Changes after FS

I'm curious to know if your relationships with dancers have changes after FS. I'm sure it would depend on how good (or bad) it was and whether it was ITC or OTC.
1. Did you want it more?
2. Did prices change!
3. Did she expect it more?
4. Did anything else change!
I have a dancer I'm attracted to and FS may be an option. In wondering if after FS if that attraction might no longer be as strong. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
1. Did you want it more?
2. Did prices change!
3. Did she expect it more?
4. Did anything else change!
I have a dancer I'm attracted to and FS may be an option. In wondering if after FS if that attraction might no longer be as strong. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
last comment1. case by case. sometimes once was one time too many.
2. sometimes. usually in favor of the customer.
3. this is something you're going to have to see for yourself because it's an individual decision.
4. one time, probably not. after a few times, yes.
Sex is drugs, and she's a dealer. What changes after sex mostly depends on you.
But she will test to see how strung out you get.
The come to the club and see me text will increase ten fold. So will random requests to borrow money. And if you are strung out on her sex you will be taken advantage of period.
So what changes, whatever you let change. As long as you can have sex and not get hooked you won't be taken advantage of.
They know this, which is why they hope to get you wrapped up emotionally, using your own virtues and a little stripper reasoning, making it feel personal.
They are gambling you are weak, and for the most PLs they are right.
But my experience is price goes way down after the first few times, if you manage yourself and get your ego out of it.
2. Did prices change! Depends if she wants you as a regular. Most of the girls I've had an ongoing p4p relationship the price slowly decreased.
3. Did she expect it more? Typically if there was a long buildup before the 1st FS session they expect that you will become more frequent of a customer afterwards. In many cases that's why they are willing to move to FS.
4. Did anything else change! Less need for drawn out negotiation/selling of dances going forward. Easier to get her attention in a busy club since she knows you are willing to pay for more than just a couple of basic dances.
2. Did prices change! It was included with the standard LD price.
3. Did she expect it more? Hard to tell. Every time we gad FS she iniated it, but it wasn't like it was a fairly rare treat
4. Did anything else change! Not really. It was kinda like a Friends With Occasional Benefits situation
2. Did prices change! Not generally. I've talked one girl down a bit from an initial number that was too high, but two years later she still grouses about it every so often, so IMO it's just not worth it If you don't like what she wants, then just move.
3. Did she expect it more? Depends. You are lumping OTC and ITC together when they are two very different things. A lot of OTC girls are much lower volume than those fucking and sucking ITC, so their views can differ. IME high volume ITC girls are much less prone to getting proprietary than OTC girls, especially those from clean clubs.
4. Did anything else change! See my answer above. OTC girls who do not fuck and suck ITC can get very proprietary when a customer comes back to the club. It is something you may want to think about if you ever do takeout from a clean club as it requires different management skills.
From this monger's viewpoint, don't worry too much, if FS is an option, select the option and enjoy the experience.
Select you FS partners carefully. Find the ones you want to be waking up with in the mornings.
I'm sure plenty of tusclers have mediocre and bad FS p4p experiences. We're just a better breed than the guys who pick up $60 streetwalkers and then brag about it in graphic detail on sites like USASG.
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My first otc fs with my atf was back in October. It was great and I definitely wanted more but she wouldn’t agree to it again until April.
2. Did prices change!
Nope, same basic price every time, and it was getting better each time.
3. Did she expect it more?
Once she offered FS again in April, we did it 4 times in 5 weeks.
4. Did anything else change!
Yeah, everything changed! After the 2nd of the 4 she dropped me on social media and disappeared for 2 weeks. When I saw her at the club next she said her boyfriend had seen a snap chat from a customer so she had to drop everyone. We did otc the next day and again the next week. After that she says she won’t do fs otc anymore or even see me otc. I think she has quit the club also.
So something changed to get her to start the fs and then change again to stop. Strippers - I don’t get them at all