What gets you as a dancer to go up to a particular guy and start marketing your skills in the SC? If there are 5 guys not taken up by another dancer, what makes you choose one over the other for engaging?
#1 most important thing is eye contact. If he looks too uncomfortable and his body language is a shriveling one, then I won’t. Or at least not right away. Or if he seems *too* confident then I may be wary too because he may be a time waster. So best somebody who will meet eye contact and with a facial expression that’s either friendly or neutral.
If a slower shift, aged 40+ preferable. If busy, 20s-30s preferable. (In other words, am I aiming for quality or quantity money wise from each individual)
All else being equal, I go for the nerdiest white guys, Asians, and Indians. I tend to have the easiest time with that group.
I didn’t say I avoided them. I just simply in the past acknowledged the stereotypes are true. Indians (and Mexicans) are different in the sense that they push harder, but don’t mind as much with you resisting them.
I have to be waaaaay more sensitive to a typical white customer when enforcing boundaries on him, and even then he will probably be done with getting more dances. But Mexicans/Indians I think just enjoy the chase of me “dancing around” them and will still get more dances—even if objectively they could have gotten a better mileage dance if they just sat still lmao.
They might not come everyday but whenever they come true they tend to spend a lot of money...
And Lastly what is the highest amount of money you ever made from a single customer at night just by Lap Dancing?
Was it from a White Guy, Asian Guy OR Indian Guy?
And since extras are out of the question, would a customer enjoy increased Mileage if they bought a block of dances let’s say 10 OR 20 compared to 1 OR 2?
I had a high value customer at once point who was a drug dealer. His value expired after three visits (typical with all my ex regulars), but the money came in so easily and no bullshit in the meantime xD)
And also ties into your second question. One time a customer came in from out of town and got me stupid drunk and gave me a ton of money. He told me at the time he owned a school, but looking back judging by him and the friend with him I suspect he was a drug dealer too lol. (But it’s unconfirmed) Just looking at him you would have thought he was Mexican, but he said he was Italian. I don’t quite recall how much he gave me, because I blew through some money buying stuff from the house mom and this one girl who sold me a top. And I tipped both day and night shift management extra generous for being drunk and obnoxious.
But at the end of the night I had something like in the upper 700s. So I had to have gotten a more that from him before that silliness. And I got that money from something like 2 lapdances and sitting tableside drinking.
And as for your third question...hmm not sure. I’m not much one for withholding if I get the vibe the customer won’t be too grabby nor get too uncomfortable. (Believe it or not, sometimes you get a customer who is uncomfortable with higher mileage—at least right away.)
*actually the end of the night in that story was more like as soon as I sobered up around midnight lol. I had come into a dayshift on an empty stomach because I was going to meet with a regular-at-the-time and get him to buy me food. But because the baller showed up I ended up not hanging out with him. Luckily he was a good sport about it and had been happy to get dances from other girls.
“I don’t quite recall how much he gave me, because I blew through some money buying stuff from the house mom and this one girl who sold me a top.“
that’s interesting. My current fav dancer told me they sell articles of clothing at her club as well.I never knew this was a thing. spice, is it common for clubs to sell outfits and sexy items that dancers can purchase??
So Nicespice, if I visit you for say a 4 hr evening just to have a few dances, drinks and fun banter, what’s it going to cost me? Asking for a friend. My little friend. Lol
I would assume when it's slow you can't be choosy.
It honestly shocks me when there are 8 dancers and I'm one of 4 customers and I can sit alone for a while when only two girls have approached me. But I know dancers can get demoralized.
I figured out a long time ago that I should make eye contact, and smile, when I want to get dances from someone. It works from 100 feet away. They must have a great Vision Plan in strip clubs.
Also, for the other 80% of dancers who don’t interest me, avoid eye contact at all times. The universal signal for “ don’t bother asking”.
That's interesting what you say about white guys are more sensitive to stopping after a dance or 2 if they arent getting as much as they want out of it...
It's very true those Mexicans often expect more but many also will buy strings of dances and occasionally pay way over for what they got when they keep chasing every song and pushing for mileage they arent even getting.
Eye contact = approach usually Guy tips more than other guys at the stage is often an approach tho not always. Sometimes they are more into throwing money on stage than lapdances. Often you can tell though. Idk like if theres dirty little and old bastards tipping a dollar here a dollar there on stage and some other dirty old bastard nowhere near the stage walks the distance to hand you a 20 then walks off probably it is smart to go up to said dirty old bastard???
Also sometimes strippers get approached for dances lol.
I usually prefer white guys, but not always. Some shifts the white guys are lame and I make it all off the Mexicans or blacks.
I really dislike arabs and Indians usually. They are my least favorite. But occasionally they can be ok.
Also sometimes there is a shy dude who is sitting alone but looks like he wants to be there and is looking all around like he is looking for something. Those often result in a sale.
With all this preference for white folks, when do the non-whites (particularly black) even become a money making factor? The inquiring mind wants to know? ANd no, I won't just got to a black club just to get my fix.
@JamesSD It’s a combination of being demoralized, and also the fact that customers pick up on the fact it’s slow and may try to work out deals in their favor.
@Estafador For me, black customers become a money-making factor with the aforementioned eye contact. I have had oddball good spenders who are black (like the ex-regular I mentioned earlier in this thread). But in general, I don’t pay much attention to black customers as much simply because I’m not really their type.
@nice spice & blah blah of the guys from TUSCL that you’ve met or interacted with, are any of them the type that most or even a few would target and why?
@25 More than one TUSCLer fits the demographic of customers I described earlier :) I am not going to out anybody though.
Though I will say, apparently one TUSCLer on here owns a black card. A waitress at one of the clubs I work in chewed me out for not selling a cabana to him. :p
I wasn’t looking for you to out anyone just wondering if some of the things we do as second nature here cause the dancers to either target or avoid us.
Being targeted by dancers isn't usually a good thing though, it just means you're an easy mark. The only time its a good thing is if she's the type that usually goes for you and comes at you without much of a hustle.
@25 Hm interesting question...I guess it depends on the club and the shift.
Most of the TUSCLers I’ve personally met would probably give off the impression of being emotionally stable (which may be a shock given the discussion board) and vaguely upper middle class. It’s difficult to pin anything down specifically. So as far as being a good target...most likely. I don’t think I could identify one if I hadn’t had plans to meet up in the first place.
@nicespice - emotionally stable as in more emotionally stable than a normal club regular? Also if you have interesting notes about me I would love to hear it. Either publicly or private message.
@Paul Hmm, I was thinking about customers in general. Definitely more comfortable (and thus emotionally stable) than the guy who doesn’t really go to clubs and feels a bit uncomfortable at the idea of being a PL. As far as normal club regulars, hmm...I believe so. Or at least it seems like there’s less of me being extra conscious to egos, or feeling like I’m stuck in some kind of power play.
But to be fair, thanks to internet accountability it may just be the case we are all on our best behavior. I know I’m a bit more patient and less pushy for dances than I normally am.
Also @Paul as for impressions on you...hmm last I recall you were a fairly stoic one. Not that I am one who can judge. I have a tendency to not emote very much either (or so I’ve been told lol)
“Being targeted by a dancer isn’t usually a good thing, though. I just means you are an easy mark.”
Funny, that’s EXACTLY what I want to be when I go SCing. I want to be that EASY MARK. I want the pretty girls to walk their sweet tits an ass up to me and start hustling/flirting/touching/fondling or more. That is why I go. I’m not going to sit and pretend to be a suave James Bond or even a Rapper dude (Even though I am damn close to Jimmy Boy in real life). I want to be an easy mark so that my time is not wasted on the bullshit. Mark me, play with me, let’s have some fun and then we go our separate ways when complete.
^^^^^totally agree with Nidan. Unfortunately being black doesn't help with that as I've experienced.
Also, a dancer could peg you as a mark, it doesn't mean you are one. If she thinks she's gonna con 1000 dollars out of me for nothing she's got another thing coming.
The guy that used that black club in a card sounds like an idiot IMO. Or just very inexperienced in clubs. Rule number one. Don't use a damn credit card in a club. Hasn't that dummy heard the stories about strippers drugging dudes and running up their credit cards?
I was thinking the same thing. He just wanted to show off but its stupid....guys who show off a lot in the club or flash cash, are usually cheap. Or they have an attitude that the dancer will jump through hoops to earn it. Its stupid. These are usually the tricks who think throwing a little cash entitles them to act like they own a dancer.
Its not about knowing who has money. Its about knowing who is most likely to spend money.
Some of the WORST ever custies are the jerks in suits or who flash cash and are like "what are you gonna do to earn this?"
I just
Walk around slowly like you own the club. Never rush over to anyone. Best time to figure out who to approach is when you're on stage. Pay attention to who is watching and tipping. If someone tips more or stares a lot, approach them after you get off stage. Be flirty and bubbly. BS with him before asking if he wants a dance. If a guy isn't paying attention to you, rub his shoulders a little when you walk by. If he wants dances, just finesse him and try to get him into VIP. Make him think it'll be really fun but never promise sex or anything. Just tell him you guarantee he'll have a great time. Be as low mileage as possible and focus on selling an experience. These guys would never have a chance to have a girl like me pay attention to them. That's what they're paying for.
@nicespice nobody that can afford a black card would waste money on one, the majority of the perks they offer come free to high net worth individuals anyway why bother.
My bank pitches me various VIP services now and then. As best I can tell, in return for making bad financial decisions with them ( high fees, poor returns ), they will provide a level of service that used to be free ( like speaking to a human on the phone ). Black card indeed.
@flagooner. Black card is a credit card that supposedly gives all sorts of perks if you have one. Costs about $500 per year. It’s bullshit. I actually have a black card with my signature embellished in gold writing. However, mine is technically a debit card that I can put money into, but has no perks nor cost to own. Lol. It looks the part without the cost/perks.
@Nidan he’s just screwing with you, you should have told him on of the perks of an Amex Black Card is free unlimited fruitcups at any restaurant that accepts Amex. ;)
Ouch. Some of these comments are harsh haha. The story I told is true. But the part I left out was that:
#1 Given certain details I know about the man in question, and his lack of flashiness, I didn’t actually believe the waitress. #2 I actually met up with that same man, I repeated the story to him. He rolled his eyes and showed me his actual “black card” and while it was dark in appearance, looked nothing like a black card.
I got a giant kick out of it and have been trolling him ever since. This may explain why I’m not good at keeping regulars. ;)
@flag Men who openly stare at my tits at the club I prioritize right away. :D
For better or worse on my money making abilities, I don’t do much to identify “marks”—and I don’t have the patience to spend a bunch of time uncompensated to butter up any customer in the *hope* he will drop a bunch of money on me.
Once in a while a customer will decide that I’m awesome and tip me past what I asked for just for existing (the kind of tip amount TUSCLers would think is stupid)—but during that time, I didn’t ask for that, HE wanted to, and there was no way I could have predicted that was happening. Those moments occur just by being in the right place at the right time and I cherish them greatly.
I get saying no to a lowball offer or refusing to do certain things. What I don't get is that if the requested service is something you would usually charge X for, why wouldn't you accept a small discount to do it?
And bragging about what benefits you get from a bank is ridiculous. A credit card gives you just that, credit. Show me how much you have under the mattress then lets talk.
A good hoe doesn't have to put out much. Its about knowing her worth and making sure the trick knows it too. At the end of the day, if the trick wants her attention and to keep her around for the possibility of more, he'll pay. If tricks could get it for free they would, but they know they won't get that attention anywhere else.
In reality, the only ones to not fall for that hustle are hardened, jaded tricks who have years of having to resort to hoes for sex...
@BGSD I’ve personally done occasional discounts such as “five dances get one” before—but at the end of it, most dancers motivations I’m sure has to do with not being that bitch who contributes to a race to the bottom. And many customers are definitely blab happy when trying to negotiate things with another dancer after you.
Plus, in most clubs the busiest times tend to be towards the end of a shift so it makes sense often to just chill out and hold out for a better money environment and ignore the hagglers.
There’s not necessarily a simple answer to that. It depends on a number of things, not all of which pertain to a customer.
If a dancer has made “enough” money for the night, she might not consider it worth her time, especially if there’s any possibility that *other* customers might pay full price.
Devaluing a brand is hardly ever a good idea in the long run, short of a general market downturn where the higher prices are unsustainable.
Pissing off other dancers.
Looking desperate.
Of course, there are equally valid reasons to offer discounts. Which side of the equation applies depends on too many factors to list in one post. :)
Fruit cups are fantastic. I had 3 of my patients offer me a nibble of their’s today. I prefer the pineapple cup so that my AMP provider gives me preference above all other mongers.
By tipping, without being asked, you assure service with a smile for future visits. Plus, immediate service. It doesn’t have to be a big tip. Just enough to show appreciation.
By asking for a discount, you get labeled as a Cheap Charlie, assuring grudging service and low priority from dancers. Maybe even being denied by the better dancers.
Would you rather spend $120 for immediate, enthusiastic service or $80 for delayed, robotic service from less attractive dancers ?
I dont have the mentality of "some money is better than no money". That leads to desperation. Also if it is bs money we are talking like $100ish $200ish range, just about any girl can pull that with a regular job (if she isnt working fast food or something) or on webcam.. lol
Now that I think about it, BGSD is falling into the exact same trap of framing his personal displeasure at dancers' common actions as questioning their business decisions instead of just stating/admitting (whether to himself or others) that he doesn't like particular actions because it isn't in his favor. This tends to be a very common thing a lot of men like to do, whether online or in person ITC.
Notice how he completely ignored my response to him, as a dancer who can explain dancer motivations (whether he personally agrees or disagrees with it), and responds only to GMD. And instead of acknowledging GMD's very valid points, he finally drops the facade about caring about business decisions: "the specific situation that was referenced which caught my attention was that there were more dancers than customers in the club."
And it turns out the specific question of why a dancer wouldn't accept a discount just because of dancer/customer ratios was already answered in GMD's aforementioned post...
"If a dancer has made “enough” money for the night, she might not consider it worth her time, especially if there’s any possibility that *other* customers might pay full price.
Devaluing a brand is hardly ever a good idea in the long run, short of a general market downturn where the higher prices are unsustainable."
"Because the electric company doesn't accept lap dances."
Common trap many customers fall into #2: Somehow assuming they are THE customer who will make or break a dancer's income.
I too have dealt with many customers patronizing me after I refuse OTC because it's assumed that I'll starve without his generous $250 offer of sex. ------ There are, of course, much better sources than me on this board on general advice of how to get what you want from dancers at lower rates. But refraining from outright stating the two common/condenscending things customers like to say to somehow persuade dancers (when it backfires more often than not) is a good first baby step.
"Somehow assuming they are THE customer who will make or break a dancer's income."
I have has this situation before where someone thinks this way and tried to force me to do things in a way that did not work for my business model. At that time it required high volume fast work with high quality. We did things in a way that was very efficient and you liked us or you didn't. If we varied too much it would drop production and we were not profitable.
I had one extreme case that I blacklisted this old nasty bitch. (This was in a smaller to mid sized town). I called everyone I knew that did the same work I did and gave them the ladies name and other info and told them not to do work for her. I knew most of my competitors and got along with them. They all knew I get along with pretty much everyone so this was taken seriously. The old bag could not get anyone to do her work. I heard several competitors stories about her calling them. I heard stories from her neighbors about her complaining she could not find anyone. She kept calling me begging me to come back. I of course refused and hung up the phone laughing every time. She had it coming and deserved it. She should not have been a condescending bitch that knew how to run my business better than me.
How that relates to dancing. Small towns have a different dynamic. Everyone knows everyone and word spreads around fast. That can hurt you or help you. Strip clubs can be like a small town. All the dancers know each other and they do talk. You act condecending or demean people it may bite you. Don't act like you know how to do a dancers job better than they do.
TrapIcey posted -> "When you ask for it and they give it its free duh"
^ When a stripper whore gets money from a RIL trick bitch like IceyDodo, it's not free. Denial is a strong defense mechanism for a jaded stripper whore duh.
The lack of social skills preventing tricks from finding sex without P4P is the same set of detrimental behaviors that fucks it up for them even with hookers. Haggling with a hooker or trying to low ball her when you obviously like her services, since you keep going back.... is very selfish. I feel sorry for such people coz I know there's no way they can actually enjoy sex, the hooker is a human masturbation sleeve for them most likely.
As for someone being black listed by all the dancers at a club.... That's extremely rare. I've seen it a few times, with guys who consistently came in trying to solicit everyone in the club. Obvious LE. And pimps with a bad reputation.
^ Yeah and the biggest losers with no social skills are the RIL trick bitches that have to use money AND drugs to get GFE from their stripper whores. I'm sure you've seen this type ITC often. Just about every visit you see this "guy", no?
@BGSD3100: “the specific situation that was referenced which caught my attention was that there were more dancers than customers in the club.”
Even that “specific situation” has many other factors that might or might not apply.
Is it the end of her shift and she’s got enough money?
Is it the beginning of her shift and she sees no reason to entertain a low baller when a regular or not-so-stingy type might walk in the door while she’s busy?
Is it shift change and she’s already settled with the bar and doesn’t want fuck around with doing it again, or owe the *night* shift bar another tip out?
Is she tired and just wants to sit for a minute?
Is she making money on her phone?
Is the customer a known creep who pushes her limits every single fucking time?
Does the customer look like a cop, or ABC?
Probably lots more, including variations of lazy, but also lots that have nothing to do with that.
IceyDodo is just an RIL trick bitch in denial about it all. She'll give a stripper whore money and drugs just to "catch feelings" and become her "GF". LMFAO then she'll troll tricks as if she's any different.
An expensive less to learn is, any lady of the night that has sold pussy and needs more then $350 to convince her to give you a BJ or FS is not worth it. you will be paying for some dried up pussy. Youre better off sticking your penis in a meat grinder.
last commentIf a slower shift, aged 40+ preferable. If busy, 20s-30s preferable. (In other words, am I aiming for quality or quantity money wise from each individual)
All else being equal, I go for the nerdiest white guys, Asians, and Indians. I tend to have the easiest time with that group.
And no I haven’t seen that movie :p
Correct me if I’m wrong but I remember you saying you try to avoid Indians because most are grabby...
Most tend to get as much Mileage as possible for a low amount of money...
So what exactly has changed since then with this particular demographics?
I have to be waaaaay more sensitive to a typical white customer when enforcing boundaries on him, and even then he will probably be done with getting more dances. But Mexicans/Indians I think just enjoy the chase of me “dancing around” them and will still get more dances—even if objectively they could have gotten a better mileage dance if they just sat still lmao.
Thanks for the explanation...
What about the Drug Dealer...
I thought Strippers loved them...
They might not come everyday but whenever they come true they tend to spend a lot of money...
And Lastly what is the highest amount of money you ever made from a single customer at night just by Lap Dancing?
Was it from a White Guy, Asian Guy OR Indian Guy?
And since extras are out of the question, would a customer enjoy increased Mileage if they bought a block of dances let’s say 10 OR 20 compared to 1 OR 2?
And also ties into your second question. One time a customer came in from out of town and got me stupid drunk and gave me a ton of money. He told me at the time he owned a school, but looking back judging by him and the friend with him I suspect he was a drug dealer too lol. (But it’s unconfirmed) Just looking at him you would have thought he was Mexican, but he said he was Italian. I don’t quite recall how much he gave me, because I blew through some money buying stuff from the house mom and this one girl who sold me a top. And I tipped both day and night shift management extra generous for being drunk and obnoxious.
But at the end of the night I had something like in the upper 700s. So I had to have gotten a more that from him before that silliness. And I got that money from something like 2 lapdances and sitting tableside drinking.
And as for your third question...hmm not sure. I’m not much one for withholding if I get the vibe the customer won’t be too grabby nor get too uncomfortable. (Believe it or not, sometimes you get a customer who is uncomfortable with higher mileage—at least right away.)
Are they feeding me SS or calling me a big dick?
that’s interesting. My current fav dancer told me they sell articles of clothing at her club as well.I never knew this was a thing. spice, is it common for clubs to sell outfits and sexy items that dancers can purchase??
@govikings Yes. Very common.
It honestly shocks me when there are 8 dancers and I'm one of 4 customers and I can sit alone for a while when only two girls have approached me. But I know dancers can get demoralized.
I figured out a long time ago that I should make eye contact, and smile, when I want to get dances from someone. It works from 100 feet away. They must have a great Vision Plan in strip clubs.
Also, for the other 80% of dancers who don’t interest me, avoid eye contact at all times. The universal signal for “ don’t bother asking”.
It's very true those Mexicans often expect more but many also will buy strings of dances and occasionally pay way over for what they got when they keep chasing every song and pushing for mileage they arent even getting.
Good observation!!! Never thought about it.
Eye contact = approach usually
Guy tips more than other guys at the stage is often an approach tho not always. Sometimes they are more into throwing money on stage than lapdances. Often you can tell though. Idk like if theres dirty little and old bastards tipping a dollar here a dollar there on stage and some other dirty old bastard nowhere near the stage walks the distance to hand you a 20 then walks off probably it is smart to go up to said dirty old bastard???
Also sometimes strippers get approached for dances lol.
I usually prefer white guys, but not always. Some shifts the white guys are lame and I make it all off the Mexicans or blacks.
I really dislike arabs and Indians usually. They are my least favorite. But occasionally they can be ok.
@Estafador For me, black customers become a money-making factor with the aforementioned eye contact. I have had oddball good spenders who are black (like the ex-regular I mentioned earlier in this thread). But in general, I don’t pay much attention to black customers as much simply because I’m not really their type.
Do you prefer white guys simply because they are the ones who usually spend the most on you? Or is there more to it than that?
Though I will say, apparently one TUSCLer on here owns a black card. A waitress at one of the clubs I work in chewed me out for not selling a cabana to him. :p
@blahblah good point on the shy guy :D
Most of the TUSCLers I’ve personally met would probably give off the impression of being emotionally stable (which may be a shock given the discussion board) and vaguely upper middle class. It’s difficult to pin anything down specifically. So as far as being a good target...most likely. I don’t think I could identify one if I hadn’t had plans to meet up in the first place.
But to be fair, thanks to internet accountability it may just be the case we are all on our best behavior. I know I’m a bit more patient and less pushy for dances than I normally am.
Funny, that’s EXACTLY what I want to be when I go SCing. I want to be that EASY MARK. I want the pretty girls to walk their sweet tits an ass up to me and start hustling/flirting/touching/fondling or more. That is why I go. I’m not going to sit and pretend to be a suave James Bond or even a Rapper dude (Even though I am damn close to Jimmy Boy in real life). I want to be an easy mark so that my time is not wasted on the bullshit. Mark me, play with me, let’s have some fun and then we go our separate ways when complete.
Also, a dancer could peg you as a mark, it doesn't mean you are one. If she thinks she's gonna con 1000 dollars out of me for nothing she's got another thing coming.
Some of the WORST ever custies are the jerks in suits or who flash cash and are like "what are you gonna do to earn this?"
I just
Walk around slowly like you own the club.
Never rush over to anyone.
Best time to figure out who to approach is when you're on stage. Pay attention to who is watching and tipping.
If someone tips more or stares a lot, approach them after you get off stage.
Be flirty and bubbly.
BS with him before asking if he wants a dance.
If a guy isn't paying attention to you, rub his shoulders a little when you walk by.
If he wants dances, just finesse him and try to get him into VIP. Make him think it'll be really fun but never promise sex or anything. Just tell him you guarantee he'll have a great time.
Be as low mileage as possible and focus on selling an experience. These guys would never have a chance to have a girl like me pay attention to them. That's what they're paying for.
"#1 most important thing is eye contact."
What about if you notice a guy obviously staring at your boobs and then he quickly averted his gaze when he gets caught?
How about if you "caught" him and he just kept at it with no shame?
Would age or race play a factor in either of those situations, or would the behavior trump the demographics?
I'm confused.
I have to admit naivety on this one. What is a "black card"?
Is "card" a euphemism for man? Slavery was outlawed 150 years ago!
#1 Given certain details I know about the man in question, and his lack of flashiness, I didn’t actually believe the waitress.
#2 I actually met up with that same man, I repeated the story to him. He rolled his eyes and showed me his actual “black card” and while it was dark in appearance, looked nothing like a black card.
I got a giant kick out of it and have been trolling him ever since. This may explain why I’m not good at keeping regulars. ;)
@flag Men who openly stare at my tits at the club I prioritize right away. :D
Once in a while a customer will decide that I’m awesome and tip me past what I asked for just for existing (the kind of tip amount TUSCLers would think is stupid)—but during that time, I didn’t ask for that, HE wanted to, and there was no way I could have predicted that was happening. Those moments occur just by being in the right place at the right time and I cherish them greatly.
This confuses me. Given a choice between accepting less money or nothing, why do dancers choose nothing?
And bragging about what benefits you get from a bank is ridiculous. A credit card gives you just that, credit. Show me how much you have under the mattress then lets talk.
Because the electric company doesn't accept lap dances.
In reality, the only ones to not fall for that hustle are hardened, jaded tricks who have years of having to resort to hoes for sex...
Plus, in most clubs the busiest times tend to be towards the end of a shift so it makes sense often to just chill out and hold out for a better money environment and ignore the hagglers.
@25 Thanks for the kind words :)
There’s not necessarily a simple answer to that. It depends on a number of things, not all of which pertain to a customer.
If a dancer has made “enough” money for the night, she might not consider it worth her time, especially if there’s any possibility that *other* customers might pay full price.
Devaluing a brand is hardly ever a good idea in the long run, short of a general market downturn where the higher prices are unsustainable.
Pissing off other dancers.
Looking desperate.
Of course, there are equally valid reasons to offer discounts. Which side of the equation applies depends on too many factors to list in one post. :)
By asking for a discount, you get labeled as a Cheap Charlie, assuring grudging service and low priority from dancers. Maybe even being denied by the better dancers.
Would you rather spend $120 for immediate, enthusiastic service or $80 for delayed, robotic service from less attractive dancers ?
But there's plenty of white shit-heads too.
I dont have the mentality of "some money is better than no money". That leads to desperation. Also if it is bs money we are talking like $100ish $200ish range, just about any girl can pull that with a regular job (if she isnt working fast food or something) or on webcam.. lol
Notice how he completely ignored my response to him, as a dancer who can explain dancer motivations (whether he personally agrees or disagrees with it), and responds only to GMD. And instead of acknowledging GMD's very valid points, he finally drops the facade about caring about business decisions:
"the specific situation that was referenced which caught my attention was that there were more dancers than customers in the club."
And it turns out the specific question of why a dancer wouldn't accept a discount just because of dancer/customer ratios was already answered in GMD's aforementioned post...
"If a dancer has made “enough” money for the night, she might not consider it worth her time, especially if there’s any possibility that *other* customers might pay full price.
Devaluing a brand is hardly ever a good idea in the long run, short of a general market downturn where the higher prices are unsustainable."
Common trap many customers fall into #2: Somehow assuming they are THE customer who will make or break a dancer's income.
I too have dealt with many customers patronizing me after I refuse OTC because it's assumed that I'll starve without his generous $250 offer of sex.
There are, of course, much better sources than me on this board on general advice of how to get what you want from dancers at lower rates. But refraining from outright stating the two common/condenscending things customers like to say to somehow persuade dancers (when it backfires more often than not) is a good first baby step.
I have fired customers for similar actions in my business and it has led to more profits and less stress.
I have has this situation before where someone thinks this way and tried to force me to do things in a way that did not work for my business model. At that time it required high volume fast work with high quality. We did things in a way that was very efficient and you liked us or you didn't. If we varied too much it would drop production and we were not profitable.
I had one extreme case that I blacklisted this old nasty bitch. (This was in a smaller to mid sized town). I called everyone I knew that did the same work I did and gave them the ladies name and other info and told them not to do work for her. I knew most of my competitors and got along with them. They all knew I get along with pretty much everyone so this was taken seriously. The old bag could not get anyone to do her work. I heard several competitors stories about her calling them. I heard stories from her neighbors about her complaining she could not find anyone. She kept calling me begging me to come back. I of course refused and hung up the phone laughing every time. She had it coming and deserved it. She should not have been a condescending bitch that knew how to run my business better than me.
How that relates to dancing. Small towns have a different dynamic. Everyone knows everyone and word spreads around fast. That can hurt you or help you. Strip clubs can be like a small town. All the dancers know each other and they do talk. You act condecending or demean people it may bite you. Don't act like you know how to do a dancers job better than they do.
like nice says...” smash that like button!”
^ When a stripper whore gets money from a RIL trick bitch like IceyDodo, it's not free. Denial is a strong defense mechanism for a jaded stripper whore duh.
As for someone being black listed by all the dancers at a club.... That's extremely rare. I've seen it a few times, with guys who consistently came in trying to solicit everyone in the club. Obvious LE. And pimps with a bad reputation.
Even that “specific situation” has many other factors that might or might not apply.
Is it the end of her shift and she’s got enough money?
Is it the beginning of her shift and she sees no reason to entertain a low baller when a regular or not-so-stingy type might walk in the door while she’s busy?
Is it shift change and she’s already settled with the bar and doesn’t want fuck around with doing it again, or owe the *night* shift bar another tip out?
Is she tired and just wants to sit for a minute?
Is she making money on her phone?
Is the customer a known creep who pushes her limits every single fucking time?
Does the customer look like a cop, or ABC?
Probably lots more, including variations of lazy, but also lots that have nothing to do with that.
Damn. There goes *my* fantasy.
Lmfao roflmao!!
That’s the true definition iron of PL, trying to date a sex worker. At least he/she has something in common with SJG!
Move on to next LOL
Move on to next LOL