When she's 45 years old, 50 pounds heavier and living in that trailer park, she's gonna' wish that she never did that to herself. Of course she could end in a mental ward instead since girls who do that to themselves generally have heavy duty mental health problems, including the need to escape from their pasts and their own self-loating.
You can see from the different pics that she is already up and down the weight scale, probably fighting the urge to over-eat as it is one of the few pleasures she gets out of life. Yup, that one is hanging on by a thread...
To me she's the kind of girl I could fall in love with. I like the tattoos. What I love is when girls like this catch feelings, they're the most submissive, sweetest girls you can imagine.
@ReverendHorniBastard..... I believe you. You don't even have to be married. Once they realize you're really committed to them, they change for the worse and I have no idea why. Its hard to understand how someone who was so good to you at one point can become such a selfish bitch once she sees you really love her and are committed to her.
last commentAre you fucking kidding me?
What do you think all those tats will look like after she’s punched out a few kids and is pushing 45 years old?
Still, I suppose some of the guys doing time in the slammer might regard her as one classy bitch.
I wouldn’t even buy dances from her.
I wouldn’t fuck her with somebody else’s dick!
I would be embarrassed to be seen in a Waffle House with a woman who looked like that!
Different people like different things. That's why there's more than one stripper.
You're absolutely right about that!
I saw a stripper once who looked an awful lot like Leon Panetta!
ALL women are sweet and submissive UNTIL you marry them.
I’ve been married a few times. I would know.
Btw I dont like u but just saying