Why is it so hard
Atlanta but I'll travel in a heartbeat if the money is right
Finding decent strip clubs for black women...it’s so irritating ..black clubs are usually ghetto and club looks Shitty bad management etc or mixed/white strip clubs are racist or discriminating ..does anyone know where a decent strip club for black women is??? Sheeshhh
That’s what she said.
Want to post some photos?
Richard Smoley, always good
Sun, Sand, Prostitutes? Dominican Republic has legal prostitution
Our own Pink Poodle, nude, never seen a black dancer there.
Though this does not justify it, I feel that some owners may feel that black dancers are inherently subversive and won't follow the rules. And of course that gives these dancers a major appeal for me.
Serious Shit, Alabama, Georgia, and the whole country
Alabama governor signs near-total abortion ban into law
PT's downtown has a manager, Big Fat Asshole Brian (BFAB), who has historically been bigoted against anyone who isn't a white, un-tattooed spinner. A new manager's influence has changed that somewhat, but BFAB is still in the mix, so other types tend to be the target of his disdain.
Thorobred, Rustic Frog, Pussycat Lounge, and Foxy Lady have a fair number (TBL has a lot of them most of the time) of black dancers, and no one seems to be discriminated against to me. Not actually being a black woman, I can't say whether my impression is accurate or not.
Don't know about Godfather; haven't been in there in quite a while because of their insistence on scanning driver's licenses. Their IG occasionally shows a black dancer, but I have no idea how consistent that is.
I say this as a mixed person who passes for being white or mixed with anything other than black, so I don't run into to "black" problem at clubs, but friends of mine sure have.
Black women at white clubs have a higher standard to get hired than their white counterparts. Also, they get fired more easily. The darker their skin, the harder it is for them to be hired. It's the norm at high end clubs and no, it isn't fair at all.
People from poor neighborhoods get conditioned to step hard into anyone who seems to be getting in their face. Otherwise, you're seen as weak, and many people will try to take a piece of you. So if you're a black chick and your family was poor, you're likely to get hit with the "angry black woman" stereotype fast.
I get it you’re thick strike 1 some clubs don’t hire thick girls period regardless of race. You’re black strike 2 everyone is biased discrimination is rampant you discriminate against black clubs because of some bad experiences you’ve had. It could be that they have had bad experiences with other black dancers or they didn’t make money and didn’t stay so they are doing you a favor.
It sucks but just take your fine thick black self to the best club with the least amount of BS, hustle and make your money with a smile on your face it’s simple. Are their companies that wouldn’t hire me because I’m black sure. But I’m good at what I do when I get an opportunity I stand up and show out cut cost increase performance and just have more experience for the resume and use the name your price tool for the next opportunity then I take the proceeds from said opportunity and head to my local strip club and act a fool. Life is good not a bad question but you already know what to do.
NiceSpice posted about this place in Dallas. It think it uses the membership model, so anything goes.
I found this video where they talk with some of the dancers.
D Will & AOD Dancers speak on only black owned stripclub in Dallas reopening and The Girls GET LIVE!
The Brecker Bros
The music, the atmosphere, and the girls are all a package to appeal to a club’s patrons. They need to know who those patrons are and cater to them. I don’t like to think of women as a commodity but in a strip club they are a part of the brand and the product.
If we’re going to go down that road, you can’t discriminate based on sex. Should a club have to hire men if they want to work there. Maybe a small number of customers might come in because they would like it but it would hurt the club. If we’re talking about discrimination from a legal perspective it’s the same sort of argument.
I feel bad for the OP if they can’t find a club they feel is a good fit for them. I just there are sound business reasons a club might have. A preferred type of dancer and it’s not discrimination.
One of the key words there is "thick" - for most of the history of this country skinny/thin has been considered the standard of beauty - i.e. even thick/voluptuous whitegirls have trouble getting hired in certain clubs particularly certain upscale clubs.
"... black clubs are usually ghetto and club looks Shitty bad management ..."
This is the dilemma/catch22 - if white/upscale clubs start hiring thick-black-girls then they'll be rushed by thick-black-dancers like you that wanna work there and b/f long those clubs may turn into the type of club you yourself don't like to begin with.
The unfortunate reality is that well-to-do white customers will not want to go to an all-black-club often for the same reasons you don't like being/dancing in those clubs - if their fave/go-to mixed-club starts having the same M.O. as the black-clubs they will likely stop going - it's a catch22 - it sucks that thick black girls can't get hired in certain clubs but there are also consequences to hiring a lot of black girls - strip-clubs are a reflection of society and the racial differences that still exist - until these racial-differences go away in society there will be a black/white divide whether it's strip-clubs or just other aspects of society - i.e. I doubt mixed-clubs don't hire black girls b/c they are "racist"; they are just making a business decision just like you are.
Strip clubs are very racist and they're aware of how racist society is and pander to racism coz they think white men just want skinny white girls. If you're a thick black girl expect to be on day shift. Not allowed to work weekends. Etc. That's systemic racism in action.
One of the reasons why I like the club where I'm a regular is that I can go there and find women of varying ethnicities and body types that I find attractive and fun. I wish more clubs were like that.
I’m a filthy pervert, who prefers a dancer with some thickness. I like variety too, and variety in ethnicities is wonderful.
In my view, which is based on years of mongering in filthy clubs, there is a definite bias if you look closely enough. The bias is likely based on a club managers tastes, or based on how the manager might perceive customer tastes.
There are several clubs in the northeast NJ area with a nice mix of dancers. A few locations might be Paterson (but I would avoid Hitching Post - based on what I’ve seen) or Irvington. Both areas can be extras spots, but those are the clubs that I enjoy.
How many dancers on a typical shift and how many are black and how many are thick black girls?
I'd say that perhaps a quarter to a third are some version of "thick", with that being spread out primarily to black, white, and Hispanic, as well as some mixed dancers ("blasians," etc.) where all I know is that they're not conventionally "white." I'd say that there's slightly more "thick" dancers on the popular night shifts when I've been there. For the rest, it's a mix of spinners, women with athletic builds, and dancers who I'd call "full figured" but not necessarily thick.
If there's a deficit in Providence, RI, it's Asian dancers of any body type. There's a few, but they're rare.
But if I throw a stone down Allens Ave., I'll hit Silhouettes, which is the closest thing RI has to a black club. Many thick black dancers there, but (from what I've heard) it's more of a "make it rain" lapdance club.
Some clubs are subtle and others have been more forthcoming. I brought a dark skinned friend to a club I used to work at assuming she'd get hired and the manager flat out told her he had too many black girls atm and to try again in a month if/when he gets rid of some.
Another friend of mine who is white went to audition at a club where you have to do their amateur contest. She said there were about 10 girls, half were black. After the contest, all the black girls were sent home and every single white girl was offered a job.
Have you looked in the mirror? Metaphorically and literally. There is probably something about you which is preventing you from getting a job which requires some degree of athleticism, physical attractiveness, and desirability. It's that simple. We have all seen plenty of exotic dancers who don't dance. We have all seen plenty of thick girls and genuine fatties on the stage. Too many, actually. It is not plausible that you cannot pass the bare minimum standards of any strip club you have applied at unless you are applying at the top tier and brass rings clubs. It might be physical, you may just be a truly unpleasant person. Maybe stripping is not the right profession for you.
Unless you are truly, hideously, repulsive and repugnant, here is some career advice. (I'm self-identifying as black for the purposes of this conversation, if that helps.) You can get a job a strip club, somewhere. It may not be where you want to work, but you have to start somewhere. Make some friends, build a network, learn some skills. When you are ready to move up a tier in clubs, use your network and regular customers to sell yourself as a desirable employee to that club. Use the skills you learned and brag on the number of regulars who would follow you to that club. One you have established at the new club, expand your network of customers and friends. Use the new network and customers to get to the club you want to be in. Whatever you do, do not dare to blame racism for your dissatisfaction. That is lazy and it is wrong. Demand better of yourself.
At Mardi Gras, the "stage" wraps abound the bar. Dancers go on stage whenever they feel like it, no matter how many are up there.
I don’t expect customers to know how strip club auditions work. But I’ll go ahead and tip you off that there is no resumes or networks. Club managers (and sometimes door girls or bartenders) show up and make decisions the vast majority of the time within seconds. Sometimes they may have you go on stage to make sure you’re willing to take clothes off or make sure you’re not hiding body fat in places, or they make a show of pretending to be objective. Definitely no network.
I’ve argued in the past for more diversity in clubs. Clubs can have their quotas but is 10-20% really all that bad? But I’m not a club owner so it is what it is and my opinion doesn’t amount to much. Though I do think long-term club owners are shooting themselves in the foot by keeping in their ways. For example, Abercrombie and Fitch fell off thanks to alienating too many who aren’t white and skinny…and they relented and their image is WAY different. That’s maybe a teen clothing brand, but it comes from teenagers who grew up to current adults and will be the group who can decide to maintain or abandon the strip club industry as a whole in the future. But that’s neither here nor there.
I’ve noticed a lot of black dancers tend to be more willing to travel than most other races (probably by necessity). Certainly for places off the beaten path. Now that I think of it, whenever I’ve gone to another club it tends to be black dancers I share “resumes” with most often when a club is slow and we are bored and talking about ourselves.
More on topic…
@OP What white dominated area are you trying to work at? There is the smaller area that is mostly white just because most the of the population is white vs a decent sized city that has a decent amount of racial diversity but the lineup of their clubs doesn’t reflect that (on purpose) One example, from what I’ve noticed it’s easier for black dancers to get through with white managers in Sioux Falls SD vs Dallas TX.
But seriously I think the issue with the treatment of black female strippers is unfortunately in sync with how black women are treated in general by society. We admire their curves and beauty but don’t consider them as individuals. Society is also very stereotypical of their physiques. I have seen some nice thick woman not even dressed provocatively treated like an object by both men and women. Unfortunately when you combine this aspect of society in a sexually charged environment you are going to get the inevitable product vs employee treatment of black women especially where most black strip clubs are not even owned by black people.
The CLIP JOINT is not a new invention, it is an old idea. It is what Jim and Artie Mitchell decided that their club must never be. This is why when you experience a CLIP JOINT, you get a feeling of deja vu.
As soon as I saw the post I knew you would get no helpful comments because most of the posters here seem like they have klan hoods in their closest if you read some of the stuff they say.
Maybe the main reason this is an issue is that clubs like to make money from PLs who just want to get shitfaced on overpriced drinks, watch the stage show, and tip the stage dancers little or nothing. So they try to pick the dancers they think these PLs will want to gawk at. Clubs should raise drink prices by $1, and give $1 of script for stage tipping with each drink. Dancers trade the script for money, and the ones who trade the most have priority for going on stage. No more guessing who is best for the club to have on stage. And it's the free enterprise way, if you need someone to help you make the most money, cut them in for a piece of it.
Some of them don't, though. Their too lazy to use any other skills they have that could be useful in a vanilla job. I had a friend who made like $50 a night on average. Seriously. If she made tipout she was happy. I'd be making anywhere from $400-2000+ depending on what club we worked at and she'd make shit. She is still dancing now and started when she was about 19
The point is it is harder for black girls, especially dark skinned OR thick, to get hired. OP should use my advice and go into a club smiling and speaking well ("talking white" although I don't like that term) and she could get hired at mixed clubs.
I know your liberal arts professor probably told you some other shit but trust and believe this is good stuff. And I say this identifying as a disabled black woman in a wheelchair, so you know it's legit.
@ilbbaicnl are you stripping to make money or hang out with women who look like you? in NJ we do have some"White" strip clubs and "black" strip clubs. However, at the "white" strip clubs there always is a savvy black girl who could clean house. Guys like a bit of variety. Same goes for black strip clubs. The lone white girl typically is a commodity. Want to know why theres usually only one? Because dancers would rather be with thier culture for whatever reason. Even brazilian girls hate talking to dominicans. And ukranians would prefer not to talk to american white girls.
And another unique take. If it bothers you so much open your own high end strip club that caters to black dancers. Who knows you might start a trend?
I've known black dancers who grew up in mostly white neighborhoods and are less able to understand AAVE than I am. I've also known black dancers who can 100% codeswitch between bland, TV English and AAVE in the blink of an eye. Both groups say they have seen clear, blatant evidence they were rejected from clubs due to a black dancer "quota". Cow-fucking club managers are not good a concealing what's going on. You can't assume, when black dancers don't get a chance to see how they can do at certain clubs, it's because they are not "savvy" enough to know how to whitewash themselves.
Last spring/summer I decided to gain weight and drink a couple of Ensure Plus's every day. It worked and I'm bigger now than I was when I was a petite 105 lb spinner. I still would probably have a better chance at getting hired than any dark skinned black girl unless she looked like a walking Barbie. It is sadly just the way it is for black girls. I know some top of the line Vegas clubs who've gotten a lot better with being race and body inclusive in the last few years, though. Here in Detroit clubs have gotten better too. Not that Detroit is a great place to work lol. I've done ok here.
But we can't forget the problems that come with a lot of them... prostitution. Boyfriend pimps. Lots of fights. Getting together and ganging up on other girls.
My girl worked at a black club before and the girls made it hell for her and other Latinas there. She quit after being afraid to go to work after a group of girls jumped a girl and stomped her face in stripper shoes. My girl had a piece of lip stuck to her shoe and blood . Coz teeth everything was flying around the club. Or girls jumping and robbing girls with more money after work. Locker room attacks. Recruiting for their pimps.. Club managers are aware of these things. That's why ghetto acting girls have problems.
Is what doesn’t black owners invest in making their clubs more upscale.
In NYC I know a few blk owners who have tried this but it is hard when you don’t have anyone in your pockets. So I don’t think it’s intentional from the blk club owners because they are experiencing discrimination themselves.
If you are a black woman with a certain look you are in luck but if not you will be left out a lot of stripclubs unless you dance at a hood club.
Me I am not fond of upscale clubs they are not what they used to be in NYC. When I lived in New York I made most of my money in mixed urban clubs and didn’t have to worry about the overhead. Maybe you should open up a club. A woman did it in DC and a woman did it In Hawaii and both are premier clubs that get a lot of celebrity attention
Many clubs look run down because they are in place that has banned strip clubs, and are only still open under a grandfather clause. They can't close for a while to renovate cause they would never be allowed to reopen.
The night I tried Jimmy's outside Chicago, I think I was the only white(ish) customer in there. Didn't see any white dancers. But, the guy who was running things was an old white man. So, is that a white club or a black club?
Some places are well oiled machines to separate marks from their money. So they want the dancers to do it exactly as they are told.
It is an old script, the carnival script. When you encounter it you will feel deja vu.
Why doesn't a club have any black girls? Thick girls? Why not ask why is it so hard for male pole dancers to be auditioned and hired? Modeling gigs are selective.
If looks don't matter, men on a pole can make the same as women, correct?
I think the word upscale is used as a PC euphemism for a white club, but I think it's just a term for a expen no fun club. Since nobody supposed to take photos, and the owners are old, I think that the lack of renovations is just because the owner wants it to look like when he was a teenager. And renovating will not bring any additional guests in verse the natural crowd, the owner will never get it back. 2010 era built clubs all have cheesy neon signs to stand in front of and take photos. LED walls that play animations are another cheesy trend.
That is about as incorrect as it get's. Most of the club's i go to with regularity are upscale, they generally have a decent blend of most flavors of ladies, the most upscale clubs in this area have VIPs that are maybe a bit expensive, but they don't really monitor the rooms, upscale really means you won't have that thug vibe, and they will expect certain behavior from the ladies, nothing onerous, but things like tip walks and and sitting down uninvited are not tolerated. The main attraction of an upscale club for me is that I am treated as a valued customer, whether I'm a well known regular or an infrequent visitor, notvsaying that walk ins get the same perks as regulars, but they do offer a better experience, most of the dive establishments do not.
So is the NBA and NFL
No, those leagues are based on talent, not race. Black men tend to be built more athletically than white men. That is why you see more blacks. Unless you're trying to imply that blacks are turned down in these leagues simply for being black? Literally you make no sense, you're just trying to be whiny. Go away. You're not helping the OP and have no intention to.
Weight and height matter in the NBA.
even 5 ft black guys won’t play
So it’s discrimination if a “thick” black girl is not hired as a stripper. By your logic it’s also discrimination that a 125 pound guy is not hired to play Defensive Tackle for the Lions.
You have gone from a sexy spinner body type, to a sexy dancer with a thicker booty. I know certain dancers are naturally sexy - and could earn good money regardless of whether they add a few pounds. Is this your situation as well?
LOL, really putting that supposed law degree and double major to good use, huh?
"You didn't trigger me...You're triggered." I'm not triggered, you're triggered. With that level of debate skill, you should stick to the dressing room and stay out of the courtroom and boardroom.
this is racism. its based on a racial stereotype like "blacks are taller" "asians are smarter" etc. it is ironic that many people making claims like this will turn around and do a complete 360 and support affirmative action and complain about why some races are under represented in harvard admissions or in the finance or tech industry.
once you open up the table for making racial stereotypes based around race, there's no end to that nonsense.
ironically, Hitler himself literally made claims of aryan physical superiority and mental superiority. it's just laughable people can literally imitate Hitler so casually.
there is no evidence of any kind of racial physical superiority, and if there is any evidence of that occurring it would be because of the diet, environment, health of the parents, health of the mother while pregnant, etc, NOT because of their race. genetics are an extremely minor component of your overall height and athleticism. also as far as black Americans, there is also the fact that slave owners wanted to breed people to make the strongest fittest slaves, as well as the fact some slaves died whilst travelling to the US. but certainly, it still isn't related to genetics, hence the numerous instances of people from colder areas performing well and being very tall.
and actually, diet probably matters more than anything, considering the racial stereotypes held by people like the person above where they believe blacks are physically gifted, asians and indians are unathletic and not gifted.
so even if we go by the stereotypes, the presence of unathletic, super dark indians and super light unathletic asians, combined with the presence of athletic black and white men, means the diet is playing a bigger role than anything, even environment. white and black men are more likely to eat diets of animal meat, dairy, seafood, etc, whereas indians and asians are much more likely to eat very bean heavy, or soy heavy, vegetarian diets
anyone who believes in racial superiority is a racist, and if you believe in things like X race being more athletic, but then have an issue when someone says X race is better looking or smarter or faster or X race is more violent or etc, you're racist as well as inconsistent and hypocritical. you cant be like "X race is built better" then cry your eyes out when someoen else says "X race is superior/smarter/better" etc
and yeah meat and dairy and clean environments build taller and healthier people, that's not really news nor does it mean being a certain race or dark skinned makes you healthier!
Back to the op, if you were in Rome would you be looking for sushi or Italian food? Go where your Audience needs to be!
Certainly being tall doesn't mean you're a good basketball player, or having a larger, muscular build means you're a good football player. But those are advantageous in those sports.
It's true. In 2020 I went into my dr's office on the cusp of being considered underweight and asked my dr to prescribe me an antidepressant that would help me gain weight. Well, it worked!