I entered the dragon and was never the same
This board is for all morons like fagooneer, rick cocksucker, georgemicroinbred, funlovingdumbass and skimoron can all talk shit about tj and show how much of a waste of sperm they truly are. They all should be on a billboard saying look my daddy didn't use a condom. This board is getting overrun with dumbasses do all tj hating inbreds please keep your posts here thank you.
Relax and go have your fun. Then do a Review while you are there and tell us about it.
Why do you want me to post here?
You make a thread about TJ every day and now you make a silly thread like this about INTERNET beef SMH
The chicas in TJ are a different type of hot than what you see on television, just like strippers are a different type of hot from actresses.
If you enjoy Latin women and mongering TJ is a fun place to visit.
The only bashing of which I could be accused is towards revolving door hookers, which phenomenon isn’t exclusive to Mexico (or nexico) by any means.
My point was that traveling out of the country for that experience isn’t my thing.
As for sticking up for Louisville, since my experience differs so dramatically from yours, of *course* I’m going to stick up for it.
I respect other's view and especially their right to express it on this or any other forum.
In this instance, imagine every whoremonger in the US started going to HK every month? Millions or maybe even tens of millions of men pouring in all over the country to go to HK.
I would feel very sorry for the girls employed there if that happened.
If every whoremonger in the US went to TJ it would affect the US SC scene driving prices down because of the over supply of pussy but lack of customers.
Country has made it quite clear he doesn't appreciate when people disrespect TJ.
That's a good point.
I don't think you disrespect TJ either, Country named the culprits earlier.
I think all are entitled to express whatever and however they want.
"imagine every whoremonger in the US started going to HK every month? Millions or maybe even tens of millions of men pouring in all over the country to go to HK.
I would feel very sorry for the girls employed there if that happened."
Put another way that is a little more realistic...
imagine multitudes of all types of non-U.S. citizens in Mexico started going to the U.S. border attempting to cross illegally? Thousands or maybe even tens of thousands of illegal immigrants pouring in all over the border to go to the U.S.
I would feel very sorry for the legal residents of the U.S. if that happened.
I would.
And it is a totally realistic analogy. I heard that flagooner personally invites all illegal immigrants to his house for an orgy. So he knows what the HK girls would feel like in the “every monger goes to Tijuana scenario”!