

Avatar for JohnSmith69
JohnSmith69layin low but staying high

I’m headed to Baltimore soon and have several questions after reading some reviews. I’ve only been to Baltimore one other time, and when there I went to a club on the outskirts of town that I think was called the wagon wheel. I can’t find any listing for it it now.

The first question is should I go to the Block. With such a large concentration of strip clubs in a small area, it seems like maybe I should go just for the experience. However the clubs there seem to be mostly dives which is not my thing. I prefer to overpay young white strippers at high end clubs rather than do the dive thing. I also noticed that shitty parking options was a common theme of many reviews of clubs in the block. Generally speaking I don’t like downtown clubs where you can’t park next to the club. It’s unsafe to walk around downtown late at night with a bunch of money in your pockets.

So with that background, should I go to the Block. If so, what clubs should I go to? Hustler seems to be the most high end club on the block but the reviews were not particularly exciting. Chez Joey also sounded decent. And if I go to the Block where should I park? If I take an Uber is it safe to walk around that area late at night going to the various clubs?

I’m also wondering if I’d be better off outside of the Block, and if so where should I go. Penthouse sounded decent from the reviews, Ritz and Players also sounded like they had potential. I’m pretty sure those aren’t on the block. I’m looking for cute white girls, preferably blonds and redheads. And I’ll be there on weekdays, Tuesday thru Thursday. Is the wagon wheel still around, and if so what is it called today?

Last question, is there a good day shift club in Baltimore. The vast majority of the reviews of all of the clubs that I read said that the day shift sucked. Is there someplace that I’m missing?

I appreciate any advice from those who are knowledgeable.


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Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Hopefully you can get some up to date info but if you didn't see it this is an article from a couple of years ago:


Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ perhaps you can PM the article's OP

Avatar for twentyfive

With your anxiety about your visit several years ago I don’t think you’ll be very comfortable walking around the block at night, also you won’t have Rech and Papi or Clubber to hide behind ;)

Avatar for twentyfive

^ the body club sorry that dropped off

Avatar for flagooner

Make sure you hit Camden Yards.

Avatar for rickdugan

JS, the Players Club is the Wagon Wheel. In fact, last time I was there, the sign out front had Players Club on the top and then Wagon Wheel right below it in smaller letters. I guess the name changed a long time ago, but for a time they used both.

If you have never been to the Block, you really should go at least once for the experience. It is safe to walk around at night and very easy to bounce from one club to another. Expect the dancer drink hustle to be strong. If you are sitting with a dancer, the bartender will be all over you to buy a $25-30 dancer drink and the girl may leave if you refuse to buy at least one. And when that first one is finished, the bartender will be right back over to offer another. It is a big part of how everyone, including the bartenders, get paid in those clubs.

I would strongly suggest an Uber as parking can be hit or miss and some street guy will invariably shake you down for a tip to "watch your car" anyway.

Other than that,my intel is too stale to be useful. When I visited more often, the Player's Club was my favorite because of the widespread nudity and byob. It's 40 or so to get in, but you drink for free from your own stash after. But Player's can also be expensive for anything more dicey. I found the clubs on the Block to be a little more conducive to OTC, but the quality of the girls was hit or miss and many of them are hardcore hustlers used to a lot of tourist traffic.

Good luck!

Avatar for rickdugan

JS, the Players Club is the Wagon Wheel. In fact, last time I was there, the sign out front had Players Club on the top and then Wagon Wheel right below it in smaller letters. I guess the name changed a long time ago, but for a time they used both.

If you have never been to the Block, you really should go at least once for the experience. It is safe to walk around at night and very easy to bounce from one club to another. Expect the dancer drink hustle to be strong. If you are sitting with a dancer, the bartender will be all over you to buy a $25-30 dancer drink and the girl may leave if you refuse to buy at least one. And when that first one is finished, the bartender will be right back over to offer another. It is a big part of how everyone, including the bartenders, get paid in those clubs.

I would strongly suggest an Uber as parking can be hit or miss and some street guy will invariably shake you down for a tip to "watch your car" anyway.

Other than that,my intel is too stale to be useful. When I visited more often, the Player's Club was my favorite because of the widespread nudity and byob. It's 40 or so to get in, but you drink for free from your own stash after. But Player's can also be expensive for anything more dicey. I found the clubs on the Block to be a little more conducive to OTC, but the quality of the girls was hit or miss and many of them are hardcore hustlers used to a lot of tourist traffic.

Good luck!

Avatar for TippingDollars

Go to Penthouse Club. Plenty of pretty white girls who you can waste money on there.

Avatar for rogertex

I'd go to the block if I ever find myself whining about Texas clubs - just so I feel good about my home clubs all over again.
You can experience every aspect of strip-clubbing at the block - and each one will be sub-par.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Don’t go to Players/Wagon Wheel unless you want to be disappointed. Was my favorite club for a decade but it’s been circling the drain for a couple years. If you read the reviews you’ll get the feel. They do usually have 6-10 girls and hot, white girls, but the experience ends there. Baltimore isn’t good now. Try Penthouse and Ritz. Also, dayshift and food at Millstream is good if you have low expectations. Outside the city, pasties bar and low mileage, but good if you just want to look at pretty girls on the cheap and have a decent meal.

Avatar for 4got2wipe

JohnSmith69, regardless of where you go come back to us with a brilliant crazy story! ;)

Avatar for beekers

No one has mentioned the Gold Club. I had a couple of pretty good afternoon experiences there - one girl was a champion pole trickster. It's on the same lot as a pit beef restaurant that is worth the trip.

I haven't been to the Block for a long time. I went to Chez Joey and it was okay in the afternoon, but short on young cuties. Street parking is the only option if you're driving, and the street guys will offer to wash your car. The guy that came up to me claimed the police allowed the homeless to 'wash' cars to make a few bucks.
I didn't buy in. However, my vehicle has never been vandalized in the daytime or early evening. A Baltimore police station is right in the neighborhood.

I hope this helps. Let us know your experiences there.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Gold Club is hit or miss. I’ve taking a liking to it, but it took a few visits to identify the girls I liked. If JS is into cute, white girls, GGC is even more of a longshot. The dancers there tend to be older and a good number of black girls. He’s going to be in town Tu-Th so chances are lower for the young white girls during the day. Could get lucky though. It only takes one girl to make a club great for an hour or two.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Thanks for the suggestions. Frankly Baltimore does not sound like as good of a town for strip clubs as I thought it was. But we shall see.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ seems it was good/better a few years ago

Avatar for Mate27

Rick Dugan, I thought you didn’t use Uber due to an electronic record of them dropping you off at the clubs and you didn’t want your wife to find out?

I take a taxi to make sure no Trail is made of my haunts.

Avatar for groundball

Agree with the comments from @JimmyMcNulty. I have still been going to Players Club/Wagon Wheel out of habit more than anything else, it's BYOB and nude, and they'll give you a break on the cover charge if you say you're from out of state. Only thing I'd add is if you are in town midweek (Tues-Thurs) note that Players has been closing early, like midnight recently.

Avatar for rickdugan

@Meat, I don't use Uber, but JS apparently does and I was responding to his question of Uber vs. driving. Anything I do club related is cash and carry.

Avatar for Roadworrier

Just FYI, Penthouse Club is what used to be called Scores. I’m about the only area SCer who has never been there, mainly because I don’t have a crappy car to park in the lot across the street that I don’t care about getting vandalized.

The Hustler Club is pretty dire now (laps aren’t even topless, VIP rooms are ridiculously expensive). The rest of the Block is just sad.

Millstream used to have a few awesome (both hot and friendly) girls but that was a few years ago. It is effectively a restaurant and bar with strippers (wearing pasties and tattoos), VIP rooms are expensive there but it’s the only way you get two-way touching other than the “tip walk” (which by the way, is a thing at several clubs in Baltimore, where they collect dirhams from everyone sitting both at the tables and the bar).

Gold Club can be fun with the right dancers, but they seem to be dead until late. They have a great pit BBQ nearby called Chaps, which literally sits in front of the GGC parking lot.

I thought I would like Ritz when I went there, but the dancers seem to lack basic social skills.

Fantasies is an upscale club in a very downscale area, and the dancers are woefully inconsistent.

In general, the nekkid wimminz in Baltimore have turned into a bad teeth and tattoo parade.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

"... Penthouse Club is what used to be called Scores. I’m about the only area SCer who has never been there, mainly because I don’t have a crappy car to park in the lot across the street that I don’t care about getting vandalized ..."

You could use Uber

Avatar for yahtzee74

Parking at the Block isn't as dire as people make out. If you read the Hustler Club reviews quite a few people mention using parking garages right around the corner. That's what I do. Hustler might have been a decent choice for you because you don't mind overpaying but reviews usually say it's pretty dead midweek.

Gold Club doesn't have many hot young white girls but Gold Club and Player Club are super close to each other if you want to try both you could. Gold Club has a lot girls there on Wednesdays because it's $20 lap dance day(usually $30). Gold Club used to have this hot blonde white girl who would dance completely naked for her whole 3 song set. But I haven't been there in a long time and never learned her name so no clue if she is still there.

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