Trying to find motivation to write more reviews

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I have several years worth of VIP in the bank, which I rightly earned by providing good intel about a number of club visits. But I have to be honest that I'm now struggling to find the motivation to keep doing so. The one remaining motivation I had was the ability to influence a club's ratings due to having higher review/club counts.

But founder took privilege away after one member shamefully abused it, so now a 1 and 1 troll gets as much sway as a guy with 200+ clubs under his belt. I understand why he did it, but now the shills are in charge of club ratings, which I think is a greater harm than one dipshit doing some random damage because he's on the rag or has an agenda.

Believe it or not, the ability to influence ratings even motivated me to venture out every so often and try a thinly reviewed club. So yes, in some ways, this even impacts my willingness to TOFFT or to seek out a hidden gem as writing reviews was often an extension of my club fun.

Anyway, hopefully I'll find some altruistic reason soon as I have trips coming up and I haven't updated some local club reviews in a while, but idk.


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avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Altruistic really cry me a river lol
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
^25, exactly. You're highlighting my point. People rarely write reviews on here purely for altruistic reasons, myself included. Many do it to earn VIP, but a sub-set of seasoned hounds on here already have a lot of VIP in the bank. What motivates those seasoned hounds to keep writing reviews and building up their club counts if it doesn't do anything for them?
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Rick! Rick! Rick!
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Lol. I did not realize that we could “bank” the VIP. I just write reviews because I think it adds to the hobby. I truly rely on these and I feel that if I go to a club that has not been reviewed much or it has not been reviewed in awhile, then I actually enjoy TOFTT. That last several places that I reviewed fall in that category because I am located in and travel to small town areas that have these out of the way clubs that can turn into gems.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Nice tits and sweet naked women is all the motivation one should need.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
^To go to a club, no doubt. But what is the motivation to write a review if you have over 5 years of VIP?

And no, I am not suggesting that users not be able to retain earned VIP. If they earned it, they should be able to keep it. I'm just suggesting that reverting back to a system which gives experienced reviewers a bit more say on the ratings is (1) fair; (2) will provide motivation for seasoned hounds to keep writing reviews; and (3) is more conducive to better rating intel in most instances. I understand that founder wishes that he never included ratings in the first place, but they are here now and people use them, especially when researching travel clubs in heavily populated club regions.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
While I don't have the banked time you do, I enjoy writing reviews because I get to relive the adventure.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
I never knew that a review by a frequent contributor once counted for more in calculating the club rating.

I have no idea to what extent (if any) my reviews factored into a club’s ratings and patronage.

A few years ago I wrote about how one of the clubs I liked to frequent had a VIP, VIP room but that it didn’t open until at least 7 PM. Despite this, for a small fee, I was allowed to go to the VIP, VIP room with my dancer well before 7 PM with the result that we had the place all to ourselves.

Within a month or two of posting these reviews, I found that the VIP, VIP room was getting pretty full in the mid-afternoons.

Of course, I don’t know if my reviews had anything to do with it, but I suspected they did.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
I have enough reviews for VIP credit until 2025. I don't travel much anymore and the only club I really visit is Follies. Follies really doesn't need another review by me or any one else unless something drastically changes and needs to be reported.

However I do do a review on Follies every 3 or 4 months just because I have a lot of TUSCL friends that want to hear that I'm still alive and well.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
For me, Cristobal hit the head on the nail. I don't keep a journal of my exploits. But I can go back to read my reviews and remember some very good times.

Also, I have found many clubs that I have enjoyed spending time in because of TUSCL. So I feel a little bit of "pass it forward" to let others know what I have learned.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago…

I wonder if @Dugan tried to post this as @48cowboy and forgot to switch accounts.
avatar for gSteph
6 years ago
Read some of your reviews. Wish more were as well written/useful.
avatar for bullzeye
6 years ago
FWIW, I’ve enjoyed reading many reviews for the intel but sometimes just as much for the stories themselves. Sometimes it’s for some of the amazing and crazy experiences you guys have had. Sometimes it’s for a wacky or bizarre part of a visit. Either way, I have and still do enjoy many of the stories posted here and wish everyone would continue to add them.
avatar for bullzeye
6 years ago
FWIW, I’ve enjoyed reading many reviews for the intel but sometimes just as much for the stories themselves. Sometimes it’s for some of the amazing and crazy experiences you guys have had. Sometimes it’s for a wacky or bizarre part of a visit. Either way, I have and still do enjoy many of the stories posted here and wish everyone would continue to add them.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
I have added 15 reviews this year (since September). Does that mean that I won’t have to pay to be in VIP this coming July?
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I never really thought about any weighting of ratings in regard to the overall rating of the club, It could make a difference in smaller markets, but where I club, if I'm not enjoying any particular club for whatever reason, it's just a matter of lifting my ass off the barstool, and heading a few miles in any given direction and hitting a different club.
Now I will admit to writing reviews for the membership privileges, but I'm not a natural writer like some of you are and it doesn't come easy, so I feel this is also my contribution to this community, and I do believe in community service, always have.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@Nidan just go to the bottom of the page hit the settings button your profile will come up and it will show how much credit you have banked, assuming you're logged in of course
avatar for Daddillac
6 years ago
I never thought of what I would get out of it... be it VIP days or influence.... kind of a selfish way of thinking. I always wrote the reviews to help out other people and I still will. If you are contemplating stopping writing reviews because you don't get enough for yourself then go ahead and stop, I doubt anyone will miss your expertise
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
I guess there are a lot of altruistic types here. I wonder if this is representative or just a vocal minority - kinda like all the guys here who post about having girls come to their hotels and NOT have sex. ;)

All I can say is that I've written over 180 reviews on this site and, while I like to contribute or else I would never have hit that mark, I find myself far more motivated when there is an additional meaningful component to it.
avatar for Dolfan
6 years ago
While I like the idea of more experienced clubbers reviews weighing more than those of less experienced ones, I still find the ratings to be of very low value to begin with. So its really not an issue. I would think if the motivation is to help others find the most enjoyable club, simply writing a comprehensive review should be motivation enough.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Dolfan, when one is trying to sift through 30+ club options in a given area, the ratings tend to take on more meaning. It's naive to believe that there are not folks who use the ratings to help sort through the options before diving into reviews - I know I used to when they had at least some value. Now they do indeed have none since shills can now prop up one club and trash others.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
I think I said it on the other thread that was made on this subject, but I still stand by that I think some type of hashtag system to give brief descriptions of clubs, before the club’s page gets clicked on, would be the more useful way to go.
avatar for iknowbetter
6 years ago
The interesting discussion is “why do TUSCLers write reviews?” I think it’s because PLs want to share their SC experiences with like minded company, and the anonymity of TUSCL provides this opportunity. I might be speaking only for myself here, but SC mongering is a secret hobby for me. Don’t expect me to be telling my family, friends, business partners, or clients all about the amazing BBBJ that I just got from a smoking hot Colombian. They just wouldn’t understand. But the members of TUSCL do.
avatar for Daddillac
6 years ago
I think experienced PL's reviews should count more than the average person towards the rating. That being said I rarely if ever use the rating system.... I get the point of sifting through 30 different clubs but there are many ways to do your research. I usually look to see the number of reviews, recent reviews, then I read a few till I find someone that looks like a recent player in that market, then look at their other reviews. Probably more work than just looking at a rating but I enjoy digging.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I don't necessarily think weighing reviews is foolproof - SCers have different tastes so an experienced SCer may downgrade an o/w well-liked club bc it's not his cup of tea or he may have had an unpleasant episode unique to him - I think weighing reviews is inexact at best and can hurt possibly hurt the ratings or help them - K.I.S.S.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
^ Yeah that’s true. Baby Dolls in Dallas seems very well liked and highly rated on this site. And yet I know there is one individual who dislikes that club because of its watered down mixed drinks and fast hustle from the dancers.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

I write reviews to share with the community but more importantly I get to relive the good, funny, and bad experiences one more time.

Sometimes, as I recollect I wonder: did that really happen to me?

For example, I reviewed Bliss Showgirls in COI because no one reviewed it for 6 or 7 months and I had a great time visiting and lots of fun writing it up.

If TUSCL members enjoy and/or benefit from my reviews great but really I write them for my benefit.
avatar for Roadworrier
6 years ago
I can be both motivated and unmotivated for the reasons given above. But in general:

Motivations - Sharing an experience, good or bad, that if nothing else reminds me what the hell I want.

Unmotivations - Spending money at a club because it’s “there”, even though they won’t (or can’t) offer anything worthwhile. Or potentially getting ripped off.
avatar for Roadworrier
6 years ago
I can be both motivated and unmotivated for the reasons given above. But in general:

Motivations - Sharing an experience, good or bad, that if nothing else reminds me what the hell I want.

Unmotivations - Spending money at a club because it’s “there”, even though they won’t (or can’t) offer anything worthwhile. Or potentially getting ripped off.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
===> "Baby Dolls in Dallas seems very well liked and highly rated on this site. And yet I know there is one individual who dislikes that club because of its watered down mixed drinks and fast hustle from the dancers."

I think the expensive 1 oz short shot pourss, charges for water backs and the goofy self entitled hustlers were really the reason that the one member doesn't like it. But we do know that Baby Dolls is loved by its employees, who own more tuscl shill accounts than juice does troll accounts. ;)

Nice trolling btw nice. ☺
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@Rick why don’t you write a review of Baby Dolls ;)
avatar for rockie
6 years ago
Rick: I think you travel so much that you are looking for a "rewards" program offering in anything that you participate in. I've never considered wanting more credit for longevity, suggested contribution levels, et al on TUSCL. I certainly read more on TUSCL than I post, but I could care less whether I'm given a TUSCL contributor point rating based on certain qualifiers or not. That said, I've always appreciated many of your thoughts here and on the pink site (past), whether our views align or not. A non pointed system allows new posters to know that their posting (good or bad) has equal footing and offers them incentive to return. A new poster (with worthless reviews) can be controlled by the verified if the need exists and the verified members see it the same. I can be controlled the same way!
avatar for AZFourTwenty
6 years ago
Review statistics are subject to so many biases they are only viewed as a guide.. Weighting based upon # of reviews will not significantly change ratings. I know you think you are super reviewer strip club expert, but in reality your view of a club is based upon a visit passing thru. Understanding that clubs vary between day and night and day of the week, anyone passing thru might be there at a good or bad time that is not indicative of the club overall.

If we want to weight ratings, (which really wouldn't change much), I propose that the people who visit the club more often receive a higher weighting than the traveler, after all, they know more about the club. But since I understand that weighting has little value I digress.

I think it boils down to the simple fact that you think your opinion on a club is more valuable than someone else, even though everyone goes for different reasons.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Actually AZ, minus the trolls and shills, I think that almost any seasoned reviewer's opinions are more valuable than 1 and 1 shills or newbies.

I actually don't disagree with the notion that some guy who has 20 reviews all in a local area probably has a better handle than I do on a club. But it's rarely those guys that I'm taking issue with and my ratings are likely to sync up with theirs 9 times out of 10.
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