Anyone have much experience? ie: are condoms cool or frowned upon? And is there a way to partake if you are only willing to have the opposite sex on the other side? Or is it strictly for guys who are willing to accept whatever is on the other side regardless of gender (the old mouth is a mouth bs)?
That snot-nosed kid from Angel Beach High who tore down my club named Tommy Turner is an expert on the subject. His tallywhacker is notorious for glory hole play.
As a college kid, I wondered into a porn shop in Iowa to watch porn on the little TVs in the booths. Scared the shit out of me when I turned to my right to see a damn cock sticking through a fucking hole in the wall. I jump out of that booth so damn fast, I think I knocked the door off it’s hinge. Oh, the college days!
@founder. You could add a “like this comment” with perky tits sticking straight out and a love this comment with “ torpedo tits pointing skyward”. A “hate this comment “ with droopy Tatas. All in place of the stupid thumbs up / down icon.
At a swingers club in Las Vegas there is/was a three stall booth in rhe swimming pool room that you could enter and hang the rat thru a glory hole. Ppl in the pool room could watch and see who if anyone would step up to the wall and help out. I never saw any gay sex but I did see a few women suck off a dozen or more guys in a row anonymously.
I think at public or porno theater gloryholes, you'll just get a guy sucking your dick.
I saw one at a swingers club once, but I made the mistake at looking at the old woman on the other side, couldn't get hard and she was offended, asked me if her technique was off. I told her the problem was me, I was nervous. I didn't want to ruin her day. I'm considerate of hoes like that
last comment…
I think the only place you find something like that is in the gay culture.
BTW, I wouldn't be on the other side of that hole. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was an old, fat, lesbian high school phys ed teacher.
Quit making faggy comments on a hetero forum
I saw one at a swingers club once, but I made the mistake at looking at the old woman on the other side, couldn't get hard and she was offended, asked me if her technique was off. I told her the problem was me, I was nervous. I didn't want to ruin her day. I'm considerate of hoes like that
Just wash that thing with Listermint. I’m sure Listermint will cure Dorito dick. Listermint = brilliant!