up, wiped a drizzle of semen from her chin with the back of her hand, and said that was fun.” Hope OTC FS is in your future with this beautiful girl. I she a DS to you?
  • 4got2wipe
    5 years ago
    Truly brilliant story doctorevil! Usually my inclusion of “Brilliant!” is simply to perpetuate the joke. But this story deserves it!
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    CJKent: Is she a DS for me? Not really. I don’t really have a type that is a DS for me. Beautiful girls come in too many different shapes, sizes, and colors. But wow, she was beautiful. I would call her a 9.9. I’m not sure there are such things as 10s. They are like mathematical asymptotes; the beauty curve keeps getting closer but will never reach 10.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    Now THAT’s entertainment!
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