Picking up where Countryman5434 left off! What is rimjob in Spanish?

In a brilliant place!
Since Countryman5434 says he will no longer post I’m going to ask a Tijuana question!
What is rimjob in Spanish? Is it something literal like “lame mi culo?” Surely the Mexicans have their own terminology for something as brilliant as anilingus.
Inquiring Tijuana minds want to know! ;)
last commentBesseme culo
Leftover tacos.
Make that yesterday's tacos.
Google said:
Beso negro
In Mexican culture, a slang term to to refer to the act of placing your mouth into contact with your partner's asshole. It can range from a simple kiss to more intricate making out such a licks, bites, sucks, tongue etc. i.e. a rimjob.
Literally translates to a "black kiss."
Girl 1: I gave Jason a beso negro last night. It was hot. Girl 2: Oh yeah! I give my girlfriend besos negros all the time.
It is advisable to use a latex barrier when performing a beso negro on someone for the potential transmission of Hepatitis A, unwanted bacteria, and other STIs. by Kachew November 15, 2009
I love licking ass...
Butt licker
Thanks guys!
But seriously, use a latex barrier for the best negro? Not brilliant!