
To.those who.like their wife to at least an extent, What are reasons that u lovr

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?


  • Icey
    5 years ago
    She tolerates them trolling strip clubs for hookers.

    she's too dumb to know that they're spending money on hookers.

    she stays with them even though they're having unprotected sex with hookers.
  • GACA
    5 years ago
    Cuz she realizes who's the boss of the house, and she still let's me do what I want occasionally when she's having a good day :)
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Dang, Icey, wrong again.

    I've been married nearly 40 years, strip clubbed only occasionally. Had multiple discussions about this.
    To reiterate,

    I don't 'troll' for hookers, I go to strip clubs for 'harmless visual stimuli' and usually, a few lap dances.
    She's not dumb. I spend $ on dancers, not hookers.
    Since I got snipped 30 some years ago, I only have unprotected sex with my loved wife, occasionally my hands/imagination.

    Nicole: most everything, she's my other half, smart where I'm not, a wonderful person, mother, and wife. A fine cook, conversationalist, dance partner, and lover.
    When the light and mood is right, she's as beautiful as when we met. And sometimes she says something similar to me.
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    She's extremely bright, was a fabulous mother and is a greater grandmother. She puts up with me, which is often a challenge. She even ignores the cost of my woodworking habit, within limits, lol.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @gSteph LOL IceyDodo is so clueless and is just trolling as usual.

    As far as why I love my wife...

    ... she's tremendously caring and has empathy for all things
    ... completely trustworthy
    ... beautiful artist
    ... beautiful physically and a great lover
    ... we have similar beliefs and outlook on life/society
    ... forgives me for my faults and still loves me
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ... she has a great sense of humor
    ... she's positive about things where I can be negative
    ... she's intelligent and a great listener
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    My wife is intelligent, brave, tolerant, generous, beautiful but not vain. She has integrity and poise. She is trustworthy. She is a fantastic mom.

    She was dirt poor when I met her. She is very wealthy now. Most amazing of all, the dramatic change in her circumstances hasn’t changed her one bit. She remains kind and generous to all, regardless of their personal circumstances.

    She insists on keeping a supply of umbrellas in our car so she can give them to people she sees walking in the rain.

    She is everything I am not.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I love my future wife Nicole1994 because she is such a pretty and sexy troll bitch.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    I have a soft spot for the bitch who may become my main bitch coz when I told her I was thinking of a new car, she offered to get her sugar daddy to help pay for it. She gets turned on by my mind. And she takes care of me when we're faded AF.
  • jsully63
    5 years ago
    She’s into other women and enjoys going clubbing with me. We’ve had some high mileage experiences together with dancers we’ve become friends with. We both enjoy living an alternative life style and share many similar values and outlooks on life. I am the luckiest man alive
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    jsully. i envy you.
  • jsully63
    5 years ago
    Mister Wonderful this is wife number three. Divorced from wife one. Wife two passed away from kidney failure.
  • jsully63
    5 years ago
    ^by now I knew myself better and what u really wanted in a soulmate. Not just the wild sex although it’s great but other interests to explore as well. So if I was going to dive in again I was going to be sure this would work. Didn’t think I’d find her but God must have smiled on me
  • @mudy you're such a sweetheart thx !!

    U can be my new tuscl hubby
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    My wife is my absolute best friend, lover, mother of my children (6,10) and stepmother to my other children (twins 27). She is adventurous and flirtatious. Very beautiful (it is she in my photos on my profile). She is a self made woman, very intelligent, makes her own 6 figure income, does not “need”, yet chooses to be with me. She is the age range of the majority of my friends (20 years younger) and this makes it much easier for us to have fun. Our hobbies are the same and we do them together. She gives me space and I give her space. We are truly soul mates. I love her so much.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    I have no idea why I love my wife after almost 30 years. As I tend to over analyze things and look for flaws, I decided to never think about it and I never do. I could say she's my best friend, which she is, despite still having friends I see all the time going back as far as the early 70's. I could say its because I make her laugh and she makes me laugh, to the point where on almost every long ride we have to pull over once due to laughter and in order to avoid crashing the car. I could say its because we have has one yelling fight lifetime. I could say its because she is unique in that she has an infinite capacity for learning as she approaches 60 and the fact shewent to college and leartned how to ski bumps and trees in her 50's and not her 20's. I could say its because our life goals are the same; she's a wonderful family person, or that when I had a faux medical meltdown a few years back she was unconditionally supportive of me murdering my 401k and not working. The simple facty is thet she left for work at 6; its 6:45 and I miss her and feel like I don't get enough time with her.
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